

The Threads administrative page shows the threads that are currently active or in a waiting state. By default, all active threads are shown but you can also filter the list in order to only show the threads that you are interested in. Viewing the XperienCentral application's threads makes it possible to debug problems.

To view the Threads page, navigate to the following URL in a browser:

<domain>/{context path}/admin/threads

For example:


Filtering Threads

In the "Filtering" section, you can filter the threads that are shown in the list according to various criteria. You can filter the threads list as descrobed below. If you specify more than one filtering rule, the rules have an "AND" relationship with each other.

Filter CriteriaDescription
Minimum stack sizeSpecifies the minimum number of rules (thread dumps) to display.
Thread name patternDisplays only the threads that match the specified pattern. The format of the pattern is the thread name that appears between the square brackets, for example, "ActiveFetcherThread" and "CachedUrlBuilderCacheCleaner". You can add wildcards to display all threads that match a specific pattern, for example "FelixFrameworkWiring*".
Method name patternDisplays only methods that match the specified pattern. The format of the pattern is the method name that appears after the "at" declaration with periods (.) escaped with a backslash (\), for example "sun\.misc\.Unsafe\.park.*".
StateThe state of the thread. The possible states are:
  • New — The thead is scheduled but has not yet started.
  • Runnable — The thread is currently being executed in the Java virtual machine (JVM).
  • Blocked — The thread is currently blocked and is waiting for another condition to become true.
  • Waiting — The thread is waiting for another thread to perform a particular action.
  • Timed_waiting — The thread is waiting for a specific amount of time for another thread to perform a particular action.
  • Terminated — The thread has completed its task and exited.
Minimum stack sizeThe minimum size of the stacks to render. The threads that are shown as a result are only those that are no larger than the minimum size specified.
Maximum stack sizeThe maximum size of the stacks to render. The threads that are shown as a result are only those that are smaller than the maximum size specified.

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