Scheduling Jobs

Scheduling Jobs

Some regularly performed tasks in XperienCentral can be configured to be executed on a scheduled basis. Almost all of the settings for these tasks can be found in the General tab of the Setup Tool. You configure these scheduled jobs using the supported Unix Cron format. In XperienCentral, two different formats are used; one for the Scheduling Services and one for the Search Engine. Follow the examples in the appropriate section below to schedule tasks in your deployment. For more information on the Cron format used in XperienCentral, see the Quartz Scheduler documentation. GX Software uses Quartz version 1.8.6, which is a somewhat older version of that software, therefore the Quartz documentation may describe features that are not available in XperienCentral.

See Scheduled Tasks for information on developing plugins that perform tasks on a scheduled basis.

In This Topic

Scheduling Services Jobs

The following Quartz format is used for the XperienCentral Scheduling Services:

.------------------- Seconds (0 - 59 [,-*/])
|  .---------------- Minutes (0 - 59 [,-*/])
|  |  .------------- Hours (0 - 23 [,-*/])
|  |  |  .---------- Day of month (1 - 31 [,-*?/LWC])
|  |  |  |  .------- Month (1 - 12 or JAN-DEC [,-*/])
|  |  |  |  |  .---- Day of week (1 - 7 or SUN-SAT [,-*?/LC#])
|  |  |  |  |  |  .- Year (OPTIONAL: empty or 1970-2099 [,-*/])
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Scheduling Services Examples

Below are some examples that demonstrate the Cron format used by the Scheduling Services in XperienCentral.

0 3 1,4,19,21 * * *Schedules a service to run every day at 01:03:00, 04:03:00, 19:03:00 and 21:03:00. 
0 */10 * * * *Schedules a service to run every 10 minutes every day.
0 45 9 1,15 * *Schedules a service to run on the 1st and 15th of every month at 09:45:00
0 0 2 ? * *Schedules a service to run at 02:00 every day.

Search Engine Jobs

The following Cron format is used for the XperienCentral Search Engine. Note that this format omits seconds and the year:

.---------------- Minutes (0 - 59 [,-*/])
|  .------------- Hours (0 - 23 [,-*/])
|  |  .---------- Day of month (1 - 31 [,-*?/LWC])
|  |  |  .------- Month (1 - 12 or JAN-DEC [,-*/])
|  |  |  |  .---- Day of week (1 - 7 or SUN-SAT [,-*?/LC#])
|  |  |  |  |
*  *  *  *  *

Below are some examples that demonstrate the Cron format used by the XperienCentral search engine.

0 0 * * *Schedules a service to run every day at 00:00. 
30 2 * * *Schedules a service to run at 02:30 every day.
55 * * * *Schedules a service to run at 55 minutes after each hour every day.

See also Search Engine Configuration.

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