System Utilities

System Utilities

The System Utilities functionality contains the following tools:

  • A Java logging tool to filter and view Java log messages.
  • A file browser used to browse through files on the web server as well as upload/download files from a local client to and from the web server.

In This Topic

Java Logging

The Java logging tool enables you to view Java logging messages for debugging purposes. By means of a filter mechanism you can adjust which messages you want to view. The tool can be used by system administrators for problem diagnosis and by software developers for detailed tracing. Java logging messages are produced by the standard java.util.logging class. For other logging options in XperienCentral, see Logs. For a complete documentation of Java logging see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/logging/Logger.html (link to Oracle).

Java logging messages appear in the Tomcat console as well, however, the Java logging tool described here has the following advantages:

  • Usually the Tomcat console only shows warnings and errors. Lower level messages are not shown for performance reasons. With this tool, you can easily view all available logging messages.
  • You usually cannot access the Tomcat console remotely. This Java logging tool can be accessed directly from XperienCentral.

The filter mechanism gives you a choice enabling specific loggers as well as the severity level to show for each.


Applications make logging calls on loggers. Typically, a logger is associated with a Java class or package. In general, a logger has the same name as the class or package for which it is used. The name includes the path in the package tree, for example: nl.gx.product.systemwcb.log.panel.AvailableTabController.

With this tool you can connect loggers to filter on logging messages of specific Java classes or packages. Logger selection works in a hierarchical way. By only giving the upper part of a path, you select all loggers that are lower in the hierarchy. For instance, by enabling:


You can also select the loggers:


Severity Levels

For each logger you can select one of seven levels ranging from the highest level SEVERE, to the lowest level FINEST. When selecting a specific severity level you also enable logging at all the higher levels. For example, if you select level INFO, you will enable the logging at the levels of INFO, WARNING and SEVERE. The available logging levels in descending order are:

  • SEVERE (highest)
  • INFO
  • FINE
  • FINEST (lowest)

In addition, you can select the level ALL in order to enable the logging of all possible messages (the same as selecting FINEST).

Other Handlers

The standard Java logging facility provides different logging handlers. This tool uses the MemoryHandler which means that you can connect various loggers and for each logger you can set a severity level. In addition, this tool affects two other handlers for which you can only set a severity level:

  • ConsoleHandler: In XperienCentral, this handler is used by the Tomcat console.
  • FileHandler: In XperienCentral, this handler is used by a number of logging files. These files are located in an Apache Tomcat directory, for example in: C:\GX\XperienCentral9\apache-tomcat\logs.

With this Java logging tool, you can choose the level at which the handlers should pass through logging messages. You can separately set the level for the ConsoleHandler and the FileHandler.

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Available Loggers

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System Utilities and then click [Available loggers].
  2. On the [Available loggers] tab,  select the loggers you want to connect.
  3. Click[Connect logger]. The tool will switch to the [Connected loggers] tab and list the connected loggers. The list may also show other loggers that were connected earlier.
  4. For each logger, select the desired lowest severity level and then click [Apply].

Do not select a large number of loggers with low severity levels because this can reduce performance considerably.

Disconnecting Loggers Before Closing

After closing the Java logging tool, active loggers remain connected for 30 minutes. Therefore, for performance reasons, you might want to disconnect all loggers before closing the logging tool.

To disconnect loggers, follow these steps:

  1. On the tab [Connected loggers], select the loggers you want to disconnect (delete).
  2. Click [Apply]. The checked loggers are removed from the list.

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Show Log Entries

  1. After setting the loggers and severity levels, select the [Show log entries] tab. This tab shows the messages that were logged. The list is not refreshed automatically.
  2. To refresh the list, click [Update].
  3. To delete the list, click [Clear].

The buffer size is 1000 log messages. When the buffer is full, the oldest log messages are overwritten.

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On the [Handlers] tab, there are three standard handlers for which you can set the logging level and view on the [Show log entries] tab.

  1. Select the tab [Handlers]. The tab shows the levels that currently have been set for the FileHandler, ConsoleHandler, and the nl.gx.product.wcbmanconsole.managementpanel.WcbErrorLogTabController$ErrorLogHandler handlers.
  2. Select the desired lowest levels from the drop-down lists.
  3. Click[Set logger levels]. From now on, the handlers will only pass through logging messages with severity levels up to the lowest set level.

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Managing Web Server Files (Filebrowser)

The file browser allows you to browse through files on the web server. You can choose from one or more web server directories to browse through. Directories and files are shown in a tree view which you can expand and collapse. You can move, copy, delete and rename directories and files. In addition you can create directories (folders) and upload files from your client computer to the web server. When uploading a zip file you can choose to automatically extract the file on the web server.

The directory structure follows that of the J2EE specification - see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs90/webapp/configurewebapp.html.

The directory or directories that users can browse are defined by the file_browser_directories setting in the "website settings" section of the General tab in the XperienCentral Setup Tool.

 To use the file browser, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System Utilities and then click the [Filebrowser] tab.
  2. Expand the directory tree in the "Content" panel in order to expand the web server directory you want to browse through.
  3. To select a directory or file, click it in the list.

Copying a Directory or File

  1. Select the directory or file to be copied.
  2. Click the [Copy] button.
  3. Select the destination directory.
  4. Click the [Paste] button. The directory or file is copied to the destination.

Deleting a Directory or File

  1. Select the directory or file to be deleted.
  2. Click the [Delete] button. You are prompted to confirm.
  3. Click [OK]. The directory or file is deleted.

Renaming a Directory or File

  1. Select the directory or file to be renamed.
  2. In the Name field, change the name.
  3. Click the [Rename] button. The name is changed.

Creating a Directory

  1. Select the directory in which the new (sub) directory is to be created.
  2. Click the [New folder] button. A directory named New folder is created.
  3. Rename the directory.

Uploading a File From Your Client Computer

  1. Click the [Browse] button. A browser window for your client computer appears.
  2. Browse and select the file to be uploaded. The selected path and file name appear in the input field.
  3. In the case of a zip file, choose whether or not to automatically extract the file at the web server.
  4. Select the destination directory at the web server.
  5. Press the [Upload] button. The file is transferred from your client computer to the web server. If requested so, a zip file is automatically extracted.

File/Directory Properties

For each file or directory you select, the following properties are shown for it:

File SizeThe size of the file in bytes.
Last modification dateThe date and time that the file was last modified or the directory was created.
Read-onlySpecifies whether the file/folder is read-only.
HiddenSpecifies whether the file or directory is hidden on the web server.
Number of filesSpecifies the number of files that are selected or, if a directory is selected, how many files are stored in that directory.
Number of foldersSpecifies the number of sub-directories contained within the currently selected directory.

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