Changelog per Version

Changelog per Version

This topic shows the changelog for each new version of XperienCentral and its addons. The changelogs include a summary of the following:

  • New features that have been added
  • Improvements that have been made
  • Change requests that have been resolved

  • Bugs that have been fixed
  • Changes that have been made to the documentation

The issue numbers are also a link to the full Jira issue.

  • All changes that have been made to a particular version of XperienCentral are always included in the releases listed above it. There are times when a lower-numbered release appears above one with a higher release version number, for example XperienCentral version R29.3 is listed above R30. What this means is that version R30 contains all the changes made in R29.2 (and lower) but it does not contain changes made in version R29.3. The reason for this is that a "patch release" for a previously released version is sometimes created in order to pick up important bug fixes and/or security improvements.
  • See also Upgrade Notes per Version for further actions you may be required to take after upgrading to each version of XperienCentral.
 XperienCentral R46

XperienCentral R46

Release date: December 2, 2024

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[XC-565] - Language labels keys are case sensitive
[XC-713] - Error when closing the search Panel
[XC-776] - CSP Filter catches exceptions
[XC-892] - A11Y: Fieldset should be used for radio buttons and checkboxes
[XC-909] - PageSections missing "Include in Search Engine" property
[XC-913] - Warning on other servers when installing bundle
[XC-917] - ObjectAlreadyExistsException on startup
[XC-928] - Authorization panel should not send state of all users only updated states
[XC-935] - GenericObjectPool Passing 'null' argument to parameter annotated as @NotNull
[XC-974] - Update solr configuration files to latest standards and project improvements
[XC-994] - Monitoring Framework API - NoClassDefFoundError
[XC-1005] - Endless recursion in formvalidation.js when nesting conditions
[XC-1022] - Import fails in some instances with class cast error
[XC-1027] -
Error after removing content item property value from modular media item
[XC-1028] -
Error "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine"
[XC-1069] -
The filterHTML tags from the wmfn function library should not remove relative links
[XC-1084] -
Warning Number of nested sessions is 4 for Index All Providers
[XC-1095] -
RelatedResourceLink and other RelatedLink types public implementation methods should not be final
[XC-1106] -
Layout add field only works when editing a field
[XC-1110] -
Content item locks not always released
[XC-1114] -
HeaderFilter doesn't support IPV6 on the X_Forwarded_For header filtering
[XC-1122] -
Form fragment broken after changing presentation to headless
[XC-1123] -
GraphQL Nullpointer when retrieving non existing ForumMessage
[XC-1127] -
AuthorisationIP cannot parse IPv6 addresses
[XC-1128] -
Newsletter and external link checker modules are broken
[XC-1129] - Passing on of Read Access and Page Section behaves inconsistently
[XC-1155] -
Last login date is not updated
[XC-1160] -
Wrong presentation (variant) used for retrieving PresentationProperties
[XC-1181] -
Edit properties dialog not opened when in Edit mode
[XC-1185] - Datepicker overwrites date with wrong value after saving without change
[XC-1213] - Language labels present by default are not editable
[XC-1244] - SVG to Webp conversion is not supported by JDeli
[XC-1257] - Target page for MediaItemDownloadVersion and MediaItemImageVersion doesn't fallback to homepage
[XC-1258] - Ignore empty CSP reports
[XC-1259] - Modular templates with custom modular types might not load properly on secondary channels
[XC-1260] - Support X-Forwarded-Prefix when redirecting old friendly urls
[GXWM-39660] - Fix X-Forwarded-Prefix header support
[GXWM-39663] - Advanced search sometimes doesn't show results
[GXWM-39670] - Presentation statics removal is very slow
[GXWM-39672] - query tag is broken when using non jndi resource
[GXWM-39673] - Redirect issues


[XC-499] - Remove jQuery usages from the frontend Interactive Forms code
[XC-719] - Read-more links context
[XC-779] - Make form error messages clearer
[XC-973] - Support runtime configruation of JCR caching layer
[XC-1224] - Support MariaDB Server 11.4


Search and Retrieve API


[XA-747] - Content-Type header is missing on response

 XperienCentral R45

XperienCentral R45

Release date: September 10, 2024

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[XC-461] - JCR Browser tab click broken
[XC-576] -
Design pass on checkboxes not working as expected
[XC-578] - Language Labels are recreated after a migration
[XC-581] - Hide IMediaItemVersion types when the type is disabled in XC
[XC-677] - The Audit Trail panel is sometimes unresponsive
[XC-682] - Query Panel preview button always throws a 403
[XC-690] - No notification mail for import/export job with errors or interrupted job

[XC-769] - Close sessions buttons not working
[XC-816] - Select from Object Manager broken in custom modular property definitions
[XC-860] - Modular content type name in GraphQL query is not consistent
[XC-903] -
Selection in Advanced Search Panel for MediaCollectionElement gets reversed
[XC-906] - Change tags bulk action does not work for shared tags
[XC-911] - Modular Content Predefined List sorting doesn't work
[XC-925] - Language label can't be updated when using shared languages configured on a secondary channel
[XC-929] - Editor can freeze when using lists in layout loops
[XC-956] - Imported content items are missing layouts
[XC-971] - Uploading a plugin after uploading a plugin with an old version number doesn't work
[XC-990] - Cannot link database entity to article
[XC-991] - Not all Solr indexes are being updated automatically
[XC-999] - Impossible to install a release version over a SNAPSHOT version
[XC-1003] - Database links in content are broken
[GXWM-37148] - Error and stacktrace when invoking application key login from API
[GXWM-39100] - Problems with IAF user input escaping
[GXWM-39415] - Language dropdown empty
[GXWM-39619] - Bulk action delete links not consequently same checked behavior
[GXWM-39641] - Linking Database entity to contentitem is broken
[GXWM-39668] - Solr replication is broken


[GXWM-37752] - JcrIndexChecker logs two non-warning messages on level WARNING
[GXWM-39611] - Add search facet for Database references
[GXWM-39635] - Improve entity manager performance by reducing number of jcr session saves
[GXWM-39636] - Improve IAF editor performance


[XC-271] - Make Node and npm required for building XC
[XC-309] - Add support for filter on Modular Content properties
[XC-692] - GDPR: Username stored in multiple places
[XC-718] - Aria-live error message for forms
[XC-720] - Provide means to retrieve values for setup configuration parameters via CredentialProvider

[XC-772] - Handling redirects in GraphQL
[XC-773] - Support Discussions in the GraphQL API
[XC-783] - Relative priority for EventHandlers
[XC-788] - GraphQL: better performing alternative for JCR observation listener on '/'
[XC-818] - Design template on page versions
[XC-893] - Remove deprecated components (see Upgrade Notes per Version > R45 > Deprecated Components)
[XC-910] - Show internal Jackrabbit UUID in JCR browser
[XC-912] - GraphQL cache the UUID to ContentId requests
[XC-930] - Page version specific presentation: current or planned
[XC-931] - Page version specific presentation: pass on settings
[XC-934] - Improve JCR caching efficiency
[XC-968] - Add GraphQL sorting for Modular Content Properties


Modular Content


[XA-521] - Missing filter in content selection with modular content
[XA-833] -
Modular content subtype 'date only' saves wrong value in JCR because of server time difference


[XA-578] - Tag property: Show website title when tag is shared from other channel
[XA-807] - Support modular properties of Database Entity type

Connector API


[XA-821] - Content item export fails on custom contenttype without content


[XA-832] - Adjust Logging levels in connector api to avoid cluttering the logs

 XperienCentral R44

XperienCentral R44

Release date: June 17, 2024

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[XC-235] - File Browser: Issue with newly created folders
[XC-469] - RSS Feed Element becomes empty after saving an incorrect URL
[XC-477] - New Special Page Type Panel preview box issues
[XC-509] - Cannot paste all copied elements on clipboard in IAF 
[XC-590] - Layout Authorization table broken since R41
[XC-603] - GraphQL returns results from all channels
[XC-607] - Log spammed with messages about filtered IP adresses from X-Forwarded-Host header
[XC-679] - CSP panel fails on validating valid reporting url
[XC-691] - GraphQL Text Element is missing fields
[XC-695] - Discussions are broken in the frontend
[XC-716] - Disabling unused content may also disable used content currently in use
[XC-744] - Image validation service does not allow style elements in SVG
[XC-748] - TLS does not work for notification emails
[XC-765] - Homepage query does not allow you to specify the language
[XC-791] - Unable to edit RSS feed elements when RSS feed URL is invalid
[GXWM-16743] - Condition for a formfragment inside a precondition section is not set correctly
[GXWM-39506] - Improve broken ssi behaviour
[GXWM-39614] - Removing and dumping Dumped Pages does not work properly.
[GXWM-39615] - Voting models are not shared when sharing media repository over multiple web initiatives
[GXWM-39634] - Documentation claims method setUploadFragmentValue is deprecated but it isn't actually deprecated
[GXWM-39644] - Unable to change presentation variants for (plugin based) elements
[GXWM-39646] - Presentation statics are not removed from disk when removed from plugin


[GXWM-38501] - Support JCR queries with OR and NOT
[GXWM-39146] - Support proxy in solr indexing
[GXWM-39281] - Plugin panel improvements
[GXWM-39337] - Improve performance of language label migration in R38+
[GXWM-39549] - Implement getReferencedContentItems for Mediabank Page

[GXWM-39618] - Add wilcard support for cors filter allowed_origins


[XC-303] - Add support for all XC's default elements
[XC-307] - Add support for result sorting 
[XC-308] - Add support for Modular Content Types
[XC-310] - Add support for Modular Content Elements
[XC-311] - Add support for Modular Page Metadata to GraphQL
[XC-574] - Add a getComponentDependency method in ComponentBundleActivatorBase
[XC-583] - Fix personalisation and link resolving for RichTextElements
[XC-646] - Make query complexity configurable
[XC-676] - GraphQL form fields and steps
[XC-711] - Remove the Image Map element from XperienCentral
[XC-727] - Automatically share flags when sharing content don't work
[XC-745] - Is Used In Widget doesn't correctly show more than 20 results
[XC-761] - CSP: Using nonces breaks HTML when using them within HTML attributes
[XC-784] - Implement caching for Modular Content
[XC-802] - Support sharing physical file among all versions of an image media item
[XC-814] - Support custom implementations in the GraphQL API
[XC-815] - Fix GraphQL naming and descriptions
[XC-819] - Support custom fragment implementations in the GraphQL API
[GXWM-39265] - Content can contain empty <a> tags

New Feature

[GXWM-36448] - Support SOLR replication


Modular Content 4.0.1


[XA-825] - Modular Content Element doesn't display errors
[XA-829] - Link to content items in modular content properties do not work

 XperienCentral R43

XperienCentral R43

Release date: March 4, 2024

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[XC-216] - The Edit button in Interactive Form Dialog doesn't redirect to the specific form
[XC-234] - XperienCentral cannot delete the initial image on Windows
[XC-248] - Fix Form Validator Variant bug in IAF
[XC-392] - Can't remove modular content template or modular content type
[XC-457] - Selecting a Database page in the Advanced Search popup visually selects all items
[XC-468] - Page Overview Adjust button only works once
[XC-472] - Identifier 'rangeInputs' has already been declared
[XC-476] - Open/Closing trees is not working in the Properties panel
[XC-480] - Search page not working on Page Parts WM Content
[XC-485] - The Search Element Properties shows raw HTML
[XC-487] - Headless presentation renders URLs with an escaped wm-hostname-prefix personalisation
[XC-488] - The XSLT Expressions link in Personalize Panel broken
[XC-489] - Advanced Search overlay broken in Import Content Panel
[XC-493] - Content Security Configuration Panel: not all tabs validate the domain name
[XC-494] - Content Security Configuration Panel: environment crashes when incorrect header is filled in
[XC-495] - Content Security Configuration Panel: Uncaught error in Plugin Type tab
[XC-500] - An exception is caused by wmedit:datePicker when using the date picker "Clear" button
[XC-501] - Purging a WCB does not work uninstall() is called on a stopped WCB
[XC-507] - Broken reference in the Channel Overview panel
[XC-510] - Maven-bundle-plugin > 5.1.4 causes bundle errors
[XC-555] - Invalid URLs in SOLR Search indexProviders
[XC-569] - Link suffix not shown in Link overview in Properties Dialog
[XC-585] - Popup link to external URL breaks the page
[GXWM-36841] - The Image Entity Management Service incorrectly determines whether planned items should be shown
[GXWM-36843] - Copying nested layouts with personalization breaks personalization variants
[GXWM-37886] - The PresentationContext does differentiate between inContext and preview mode
[GXWM-39163] - JcrIndexQueryManager caches non existing objects forever
[GXWM-39580] - Out of Memory issues when uploading JPEG images
[GXWM-39601] - Dragging a form into a new category is not working
[GXWM-39605] - The web/admin/statistics page is broken due to a CSP error
[GXWM-39606] - Using the taglib http://java.sun.com/jstl/x breaks the JSP
[GXWM-39609] - IAF - Uploaded files are not reliably cleared from disk
[GXWM-39610] - The Setup Tool automatically logs out after 30 seconds
[GXWM-39612] - Search field in select terms popup doesn't filter terms
[GXWM-39613] - wm:object tag does not return null when called with non-existent MediaTerm ID


[GXWM-37664] - Trigger a change event on the accepting input field after selecting content through the selectFromObjectManagerButton tag
[GXWM-38712] - Add a "Remove File(s)" option to the Upload fragment in Interactive Forms
[GXWM-39035] - Make the MediaFeed mechanism extensible
[GXWM-39476] - Implement a single XSL stylesheet in core


[XC-458] - Improve the Language Label caching strategy
[XC-459] - Improve CSP performance
[XC-462] - Improve JCR Indexing checking performance
[XC-505] - Improve Advanced Search performance
[XC-556] - Hide tags from other channels in Advanced Search
[XC-572] - Send an automatic email notification for failed import/export jobs

[XC-582] - Add Login with SSO link to the Login page


Connector API 3.6.22


[XA-787] - Connector API - Expose basic job/connector operations in a public service

Modular Content 3.0.1


[XA-689] - Unjustified error about invalid identifier


[XA-575] - Directly update mediaitem after selecting ContentItem(s)

 XperienCentral R42

XperienCentral R42

Release date: December 4, 2023

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-38607] - Exporting a form with an error results in a partial zip file
[GXWM-38970] - Function library formatExternalUrl method uses hardcoded http instead of https
[GXWM-39271] - Content overview element shows media page items as not public when the workflow model for pages and the Content Repository are different
[GXWM-39491] - Publication status is no longer shown in Advanced Search
[GXWM-39494] - Importing content from other channel of same installation does not work
[GXWM-39579] - External link with onClick attribute defined in link behavior breaks the Edit environment
[GXWM-39603] - Tab Layout example not working
[XC-22] - After switching "Show versions" to "All", the checkbox of the selected version is also enabled
[XC-31] - The "Page is not available in language" notification is not spaced
[XC-188] - The Layout element does not work for a Layout with the field mode Single line (flat)
[XC-249] - Modular Content: Metadata template added with unchecked option
[XC-260] - Links don't open in new window
[XC-279] - Modular Content Template disables checkboxes if they are not allowed to be checked
[XC-280] - Modular Content loses required template property upon import
[XC-287] - Selecting an item without an existing language version in the Site Structure tree fails
[XC-292] - Selected items in the Advanced Search Panel are not synchronising when switching between views
[XC-299] - Sorting in Advanced Search behaves unpredictably
[XC-338] - Double clicking on a user in the User Profiles panel returns a 403 error (Chrome Only)
[XC-339] - XC unavailable when changing certain settings in the CSP panel
[XC-353] - Content from wrong layout is used when switching layouts on page with multiple layouts
[XC-358] - JCR Browser panel: changing properties doesn't work properly
[XC-371] - The JCR Browser editor is not functioning properly
[XC-380] - The Status column doesn't sort in List view
[XC-390] - Layout field disappears on save
[XC-404] - Advanced Search Panel sorts inconsistently on Focus Point
[XC-405] - An image's Focus Point is not imported
[XC-414] - "Select page" and "del" buttons are don't work when multiple are present
[XC-456] - Pop-up window 404 error bug


[GXWM-39157] - Change the labels available for gender in the Web Users panel
[GXWM-39191] - Change the length limit for JCR indexable string properties from 256 to 2048 characters
[GXWM-39282] - Support DatabaseEntity instances in selectFromObjectManagerButton
[GXWM-39499] - Redirect target is shown in wrong language

New Feature

[GXWM-39542] - Add the possibility to specify term classifications for matching in content related media collection elements


[GXWM-39480] - Minify JavaScript from IAF
[GXWM-39485] - A removed item is still shown in a Content Overview
[XC-267] - Implement new design for the XC Login page
[XC-269] - Improve the functionality of the Audit Trail's Deleted tab
[XC-300] - Add base GraphQL Configuration to XC with MediaItemVersion query

[XC-301] - Add support for PageVersion retrieval to the GraphQL API


Modular Content 2.0.28


[XA-792] - Removed items linked to a modular property of type Contentitem are shown incorrectly
[XA-802] - Reset internal image value when setting new image
[XA-812] - Modular Content Export misses pagination on Predefined Lists tab

Connector API 3.6.22


[XA-804] - Content import fails with NullPointerException with MediaListElement without items
[XA-813] - getJobClusterTransfer in ImportExportSchedulerService is not thread-safe
[XA-814] - Incorrect mimetype used when exporting downloads


 XperienCentral R41

XperienCentral R41

Release date: September 20, 2023

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-12991] - It is not possible to delete the only version, but when there is more than one version, it is possible to delete all versions
[GXWM-37707] - Multiple languages based on English appear as one English language in Advanced Search
[GXWM-38497] - Multiple forms on the same page are not supported when using AJAX
[GXWM-38964] - Page watching is not working as expected
[GXWM-39201] - Incorrect escaping of user names in the list of watchers
[GXWM-39261] - The editable alternative text setting for Image media items is not duplicated
[GXWM-39362] - The canonicalUrl attribute of the wm:link tag does not support the passOn parameter
[GXWM-39439] - The target page is wrong when importing across different channels of the same installation


[GXWM-39262] - The URL title is first trimmed and then sanitized resulting in URLs ending in dashes
[GXWM-39266] - Notifications are sent to inactive users
[GXWM-39285] - The duplicate URL check is slow when the environment has a lot of redirects/dumped URLs
[GXWM-39497] - Reduce whitespace in the Site Structure widget

New Feature

[GXWM-39210] - Add the possibility to copy/paste a CSP policy as a whole into the CSP panel
[GXWM-39280] - Add WebP to image file type conversions


[GXWM-38557] - Extend google sitemap with images and language versions
[GXWM-39272] - Add thesaurus relations between tags to the export/import feature
[XC-6] - Choose a different layout without having to insert a new one
[XC-8] - Automatically set unused downloads to inactive status
[XC-9] - Expand the personalization of the Advanced Search columns
[XC-35] - Extend and improve the gx-component-library using the latest design
[XC-40] - Copy fields with the same name when choosing a different layout
[XC-192] - Remove YourKit from the SDK
[XC-193] - Remove Derby from the SDK
[XC-194] - Remove Cargo from the SDK


Headless Integration 2.2.14


[XA-720] - Content type filtering does not support custom content types

 XperienCentral R40

XperienCentral R40

Release date: July 20, 2023

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-11666] - Categories are shown in other web initiatives even though the Content Repository hasn't been shared
[GXWM-29573] - Updating a related download link to an Image fails
[GXWM-34279] - Warning about Formelement during the startup of XC
[GXWM-38052] - Login is not registered in the last login property of a user in the Authorization panel
[GXWM-38502] - Support JCR indexable properties with long names
[GXWM-38845] - Custom facet for Advanced Search is not language independent
[GXWM-39036] - The Media Feed shouldn't return anything when filtering on non existing tags
[GXWM-39158] - SOLR does not shut down properly when stopping Tomcat
[GXWM-39165] - The redirect to the login URL is incorrect when XC runs without an extension
[GXWM-39263] - Media items have a duplicate "Include in Search Engine" property
[GXWM-39264] - Incorrect display on page used when chosen one does not have a version in the default language
[GXWM-39273] - The Audit Trail panel freezes the XC environment
[GXWM-39275] - Navigating to a page version in the Edit environment sometimes works incorrectly
[GXWM-39276] - The Interactive Forms panel breaks on environments with only one active language
[GXWM-39278] - The Content Security Configuration panel is sometimes unresponsive
[GXWM-39279] - Opening edit presentation of image element uploads new copy of image
[GXWM-39287] - The Interactive Forms version control overlay is not showing
[GXWM-39290] - Language labels are not created on all web initiatives during an upgrade
[GXWM-39299] - The copying of elements on a page is broken since R39
[GXWM-39324] - wm-hostname personalization is shown in HTML output
[GXWM-39325] - The standard tag library is incompatible with Java 17
[GXWM-39354] - ImageTag breaks on URLs with wm-hostname-prefix personalization
[GXWM-39482] - Support wm-hostname(-prefix) personalizations in wmfn:urlEncode method
[XC-30] - Site Structure Widget: Icon is missing in Copy all functionality
[XC-139] - Rename simple-scrollbar.js.uncompressed to simple-scrollbar.js


[XC-131] - Update the MSSQL driver to version 12.2.0


[GXWM-39039] - Add a mechanism to specify the content index property name
[GXWM-39049] - Improve the performance for generating the client-side framework jsp of a form step which contains many form fragments
[GXWM-39110] - Support JCR queries using wildcard(s) on nodetype(s)


[GXWM-38732] - Last modified user and last modified date are not updated for page versions when issuing an entity update event
[GXWM-39139] - Unexpected behaviour with display-on pages
[GXWM-39149] - Automatically create boolean fields in SOLR index
[GXWM-39277] - Set useBodyEncodingForURI default to false in server.xml
[XC-39] - Add support for canonical URLs to the wm:link tag
[XC-191] - Replace the Datepicker with the HTML5 default input type


[GXWM-39189] - Point out using comments which changes are XC-specific in the JBoss standalone.xml


Content API 3.6.21


[XA-800] - The log history for the Connector API is empty

Headless Integration 2.2.14


[XA-177] - Personalisation tags don't work in the headless presentation
[XA-803] - Modular Content Tag property is empty in headless output
] - The wm-hostname-prefix personalisation is missing in the headless XSLT stylesheet

Modular Content 2.0.18


[XA-744] - Support adding multiple values at once to Modular Content properties

 XperienCentral R37.1

XperienCentral R37.1

Release date: July 10, 2023


XperienCentral version R37.1 contains a number of security improvements.

 XperienCentral R39

XperienCentral R39

Release date: April 6, 2023

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-34450] - Requests to URLs containing an invalid character result in a white page and stack trace
[GXWM-37766] - Getmediaitems tag doesn't work anymore with database references
[GXWM-38842] - Form based authentication uses hardcoded calls to HTTP
[GXWM-38949] - Newly added custom elements with a new nodetype cannot be used on read-only nodes because the objecttype can not be found
[GXWM-39029] - The Layout Action menu is invisible on large layouts
[GXWM-39030] - List validator incorrectly blocks form submits when there are multiple list fragments with the same identifier
[GXWM-39033] - Add null check to initSessionServlet
[GXWM-39120] - Email address validation fails for domains with a single character
[GXWM-39132] - Rest endpoint for language labels is restricted
[GXWM-39151] - Creation of a language label fails when one of the website's languages is not active
[XC-27] - CSP blocks the loading of the webfonts in the Language Label panel
[XC-34] - A missing language label on a read-only node leads to a null pointer exception


[GXWM-38341] - Improve support for X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Prefix headers
[GXWM-38415] - Support Java 17 and higher
[GXWM-38631] - Add a new gender type to the default web user profile
[GXWM-39044] - Remove contextpath and seopath from orgurl parameter when using read access redirects


[GXWM-39054] - Keep an audit trail of all changes to language labels


[GXWM-39133] - Documentation: IOException after JDK upgrading to 11.0.15+


Headless Integration 2.2.13


[XA-772] - S&R API: Make channel configurable

 XperienCentral R38

XperienCentral R38

Release date: October 28, 2022

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[XC-7] - Fix browser spell check to content in the Editor
[XC-10] - Anchor URLs shown with two hosts in articles
[GXWM-38915] - Remove already owned lock when out of sync
[GXWM-38953] - Form Export fails with E-mail handler with attachment
[GXWM-39027] - Downloads are incorrectly indexed as pages
[GXWM-37949] - HTTP form based authentication session should expire when the session has expired in the container

New Feature

[GXWM-35751] - Replace default language label structure by Language Label Management Panel reusable


[GXWM-37018] - Display the dumped 503 .html file rather than the XC starting message on frontend url's
[GXWM-38897] - Support '/' as url extension
[GXWM-38909] - Add versioning to the static js files of IAF
[GXWM-38962] - Configurable passOn parameters for IAF elements


[XC-1] - HTML Title and Meta Description character amount check
[XC-2] - Add support for canonical alternative URLs
[XC-3] - Stop using link codes in image and media collection elements
[XC-5] - Add support for bulk remove in the Links properties tab
[XC-11] - Add support for the bulk deletion of articles, images and downloads
[XC-12] - Add lead text and lead image to Downloads and lead text to Images
[XC-13] - Reorganize and expand the SEO properties tab


[GXWM-39031] - Document the new SEO features

 XperienCentral R37

XperienCentral R37

Release date: August 24, 2022

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-34724] - Personalization tags are not supported in external links
[GXWM-38375] - Friendly URLs of media items are not always trimmed
[GXWM-38402] - Inline styling options can't be combined with default alignment options
[GXWM-38637] - IAF doesn't check whether submitted value is one of the provided options (for radio button, checkbox, etc)
[GXWM-38715] - Active/inactive users can be accidentally mixed up in the Authorization panel
[GXWM-38740] - The supported servlet spec is not in line with the hardware/software specification
[GXWM-38760] - The save action in the Edit Link panel also closes the parent property panel
[GXWM-38801] - The page path of pages in the non-default language is always indexed with page titles in the default language
[GXWM-38814] - The focus point for a content item image is not shown
[GXWM-38818] - The Solr configuration files overrule from the config_directory doesn't work for all files
[GXWM-38902] - An incorrect status is shown for some comments in the Discussion panel
[GXWM-38946] - There is a memory issue when using large images
[GXWM-38953] - Form Export fails with E-mail handler with attachment
[GXWM-38959] - All pages and media items are indexed with the metadata of the homepage
[GXWM-39006] - IAF step navigation does not work when placed on a mediaitem


[GXWM-38092] - Add a hyperlink to dynamic and content overviews
[GXWM-38649] - Improve IAF security by default escaping user input (but keep raw value available)
[GXWM-38892] - Support custom metadata in bulk type change action
[GXWM-38909] - Add versioning to the static js files of IAF


Modular Content 2.0.27


[XA-762] - The helptext property is not added when migrating from versions 2.0.4 and lower
[XA-771] - The language for Modular downloads is not indexed
[XA-775] - Modular Integer fields are not indexed in the content index
[XA-777] - Modular Content properties are indexed even if the search index is set to DISABLED


[XA-761] - Tags should be ordered alphabetically when editing Modular Content properties

Connector API 3.6.21


[XA-769] - The Connector API history shows more than the maximum 100 items

Headless Integration 2.2.12


[XA-776] - Filtering on integer values by range is not supported


[XA-778] - Retrieve JSON concurrently to improve performance

 XperienCentral R36

XperienCentral R36

Release date: June 15, 2022

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-37505] - Prevent the need for a server restart after programmatically switching a content item to another type
[GXWM-38632] - The default element presentation is determined incorrectly
[GXWM-38696] - The Is Used in widget/facet doesn't take images selected as lead image into account any more
[GXWM-38723] - Unable to add an IAF Form element on an Article
[GXWM-38730] - The same url_identifier is used for English and Dutch
[GXWM-38757] - Typo in solrconfig.xml
[GXWM-38898] - It is not possible to view the Audit Trail in Firefox

New Feature

[GXWM-36376] - Add support for the WebP image format
[GXWM-38776] - Add the option to reserve specific URLs as context paths


[GXWM-38550] - Support hosting static files on a different domain
[GXWM-38553] - Support differentiating SEO and internal URLs without using a friendly URL extension
[GXWM-38625] - Phase out log4j 1.2.x by upgrading to Solr 8.11.1 or higher
[GXWM-38727] - Add conflicting URL notifications to Pages and Media Items
[GXWM-38751] - Extend the duplicate URL checks to the redirect and dumped pages mechanism
[GXWM-38792] - Add conflicting URL notifications for reserved context paths


[GXWM-37470] - Make it possible to create friendly URLs without an extension (.html/.htm)


[GXWM-38233] - Document the XperienCentral JCR Index


Modular Content 2.0.26


[XA-757] - Values submitted through complex FBOs are not persisted when saved in a modular content element or in page metadata
[XA-759] - Using a term with multiple classifications as properties removes all but one classification from that term
[XA-763] - Content import fails due to unchecked logging


[XA-738] - Improve support for custom modular types (import/export, search)

 XperienCentral R35

XperienCentral R35

Release date: February 7, 2022

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral. Special thanks to Franco Belman from the Responsible Disclosure Program of De Volksbank for bringing an important issue to our attention.


[GXWM-37505] - Prevent the need for a server restart after programmatically switching a content item to another type
[GXWM-38006] - Origin-Only Referrer For All Third-Party Requests in Safari affecting IAF redirects to next step<