Interactive Forms Edit Environment Styling

Interactive Forms Edit Environment Styling

  • This topic is intended for developers with experience in XperienCentral plugin development.
  • The information in this topic applies to XperienCentral versions 10.20.0 and higher.

In a new installation, the styling used for Interactive Forms in the Interactive Forms module is the XperienCentral default styling. You can apply your own styling to the Interactive Forms module in order to allow your editors to see how forms will be rendered on the frontend while creating them. This mirrors the way that the look and feel of content items are rendered in the Editor using your own styling. You can override the default styling for form steps as well as form elements themselves.

To apply your own styling to the Interactive Forms module, create a plugin that applies your own style. The following is a simple modification that you can add to a form step presentation, for example the Interactive Forms default presentation (formstep.jspf) in order to change the styling:

<c:if test="${mode == 'preview'}">
{ height: 75px; }
{ float: right; }

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