Forms Authorization

Forms Authorization

The actions that XperienCentral users can perform in the Interactive Forms module are based on role permissions. Depending on what role a user is assigned, they can only perform actions on forms, form fragments, form logic providers (routers, validators and handlers) to which they have a permission. These permissions are granted to a user role in the User Authorization dialog. An application manager can change the default permissions to grant more or fewer permission to a user role. The following table shows the default permissions for each Interactive Forms category for each user role.

CategoryCasual UserEditorMain EditorApplication Manager
Interactive Form Element
Interactive Form Fragments
Interactive Form Logic Providers
Interactive FormsXXXX
Interactive Forms MaintenanceXX*XX

*  Limited to the permission "Maintain Interactive Forms".

The category permissions shown in the table above are the XperienCentral default permissions. An application manager can of course choose to allow or disallow any permission at the category level or a specific permission or permissions within a category as they see fit depending on the circumstances of your deployment. If you are unsure whether you have a specific permission or would like to be granted a permission that you do not have, contact your application manager.

When you create a new form variant, it inherits the permission of the original. You can override the permissions for variants on a case by case basis. The following table summarizes the Interactive Forms permission categories:

 Interactive Form ElementPermission to insert and edit an Interactive Form element in a content item.
Interactive Form FragmentsPermission to insert, edit and delete Interactive F0orm fragments.
Interactive Form Logic ProvidersPermission to insert, edit and delete form logic providers (handlers, routers and validators).
Interactive FormsPermission to:
  • Create forms.
  • Edit forms.
  • Delete forms.
  • Create versions of forms.
  • Copy forms.
  • Move forms between category.
Interactive Form MaintenancePermission to:
  • Maintain Interactive Forms.
  • Maintain settings.
  • Maintain variants.
  • Maintain Interactive Forms workflow.
  • Import forms.
  • Export forms.
  • Maintain categories.