Content Repository Workflow

Content Repository Workflow


A workflow has to be selected for the entire Content Repository. You can only assign one workflow model to the entire Content Repository, therefore it is not possible to use different workflow models for items in the Content Repository. To select a workflow model, navigate to Configuration > Content Repository and then select the [Workflow Models] tab.


You can only select a workflow model at the start of a project, before any content is entered in the repository. Selecting a different workflow model ensures that all the Content Repository items already present will appear in the new workflow model by default. If the default state is not public (for example 'Planned'), all Content Repository items can be lost from the website.

Assigning a Workflow Model to Content Types

You have the choice of assigning a specific workflow model to each content type separately or the same workflow to all content types. If you want to assign the same workflow model to all content types, select "All" from the Content Type drop-down list and then select the workflow model to use. To assign a specific workflow model to a content type, select it from the Content Type drop-down and assign the custom workflow model to it.

Assigning Roles to Activities

You can indicate which roles are assigned to the different activities. A role is a functional or organizational job description. Users sharing the same role share the same tasks and each role has the same permissions assigned to it — this determines the actions a user may perform within the system. An activity is a single step in a flow of activities, which as a whole is identified as a process within the organization. Examples of activities are "Create object", "Maintain planned object", "Maintain published object" and so forth.

Select the role(s) that have the permission to perform each activity. To delete a role from an activity, select "Delete" next to the role then click [Apply].












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