Common Linux Installation Issues

Common Linux Installation Issues

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MySQL Difference between Windows and Linux

Some problems can occur if development takes place with a MySQL server that runs in a Windows environment. By default, the MySQL server in Linux uses case-sensitive table names while the MySQL server in Windows has been set to save table names as case-insensitive.

This problem can be solved two different ways:

  1. Make the Windows MySQL installation case-sensitive. This can be done by adding lower_case_table_names=2 to my.ini (located in the root of the MySQL installation). This option has to be set before XperienCentral is installed on the database. If the XperienCentral database has been created, use the second option (below).
  2. Set the Linux MySQL installation to case-insensitive. This can be done by adding lower_case_table_names=1 to /etc/my.cnf. If the database already contains databases, they have to first be dumped. Next, the variable has to be set, and then the databases (including the ones from the ZIP file) can be read.

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XperienCentral Backend Environment is Sluggish

When the backend environment responds sluggishly, check the following settings.

KeepAlive of Apache httpd

The KeepAlive option in Apache HTTPD ensures that when a client makes multiple requests quickly after each other that the connection stays alive during the handling of the requests. Thissaves a lot of overhead between the server and the browser. Check the settings of the following parameters and set them to the following values:

KeepAlive            On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout     5

These settings can be found in a configuration file of Apache HTTPD:

  • httpd 2.0: /vol/www/server/conf/httpd.conf
  • httpd 2.2: /vol/www/server/conf/extra/httpd-default.conf

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