Upgrade Notes per Version
Matthew Wagner
Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted)
This topic provides information about things you need to check and extra tasks you may need to perform when upgrading your XperienCentral installation to a specific version. The modifications per version are not cumulative which means that you need to apply the changes for all versions between your current version and the one you are upgrading to. For example, if you upgrade from XperienCentral R35 to R41, you need to apply the changes described in this topic for all versions from R36 up to and including R41. For general upgrade information, see Upgrading a Linux Installation or Upgrading a Windows Installation.
See also Changelog per Version for information on issues resolved in each XperienCentral release.
Click an XperienCentral version for specific upgrade information.
XperienCentral R47
Release date: March 3, 2025
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R47
Upgrading to XperienCentral R47 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R47.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Anchor Element
The Anchor element will be removed completely in XperienCentral R48. Instead, use the Heading Overview element which provides an automated anchor overview based on all existing headings. If you want to verify whether anchor elements are still being used in your deployment, run the following XPath query in the JCR Browser to retrieve all Anchor element instances:
//element(*, wo:ss_element_anchor)
Update License File
A new license file (usually named configuration.xml)
is needed to run XperienCentral version R47. This updated license will be provided by GX Customer Services. The license file prepares your environment for the new rich text editor which will be introduced in stages in upcoming releases.
XperienCentral R46
Release date: December 2, 2024
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R46
Upgrading to XperienCentral R46 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R46.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
jQuery Has Been Removed
In XperienCentral version R45 the Interactive Forms JavaScript files have been modified to remove the dependency on jQuery. This has a direct impact on any custom JavaScript implementations you have developed that listen for thrown events. There are two paths that you can take to rewrite your frontend code: either remove jQuery altogether from your own implementation (recommended!) or rewrite your custom code to still use jQuery. The following events are thrown by Interactive Forms which you have the ability to listen to in your own frontend code:
For the following events, no changes have to be made if you keep using jQuery:
If you do want to rewrite your custom JavaScript to not include jQuery, rewrite your code as follows:
Old situation:
$(document).on('IAF_ShowFormFragment, '.formfragment', function(e) { ... });
New situation without jQuery:
document.addEventListener('IAF_ShowFormFragment', (e) => { const fragment = e.target; ... });
The same applies for the other events.
For the following events changes have to be made regardless of whether you keep using jQuery or not:
In the old case these jQuery events had specific data which was added to them, but the way you have to retrieve this data has changed.
: passes on error div ID and the errorsIAF_HideError
: passes on error div IDIAF_AfterSubmit
: passes on data returned by XCIAF_AjaxShowFormStep
: passes on form step data returned by XC
For these events you can apply the following changes to your code:
Old situation:
$(document).on('IAF_ShowError', '.wmpform div', function(e, errorDivId, errors) { ... });
New situation with jQuery:
$(document).on('IAF_ShowError', '.wmpform div', function(e) { const errorDivId = e.detail.id; const errors = e.detail.errors; ... });
New situation without jQuery:
document.addEventListener('IAF_ShowError', (e) => { const fragment = e.target; const errorDivId = e.detail.id; const errors = e.detail.errors; ... });
Old situation:
$(document).on('IAF_HideError', '.wmpform div', function(e, errorDivId) { ... });
New situation with jQuery:
$(document).on('IAF_HideError', '.wmpform div', function(e) { const errorDivId = e.detail.id; ... });
New situation without jQuery:
document.addEventListener('IAF_HideError', (e) => { const fragment = e.target; const errorDivId = e.detail.id; ... });
Old situation:
$(document).on('IAF_AfterSubmit', '.wmpform', function(e, data) { ... });
New situation with jQuery:
$(document).on('IAF_AfterSubmit', '.wmpform', function(e) { const data = e.detail; ... });
New situation without jQuery:
document.addEventListener('IAF_AfterSubmit', (e) => { const form = e.target; const data = e.detail; ... });
Old situation:
$(document).on('IAF_AjaxShowFormStep', '.wmpform', function(e, formStep) { ... });
New situation with jQuery:
$(document).on('IAF_AjaxShowFormStep', '.wmpform', function(e) { const formStep = e.detail; ... });
New situation without jQuery:
document.addEventListener('IAF_AjaxShowFormStep', (e) => { const form = e.target; const formStep = e.detail; ... });
, thee.detail
is an object wheree.detail.id
is the error div id ande.detail.errors
contains the errorsFor
, thee.detail
is the same object as above, where onlye.detail.id
should be relevant, ase.detail.errors
will be emptyFor
is the response data object from the Form POST (same data as the old argument)For
is the identifier of the form step (same data as the old argument)
XperienCentral R45
Release date: September 10, 2024
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R45
Upgrading to XperienCentral R45 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R45.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Check Custom Media Item Code
If you implement a custom media item, you will most likely need to modify your custom media item controller. Usually, BeanUtils.copyProperties
is used to copy properties from the media item version to your form backing object in YourCustomMediaItemController#formBackingObject
and vice versa in YourCustomMediaItemController#onSubmit
. However, since a media item itself doesn't have a presentation, the setPresentation
and setPresentationVariant
on MediaItemArticleVersionImpl
now throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
In XperienCentral versions R44 and lower, that method didn't do anything. To prevent this runtime exception from being thrown, you must explicitly omit these properties when you use BeanUtils
to copy its properties.
For example, change;
BeanUtils.copyProperties(mediaItemVersion, myFormBackingObject);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(mediaItemVersion, myFormBackingObject, new String[ {"presentation", "presentationVariant"});
and change
BeanUtils.copyProperties(myFormBackingObject, mediaItemVersion);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(myFormBackingObject, mediaItemVersion, new String[]{"presentation", "presentationVariant"});
Audit Trail Database Modifications
In some cases, the Audit Trail panel can cause the XperienCentral environment to freeze up. This is caused by the out of control growth of some database tables related to the audit information that is collected and stored. To solve this problem, the application manager or a developer must execute two queries on the database used to store the Audit Trail history. These queries create two new indices. Creating the indices is optional but GX Software recommends that you do so. You can upgrade XperienCentral to version R45 without the new indices.
When the indices are created, the entire table is copied first. Because the table might be quite large, it is important to check whether there is enough available free disk space to create the copy before running the queries in order to avoid crashing the database server.
Execute the following two queries on the database containing the Audit Trail:
CREATE INDEX parentContentIdIndex ON wmHistory (parentContentId); CREATE INDEX webIdActionContenttypeIndex ON wmHistory (webId, action, contenttype);
Deprecated Components
In XperienCentral version R45, a number of deprecated components have been removed. If you have custom code that makes use of any of these components, you must modify it. The following components have been deprecated/removed:
- All references to page models
- Deprecated/unused filters in
- The Mobile Toolkit module
XperienCentral Core
Removed interface Personalization
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PersonalizationItem
Used in reusables.
Removed method login(String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request)
Replace with LoginStatus.SUCCESS.equals(authorizationService.formLogin(username, password, request))
Used in reusables.
Removed methods getToolbarElements()
, getToolbarElementIcons()
and setToolbarElemenIcons()
There is no migration path - these methods should not be used.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getEditLanguage()
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.authorization.User.getEditingLanguage
Not used in reusables.
Removed method delete()
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.authorization.AuthorizationService.deleteUser(user)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createInstance()
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.services.workflow.WorkflowService.createWorkflowActivityInstance()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getInstance(String termName)
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.implementation.MediaTerm.getInstance(null, termName)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setMouseOverText(String mouseOverText)
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.InternalLink.setLinkTitle(mouseOverText)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getMouseOverText(String mouseOverText)
Replace with getLinkTitle(mouseOverText)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getMediaItemVersion()
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.ContentItemVersion.getContentItemVersion()
Used in reusables.
Removed method
setLeadImage(FileResource leadImage)
.Replace with
,Used in reusables.
Removed method setLeadImage(Image leadImage)
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.ContentItemVersion.setAttachedLeadImage(leadImage)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setPublic(boolean isPublic)
Do not use this method because public (published) should be determined by the workflow state and not set manually.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setArticle(boolean isArticle)
Determining whether a media item is an article should be done by <mediaItemInstance> instanceof ElementHolder
Not used in reusables.
Removed method isArticle()
Determining whether a media item is an article should be done by <mediaItemInstance> instanceof ElementHolder
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setContentType(String contentType)
Do not use - you should not set the content type manually.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createRichTextElements()
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder()
or cast to ElementHolder
and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getLastElement().
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder()
or cast to ElementHolder
and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder
Not used in reusables.
Removed method insertLastElementAtCursor()
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder()
or cast to ElementHolder
and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getMostRelevantVersion(Language language)
Replace with getVersion(false, language, false, new Date(), true)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setDownloadFileResource(FileResource file)
Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getBlockLabel()
Replace with getBlockLabels()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getDefaultEditingLanguage()
Replace with website.getDefaultContentLanguage()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setDefaultEditingLanguage(Language language)
Do not use this method - manually setting the editing language is not recommended.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setModelElements(Element[] elements)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getModelElements()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method isAdditionalElementsAllowed()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Remove method getModelElementsFBOMap()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setAdditionalElementsAllowed(boolean allowed)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setPageModel(PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPageModel().
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createAndInsertElement(PageModel pageModel, Class<? extends Element> elementType)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createAndInsertElement(PageModel pageModel, Class<? extends Element> elementType, int position)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method copyElement(Element element, PageModel target).
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createMediaItemVersion(MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItemVersion original)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel).
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method performWorkflowAction(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, WorkflowAction workflowAction)
Replace with performWorkflowAction(T workflowEnabled, WorkflowAction workflowAction)
Used in reusables.
Removed method performPostUpdateActions(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion)
Remove all calls to this method and do not use.
Used in reusables.
Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method performWorkflowAction(PageVersion pageVersion, WorkflowAction workflowAction)
Replace with performWorkflowAction(T workflowEnabled, WorkflowAction workflowAction)
Used in reusables.
Removed method performPostUpdateActions(PageVersion pageVersion)
Remove all calls to this method and do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createAndInsertPageFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createAndInsertPageSectionFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createPageModel(Website website)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createAndInsertPageFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel, int position)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method copyPageModel(PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method deletePageModel(PageModel pageModel)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method reorderElements(PageModel pageModel, Element[] elements)
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getWhoIsWhoSearchPage()
Do not use this method - the who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getWhoIsWhoClickableLists()
Do not use this method - the who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getWhoIsWhoUploadUrl()
Do not use this method - the who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getRootPageSection()
Use getRootBlock() .
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPageModels()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Used in reusables.
Removed method getWhoIsWhoSearchPage()
Do not use this method - the who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPageModel()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPageModelElements()
Do not use this method - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPersonalizationItems()
Replace with getPersonalizationAttributes().getPersonalizationItems()
Used in reusables.
Removed class PageModelEvent
Do not use this class - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed class PageModel
Do not use this class- page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed class PageModelElement
Do not use this class - page models are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setNavigationTitle(String value)
Replace with setShortTitle(String value)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPage()
Replace with getContentItem()
Used in reusables.
Removed method getSeeEvent()
Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getBlocks()
Replace with getContentItem().getBlocks()
Used in reusables.
Removed method getBlocks(BlockLabel[] labels)
Replace with getContentItem().getBlocks(labels)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getLabels()
Replace with getPageLabels()
and map the contents to a String array if needed.
Used in reusables.
Removed method copyLanguageVersion(String webid, String languageid, String l_id)
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.services.contentapi.PageManagementService.copyPageVersion(PageVersion, Language).
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPreviewTopBody()
Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPublicStates()
Replace with getAllPublicStates()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getUrl(String fileName, Website website, HttpServletRequest req)
Replace with getUrl(String, Website)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getObjectLibraryCentralMode()
Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getContentTypeId(String contentType)
Replace with getContentType(contentType).getId()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method deleteMediaItem(MediaItemVersion mediaItem)
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.services.contentapi.MediaRepositoryManagementService#deleteMediaItem(MediaItem)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getWorkflowModel(String contentType)
Replace with getWorkflowModel(getContentType(contentType))
, or if there already is a contentType instance in memory, replace with getWorkflowModel(ContentType contentType)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getClassification()
Replace with getClassifications()[0].getName()
- also check for an empty array.
Used in reusables.
Connector API
Removed method getWebsite()
Replace with getWebsites()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setWebsite(Website website)
Replace with setWebsites(Website[] websites)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method run(SchedulerJob scheduledJob)
Replace with execute(SchedulerJob scheduledJob)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method run(Job job)
Replace with execute(Job job)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method runLocal(Job job)
Replace with executeLocal(Job job)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method run(SchedulerJob scheduledJob, LogFactory logFactory)
Replace with execute(SchedulerJob scheduledJob, LogFactory logFactory)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method run(Job job, LogFactory logFactory)
Replace with execute(Job job, LogFactory logFactory)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getWebsite()
Replace with getWebsiteId()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method writeZipEntryToFile(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry, File target)
Replace with ZipUtils.writeZipEntryToFile(zipFile, zipEntry, target)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method loadContentFromZipEntry(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry)
Replace with ZipUtils.loadContentFromZipEntry(zipFile, zipEntry)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method createZipFile(String zipFileName, File[] sourceFiles)
Replace with ZipUtils.createZipFile(zipFileName, sourceFiles)
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getFromToProgress()
Replace with getProgressIndex() and getProgressMaxCount()
Not used in reusables.
Removed method setFromToProgress(int progress, int max)
Replace with setProgressIndex(progress) and setProgressMaxCount(max)
Not used in reusables.
XperienCentral R44
Release date: June 17, 2024
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R44
Upgrading to XperienCentral R44 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R44.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Image Maps
In XperienCentral R44 support for image maps has been removed. Any image maps that are still present when upgrading to R44 (or later) will be removed automatically.
Solr Index Replication
In XperienCentral versions R44 and higher, replication of the Solr index over multiple nodes in a cluster can now be done via the database. This improves index consistency and performance. When you enable Solr replication on a clustered environment selecting wmasolrsearch.replication_enabled
in the General tab of the Setup Tool, you should also perform the following actions:
- The
property in thesolrconfig.xml
points by default to Make sure that in yourhosts
file the IP address is mapped to the actual hostname of the environment or you can update thesolrconfig.xml
manually to point to the local machine on every node. - If you use a custom
, do a diff on your custom version and the R44 version ofsolrconfig.xml
before upgrading, note the changes and be sure to migrate them into your custom version.
Setenv Modifications
Regardless of whether or not you will use the new Solr index replication functionality described above, you need to modify your setenv.sh
or setenv.bat
by adding the following Java options:
-Dsolr.disable.shardsWhitelist=true -Dsolr.disable.allowUrls=true
GraphQL Logging
By default, the GraphQL Java dependency is logging too much information. For this reason GX Software strongly recommends that you change the log level of this logger. Follow these steps:
Add the following line to the logging.properties
Add the following lines to standalone.xml:
<logger category="notprivacysafe.graphql"> <level name="SEVERE"/> </logger>
Restart Tomcat/JBoss.
Includes in Presentations
The presentation include functionality has been removed in XperienCentral R44. If you use the <include>
tag in your presentation's XML files, you must remove them.
The following packages have been removed from XperienCentral in version R44:
The following packages have been added to XperienCentral in version R44:
XperienCentral R43
Release date: March 4, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R43
Upgrading to XperienCentral R43 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R43.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
WebManagerAPI.getWrapper() Method Modification
In XperienCentral versions R42 and earlier, calling WebManagerAPI.getWrapper(ID, MediaTerm.class)
returned a valid MediaTerm
object if the given ID did not exist. The only way to determine whether the requested MediaTerm
actually existed was to do a null check on the name of the returned object. In XperienCentral versions R43 and later, a null object is returned by the method call itself, which may lead to NullPointerExceptions. Because this method is used by the wm:object tag
, you need to modify any JSPs that call the getWrapper()
method. For example:
<wm:object var="tag" objectId="XXX" objectType="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaTerm" /> <c:if test="${empty tag.name}"> ... </c:if>
should be changed to
<wm:object var="tag" objectId="XXX" objectType="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaTerm" /> <c:if test="${empty tag}"> ... </c:if>
Delete the formupload Directory
After upgrading to R43, delete all files from the form upload directory. The form upload directory is specified by the setting form_upload_directory
in the General tab of the Setup Tool.
Add New Location for Presentation JSPs
In XperienCentral R43, the XperienCentral XSL stylesheets were combined into 1 new file. In the General tab of the Setup Tool, you need to add the new location /WEB-INF/project/nl.gx.product.wmpbasepresentation
to the setting presentation_jsps_url
in the section backend_system_settings
. If your project does yet not contain /WEB-INF/project/
in the presentation_jsps_url
, add /WEB-INF/project/nl.gx.product.wmpbasepresentation
Remove Deprecated Plugins
After upgrading, remove the following plugins manually in the Plugins Management Console:
- Console plug-in
- Console ssh plugin support plug-in
- Apache Mina SSHD :: Core
XperienCentral R42
Release date: December 4, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R42
Upgrading to XperienCentral R42 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R42.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
The Jackson-core
and Jackson-databind
XML libraries used for XML serialization are now shipped and exposed by default using springmvc-servlet.xml
. If any of your plugins uses one of these libraries, you can set the scope to provide and omit the version.
Spring MVC Upgrade
Spring MVC was upgraded from 3.2.18 to 5.3.30 in this release. If any of the controllers in your project directly or indirectly extend from nl.gx.webmanager.springmvc.controller.BaseWebmanagerController.java
, you need to make a few adjustments to your code. Replace all instances of BindException
with BindingResult
in your controllers. The easiest way to do this is using search/replace in your IDE (case sensitive). Your import statements should still be valid because the package itself has not changed. It is also possible to do a global search/replace because BindException
shouldn't be used outside of a Spring MVC controller.
For example:
@Override public void onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception { // your code here }
should be changed to
@Override public void onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindingResult errors, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception { // your code here }
If your project has controllers that directly or indirectly extend from BaseWemanagerController, and this controller registers a validator through binder.addValidator(new ...Validator), change this to addValidator(new ...Validator). This method is present on BaseWebmanagerController.java.
If you experience any compilation errors or other problems, please don't hesitate to contact your GX Software consultant.
Notes for Reusables
If your project uses reusables, those might need to be upgraded as well. For each reusable that your project uses, check whether it contains any controllers that directly or indirectly extend from BaseWebmanagerController
and also whether they contain any instances of BindException
. If they do, check whether there already exists an XperienCentral R42 or higher compliant version for this reusable at /wiki/spaces/GX/pages/25436300 (login required). If your controllers do not extend from BaseWebmanagerController
, simply replace all instances of BindException
with BindingResult
as explained in the first paragraph above. After doing so and verifying that your reusable still works in your environment, release a new version of the reusable and refer to it at /wiki/spaces/GX/pages/25436300 (login required). Please don't remove the old version, instead specify that the old version is specifically intended for XperienCentral versions R41 and lower and that the new version is intended for XperienCentral R42 and higher.
Updated Dependencies
The javax.servlet
dependency has been updated to version 4.0.1. You need to update your reusables to use this version of the javax.servlet
dependency. In versions R42 and higher, XperienCentral no longer supports Tomcat 8.x because it contains javax.servlet 3.1.
Removed Dependency
The dependency org.apache.commons.lang
has been removed. Use org.apache.commons-lang3
Moved Dependencies
The Maven dependency org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient
has been moved to org.apache.httpcomponents.client5
. Use your IDE or check Github (https://github.com/apache/httpcomponents-client/tree/master/httpclient5/src/main/java/org/apache/hc/client5/http and https://github.com/apache/httpcomponents-core/tree/master/httpcore5/src/main/java/org/apache/hc/core5 ) to find the current position of each class. See also the migration guide for more details at https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-5.2.x/migration-guide/index.html.
Apache Solr
When using a custom solrconfig.xml, update the Lucene Match version to 9.8.0:
XperienCentral R42 has been updated to Apache Solr version 9. After upgrading XperienCentral, manually rebuild both the backend and frontend indexes.
is the new highlighting default in Solr versions 9.0.0 and higher. Use hl.method=original
to switch back if needed.
Custom Indexable JCR Properties
When using custom indexable JCR properties when calling the JcrIndexPropertyService.addIndexedProperty
method, you could experience issues when the values used in these properties exceed the limit of 256 characters. After upgrading, remove the custom property using the JcrIndexPropertyService.removeIndexedProperty
method and re-add it to make sure the contents can be longer than 256 characters.
wmpformpresentation Plugin
The following files in the form presentation plugin have been minified and renamed. If you refer to these static files in your code, you will need to update these references accordingly:
- /static/wmpformpresentation/js/plugin/jquery.form-4.3.0.patched.js --> /static/wmpformpresentation/js/plugin/jquery.form-4.3.0.patched.min.js
- /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formutil.js --> /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formutil.min.js
- /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formvalidation.js --> /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formvalidation.min.js
- /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formvalidationbindings.js --> /static/wmpformpresentation/js/formvalidationbindings.min.js
XperienCentral R41
Release date: September 20, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R41
Upgrading to XperienCentral R41 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R41.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Rebuild the Content Index
Due to a change in the Search functionality, you must rebuild the content index. To do so, manually remove the <webmanager-root>/work/contentindex
directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated after restarting XperienCentral. Selecting contentindex_queue_empty_reindex
in the Setup Tool is not sufficient.
YourKit Java Profiler
The YourKit Java Profiler has been removed from XperienCentral in version R41. If your deployment uses a custom implementation of YourKit, search for references in your deploy<x>.xml
, settings<x>.xml
and pom.xml
files and remove them.
Apache Derby
Apache Derby has been removed from XperienCentral in version R41. If your deployment uses a custom implementation of Derby, you must remove all references to it from your project.
In this version of XperienCentral, jQuery has been reverted to version 3.5.1.
XperienCentral R40
Release date: July 20, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R40
Upgrading to XperienCentral R40 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R40.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Best Practices for Strict Content Security Policy (CSP) Configurations
It is recommended that you no longer use event attributes like onclick
and onsubmit
in your HTML. This applies to both the front- and backend of XperienCentral. The reason is that a strict CSP will block these methods from executing. For example, code like this:
<input onclick="doSomething()" />
should be replaced by something similar to this:
<input id="myInput" /> <!-- this can either be in a separate file or inline, as we add a CSP secure nonce to inline scripts --> <script> document.getElementById('myInput').addEventListener('click', function() { doSomething(); }) </script>
This recommendation also goes for the wmedit
tags like select
and button
. Sometimes attributes like onclick
or onkeypress
are added to the include of these tags and will be rendered on the input. This strategy will also no longer work with a strict CSP policy. In some cases, the onClick
is located on a table row like in the example below. For situations like this, the fix is slightly different:
<c:forEach var="tableRow" items="${tableRow}"> ... <tr onclick="doSomething(${someParameter})"> .... </tr> ... </c:forEach>
<c:forEach var="tableRow" items="${tableRow}"> ... <tr class="tableRow" data-some-parameter="${someParameter}"> ... </tr> ... </c:forEach> <script type="text/javascript"> const tableRows = document.getElementsByClassName('tableRow'); for (let tableRow of tableRows) { let someParameter = tableRow.dataset.someParameter; tableRow.addEventListener('click', function () { doSomething(someParameter); }); } </script>
Guava is Replaced by Caffeine
In R40, the Guava Java-based library has been replaced by the Google Caffeine caching library. If your deployment makes use of Guava in custom code, you must modify it to use Caffeine.
XperienCentral Online Help Component
The Online Help component has been removed from XperienCentral in version R40. You must therefore modify any custom plugins that have a dependency on this component.
The luceneMatchVersion in any custom solrconfig.xml
files should be updated to version 8.11.2.
XperienCentral R37.1
Release date: July 10, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R37.1
Upgrading to XperienCentral R37.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R37.1.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Best Practices for Strict Content Security Policy (CSP) Configurations
It is recommended that you no longer use event attributes like onclick
and onsubmit
in your HTML. This applies to both the front- and backend of XperienCentral. The reason is that a strict CSP will block these methods from executing. For example, code like this:
<input onclick="doSomething()" />
should be replaced by something similar to this:
<input id="myInput" /> <!-- this can either be in a separate file or inline, as we add a CSP secure nonce to inline scripts --> <script> document.getElementById('myInput').addEventListener('click', function() { doSomething(); }) </script>
This recommendation also goes for the wmedit
tags like select
and button
. Sometimes attributes like onclick
or onkeypress
are added to the include of these tags and will be rendered on the input. This strategy will also no longer work with a strict CSP policy. In some cases the onClick
is located on a table row like in the example below. For situations like this, the fix is slightly different:
<c:forEach var="tableRow" items="${tableRow}"> ... <tr onclick="doSomething(${someParameter})"> .... </tr> ... </c:forEach>
<c:forEach var="tableRow" items="${tableRow}"> ... <tr class="tableRow" data-some-parameter="${someParameter}"> ... </tr> ... </c:forEach> <script type="text/javascript"> const tableRows = document.getElementsByClassName('tableRow'); for (let tableRow of tableRows) { let someParameter = tableRow.dataset.someParameter; tableRow.addEventListener('click', function () { doSomething(someParameter); }); } </script>
Angular and CSS Styling
Beginning in XperienCentral R39.0, GX Software recommends that you prevent Angular panels from rendering inline CSS styling. You should configure your Content Security Policy to block this. In Angular version 12, the so called "critical CSS" is rendered inline by default. This can be changed easily by setting the inlineCritical
option in your build to false
. For more information see [https://0xdbe.github.io/AngularSecurity-DisableInlineCriticalCSS/].
Password Requirements
The password strength requirements have been modified in XperienCentral R39. A password must now contain 12 or more characters. While existing passwords will still work after upgrading to R39, GX Software recommends that you encourage your users to change their password after upgrading.
XperienCentral Online Help Component
The Online Help component has been removed from XperienCentral in version R37.1. You must therefore modify any custom plugins that have a dependency on this component.
XperienCentral R39
Release date: April 6, 2023
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R39
Upgrading to XperienCentral R39 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R39.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Filename Changes
The following files have been modified in this version of XperienCentral. If you have custom code that references the following files by name, you must modify your code to pick up these changes.
is nowjquery-ui-1.13.2.min.css
is nowjquery-ui-1.13.2.min.js
is nowjquery.form-4.3.0.patched.js
is nowjquery.form-4.3.0.patched.js
is nowjquery-3.6.1.min.js
jquery-ui-1.13.1.min.js is now jquery-ui-1.13.2.min.js
Angular and CSS Styling
Beginning in XperienCentral R39.0, GX Software recommends that you prevent Angular panels from rendering inline CSS styling. You should configure your Content Security Policy to block this. In Angular version 12, the so called "critical CSS" is rendered inline by default. This can be changed easily by setting the inlineCritical
option in your build to false
. For more information see [https://0xdbe.github.io/AngularSecurity-DisableInlineCriticalCSS/].
Java Min/Max Version
In XperienCentral R39, Java 17 is the minimum and maximum supported version.
Password Requirements
The password strength requirements have been modified in XperienCentral R39. A password must now contain 12 or more characters. While existing passwords will still work after upgrading to R39, GX Software recommends that you encourage your users to change their password after upgrading.
Remove the XML Parser Plugin
After upgrading to XperienCentral R39, you should manually remove the "GX WebManager - XML Parser" plugin to avoid errors in the log. See Plugins Management Console.
The wmedit: button tag
The wmedit:button
tag in JSPs now has a required id
attribute. Any custom functionality that uses this tag should be updated to provide a unique ID value.
Content Security Policy configuration
A Content Security Policy is used to let the user's browser know from which location resources like Javascript or CSS can be loaded. XperienCentral now supports the configuration of a CSP within XperienCentral itself. Configuration takes places via the Content Security Configuration panel, found in the main menu under Application Tools.
Disabling the Content Security Policy Filter
The filter that adds both the CSP header and the nonces (if applicable) can be bypassed when starting XperienCentral. This can be used if the CSP is configured on Apache HTTPD for example or when you are accidentally locked out of XperienCentral due to a CSP misconfiguration.
For more information on Content Security Policy configuration see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP
Changes in xslStyleSheet
In R39, an extra XSL template for wm-hostname-prefix
has been added added in xslStyleSheet.jspf
. If you use a custom implementation of this file, make sure to add this extra template to the stylesheet.
<xsl:template match="wm-hostname-prefix" name="wm-hostname-prefix"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="count(/root/system/headers/header[name = 'x-forwarded-prefix']) > 0"> <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/root/system/headers/header[name = 'x-forwarded-prefix']/value" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="count(/root/system/headers/header[name = 'X-Forwarded-Prefix']) > 0"> <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/root/system/headers/header[name = 'X-Forwarded-Prefix']/value" /> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template>
XperienCentral R38
Release date: October 28, 2022
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R38
Upgrading to XperienCentral R38 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R38.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Interactive Forms File Name Changes
- The file
was renamed tostatic/wmpformpresentation/js/plugin/jquery-form-4.2.0.js
. - The file
was renamed tostatic/wmpformpresentation/css/plugin/jquery-ui-1.13.1.min.css
If you have custom code that uses these files, you need to modify your code to pick up these name changes. These name changes are only relevant for projects that do not use the default formsHeadTag.jsp
Shared languages
In XperienCentral version R38, language labels are no longer implicitly shared between channels. When you want to keep sharing the labels of a specific language between 2 channels, perform the following steps before upgrading to R38:
- Open the JCR Browser and navigate in the "JCR Tree" tab to the
node wherewo:webinitiatif[{_}n{_}]
represents the channel that will receive the shared language labels. Click [Edit] by the
property and remove the language you want to share. In order to find out which of the shown UUIDs represents that language, execute the following query in the JCR Browser://element(*)[@jcr:uuid='<the uuid of a language>']
Share the language between the 2 channels by following the steps on https://gxsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PD/Multiple+Channels#MultipleChannels-sharing_contentSharingContent.
Upgrading to R38 has no impact when a language was already shared in the way described above.
XperienCentral R37
Release date: August 24, 2022
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R37
Upgrading to XperienCentral R37 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R37.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Interactive Forms Form Fragment API
The API for form fragments was changed in R37. The getValue
method, which retrieves the value of the form fragment itself, used to return an unescaped and therefore unsafe value of a form fragment. In R37, this method has been updated to always return a safe value. To retrieve the unescaped value of a form fragment, the new method getRawValue
can now be used.
Interactive Forms form.tag
The file form.tag
has been changed in R37. If you use a custom version of form.tag
in your XperienCentral deployment, you need to add the following line between the <form>
<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="${presentationcontext.page.id}" />
Search & Retrieve API
The setting contentindex_index_readonly_nodes
has been added to the application_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. If the Search & Retrieve API is used on a clustered environment, this setting should be enabled, otherwise the API will not return any results. When this setting is enabled the content index should also be rebuilt.
XperienCentral R36
Release date: June 15, 2022
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R36
Upgrading to XperienCentral R36 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R36.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
SEO Updates
In R35 and earlier, the application_settings.friendly_url_extension
setting was used to determine whether a URL is friendly. In R36 and higher, it's possible to leave the friendly URL extension empty which calculates friendly URLs without extensions. This means that the way that a URL is checked for being friendly has been changed. A new setting has been introduced in the startup_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool: seo_path
. The value in this field is used to determine if a URL is friendly or not. For example, assume that Apache is not configured to remove /web/
from a URL. In that case a friendly URL in versions R35 or earlier would be /web/home.htm
. In versions R36 and higher, it would be /web/seo/myweb.htm
To make sure this works as intended check the following settings in the Setup tool:
In R35, the default value was /${startup_settings.context}
. When Apache is not used to remove the /web/
prefix, this setting should be updated to
If Apache is used, this field is usually empty and can be left as is.
The value of this field should be set to seo
by default. If this field is not present in the startup_settings.xml
check with your hosting provider if a different startup_config.xml
is used than the one shipped with the deploy of XperienCentral. In that case, the following line should be added:
<entry name="seo_path" value=$(webmanager seopath)" />
Please also make sure that all changes in settings.xml
have been applied.
The setting application_settings.context_static
has been removed in XperienCentral R36. You must modify any custom code that uses this setting to use application_settings.static_files_url
Changes to Apache
A minor change needs to be done to the vhost
configuration in Apache to make sure XperienCentral keeps working. Most installations should have something along these lines to redirect requests from Apache to XperienCentral:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/admin/ RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.htm$ /web/$1.htm [PT,L]
The last line should be updated to
RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.htm$ /web/seo/$1.htm [PT,L]
This applies to both the back- and frontend vhost
In order to run XperienCentral without extensions at all, see Running XperienCentral without a Friendly URL Extension.
Friendly URL Extension Setting
The setting frontend_settings.friendly_url_extension
was removed in R36.
URL Transformations
When transforming a URL from a URL without a context path to one with a context path in custom code, you should now also add the SEO path to the updated URL. This kind of logic is often used in custom implementations of the MetaDataProvider
Update your Solr Configuration
In R36, the Solr version has been upgraded to version 8.11.1, therefore you must make the following changes:
In solrconfig.xml
, change the declaration:
The eDismax query parser parameter lowercaseOperators
now defaults to false
if the luceneMatchVersion
in solrconfig.xml
is 7.0.0 or above, therefore you must set the lowercaseOperators
parameter explicitly to true
<bool name="lowercaseOperators">true</bool>
The following spatial-related fields have been removed:
Choose one of these field types instead:
Extra Steps
- Stop Tomcat if it is running.
- Remove the directory
. - If you have a custom
, you need to modify it — open it in a text editor. - Save your custom
. - Start Tomcat.
- Log in to XperienCentral.
Real-time indexing
If you use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):
- Navigate to Configuration > Realtime Indexing.
- Select the "Indexing" tab.
- Select all the websites that you want to index in the top part of the panel.
- Click [Index selected items].
No real-time indexing
If you do not use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):
- Open the Setup Tool.
- Select the Search Tools tab.
- Click [Index] in the "INDEX URL" section.
Custom Solr Queries
Check the changes that have been made between Solr versions 6.6.6 and 8.11.1 in order to determine whether you need to modify your custom Solr queries. See https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_11/major-changes-in-solr-8.html.
Deprecated Functionalities
Some query functionalities have been deprecated and/or removed, so it might be necessary to rewrite custom queries. See Solr upgrade (R36/Solr 8.11.1) for specific use cases that GX Software has encountered (login required).
Rebuild the Content Index
Due to a change in the Search functionality, you must rebuild the content index. To do so, manually remove the <webmanager-root>/work/contentindex
directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated after restarting XperienCentral. Selecting contentindex_queue_empty_reindex
in the General tab of the Setup Tool is not sufficient to trigger the regeneration of the content index.
XperienCentral R35
Release date: February 7, 2022
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R35
Upgrading to XperienCentral R35 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R35.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
New security measures were introduced in this version that prevent the manipulation of URLs that contain SSI object IDs and/or presentation IDs. In general the cache will still be filled with files that contain pre-upgrade SSI URLs after an upgrade, which will lead to SSIs not being loaded and to the following message being logged in the Catalina logs:
nl.gx.webmanager.servlet.ControllerServlet.checkSsiObjectIdUrlSignature Block ssiObjectId request XXXXXXX because it is not allowed in this context
This can be prevented by either clearing the frontend cache during the upgrade or, if that is not an option, by disabling the check_url_signature
option in the application_settings
section of the General tab in the Setup Tool. Be sure to re-enable this option after the cache has been regenerated. This setting will be shown in Setup Tool as turned off by default. However, it's actually turned on. So in order to get the state right, toggle the option in the Setup Tool to make sure it reflects the proper state.
fragment.tag and fragmentLabel.tag
The files fragment.tag
and fragmentLabel.tag
have been extensively modified in this version of XperienCentral. If you have custom code that makes use of modified versions of these files, perform a diff on the XperienCentral version of these files with your own modified versions in order to see what the differences are in order to pick up the new modifications. As is the case with all upgrades, do not overwrite your versions of these files if they have been customized for your XperienCentral deployment.
Changes to fragment.tag
This file has been updated to always render the HTML for the fragment label in the IAF Panel. Additionally, an ID is added to the <div class="wm-field-helptext">
whenever it appears in the IAF Panel.
Changes to fragmentLabel.tag
If you select "Required field" for a form fragment, you see that change immediately in the Interactive Forms panel. In earlier versions, this was not the case. In order to make this possible, the HTML is now always rendered in the Interactive Forms panel.
XperienCentral R34
Release date: November 18, 2021
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R34
Upgrading to XperienCentral R34 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R34.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Deprecated Media Repository Method Removed
The following method which was deprecated in 2009 has been removed from nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaRepository
int copyMediaItem(MediaItemVersion mediaItem);
JBoss upgrade
From R34 onwards, JBoss 7.2 EAP is the supported JBoss version. JBoss 7.2 EAP and higher incorporates JDK 11 support. In order to upgrade, download the JBoss 7.2.0 EAP application server from https://developers.redhat.com/products/eap/download. See https://access.redhat.com/articles/2026253 for the supported configurations. In order to run XC on the JBoss application platform, use the standalone.xml and standalone.conf delivered with the XC SDK. For more information, see the updated JBoss information on the Linux Server Installation page.
MySQL Connector Upgrade
- In R34, the version of the MySQL connector has been upgraded from version 5.1.23 to 8.0.26. In version 8.0.23, changes were made to the way that MySQL handles time zones and dates. The method
now returns a local date/time rather than a string for any date/time columns, therefore any custom code that implements this method should be checked and modified if necessary. - A second change in the connector is the way time zone conversions are handled. In order to keep these settings the same as they were before the changes in version 8.0.23, the following parameter should be added to the
connection URL in theconnectionTimeZone=<server>
parameter in the Tomcatserver.xml
. For example:
In the second example above, note that&:
is used instead of&
XperienCentral R33.1
Release date: September 27, 2021
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R33.1
Upgrading to XperienCentral R33.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R33.1.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
CSRF Approved URL Setting
A new CSRF setting has been added that allows you to approve URLs and bypass the CSRF checks. See the setting csrf_ignore_url_paths_regex
in the application_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool.
Exempting URLs from the CSRF checks weakens the security of your channel(s), therefore you should exercise caution with this setting.
Minimum Java Version
Beginning in R33.1, the minimum Java version required to run XperienCentral is Java 11. The maximum Java version supported is Java 13. This is also required for the XperienCentral add-ons:
- Content API
- Monitoring Framework
- Headless Integration
- Modular Content
Add New Java Option
As a result of the minimum Java version being raised to Java 11, you must modify your Tomcat setenv.sh
file. Add the following options:
For Catalina add:
--illegal-access=warn --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED
XperienCentral R33
Release date: July 30, 2021
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R33
Upgrading to XperienCentral R33 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R33.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Google Sitemap Automatic Upload
In XperienCentral R33, a new setting for controlling whether XperienCentral automatically uploads generated sitemaps to Google has been introduced. The setting google_sitemap_automatic_upload
can be found in the application_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. When enabled, if a Google sitemap is generated, it is automatically uploaded according to the schedule configured in the setting google_sitemap_generator_schedule
. When disabled, the latest generated sitemap is not uploaded.
Because it is disabled by default, when upgrading from R32, the option must be enabled manually if XperienCentral should continue to automatically submit the sitemap to Google.
New Channel for the Interactive Forms Panel
Beginning in XperienCentral version R33, the Interactive Forms panel uses the "iafpanel" channel to render forms. This mechanism makes it possible to decouple the IAF visual representations from the website presentation. New presentations should use it for all standard fragment types unless the representation inside the IAF panel must resemble the website's presentation. When upgrading, there are 3 possible options for handling this situation:
- Add "iafpanel" (without quotes) to the
setting in theapplication_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. This will make all presentations without an explicit "iafpanel" channel declaration behave as described in option 3 below. This is the quickest fix. The notes in option 3 below also apply to this option. Add the "iafpanel" channel to all custom
and form fragment presentation descriptors. This will deliver the best Edit side presentation and will prevent the custom presentations from being cluttered with Edit-side logic. For a text input fragment, the channel declaration looks like this:<channel> <name>iafpanel</name> <presentation>FormFragmentTextInput</presentation> <!-- Name of IAF's own presentation --> </channel>
As a result, any code in the presentation JSPs that is specific to thepreview
mode can be removed.Add the "iafpanel" channel to all custom
and form fragment presentation descriptors and have it refer to itself. The Interactive Forms panel will then continue to use the custom presentations, making it possible to have the same HTML output in the panel as on the website.Notes
- Option 1 has the same effect as Option 3 but it is easier to implement. The disadvantage of using Option 1 is that it might not be obvious that an "iafpanel" channel that you want to point to the IAF's own presentation (Option 2) is missing from a presentation descriptor.
- The IAF panel presentation(s) may look different than the pre-R33 version(s) because of changes to the CSS.
- Option 2 or 3 can be used separately for each presentation.
fragmentDiv tag
When the fragmentDiv
tag is overruled in a custom presentation plugin, the data-jcr-uuid
attribute must now be added in Edit mode by the custom fragmentDiv
An example how this can be implemented can be found in the standard IAF fragmentDiv
tag inside the wmformelement plugin.
CSRF Settings
To better protect websites hosted by XperienCentral against CSRF attacks, a new mechanism has been introduced that uses a CSRF token that is stored in a cookie, and an SHA-256 hash of this token plus a random 16 character long nonce, postfixed with the used nonce, must be included in all non-GET requests to the server as a header or form field. This change could affect custom functionality in the following ways:
- If a custom version of the Interactive Form file
is used, it must be updated with the anti-CSRF changes which can be found by searching for "csrf" in the upgradedformvalidationbindings.js
. - If the Interactive Form
presentation is not called from a custom presentation plugin, then the page presentations of this plugin must include the/<context path>/js/form/csrfprotection.js
script. - If XHR form posts are performed in custom panels, elements or widgets, the
header must be added to these posts. - The
configuration setting and the mandatory use of theX-Session-Verify
header when it is enabled are now only relevant for GET requests to XperienCentral's REST API. All other types of requests to the REST API are now always checked, irrespective of thesecure_rest_against_csrf
configuration setting, and they must contain theX-CSRF-Token
header. See theapplication_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool for complete information on thesecure_rest_against_csrf
setting. - If custom voting presentations are used, the
must be added to the form posts they execute. Seevoting.jspf
in the Community Edition presentation for an example. - External requests to
must add aX-CSRF-Token
header to the request. It can be retrieved from theX-CSRF-Token
response header when the steps on /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/24718337 have been followed. - It is not possible to submit forms to XperienCentral from other domains, even when that domain is another channel of the same XperienCentral installation, because browsers do not allow reading cookies from another domain.
See also /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/24718337 for more information.
The following changes have been made to the formvalidationbindngs.js
- A new
function has been added that is called in the$(document).ready
for all forms and from theIAF_FormLoaded
event listener. initCSFW
calls the newloadScript
function which adds a script tag to load the client-side framework.- The
event listeners have been updated to prevent event propagation. - The
event listener has been updated to add the anti-CSRF header when submitting the form using Ajax and to support form fields that have "submit" as their identifier. - The
event listener now checks whether the response contains theX-CSRF-Token
header. If it does, then it creates a hidden input with its value. This is done to support IAF forms on external domains. - The
function defined in theinit
function has been updated to add the anti-CSRF input field when submitting the form. - A new
function has been defined that shows a general error message at the top of a form when a communication error occurs.
Interactive Forms Upload Element
The Upload element in Interactive Forms has been modified to allow multiple file uploads. You can also set a minimum and maximum number of allowed files in an Upload element. See Creating Forms for complete information.
Modular Content Tag Property change (v2.0.13)
Properties of type tag
are now referenced using an ID instead of by name. For example, suppose you have the following tag property:
TemplateProperty tagProperty = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag");
Previously, the tag name would be retrieved using tagProperty.getStringValue()
. Now the (Siteworks) ID of the property must first be retrieved using getIntegerValue()
and, given that, the correspronding MediaTerm
can be retrieved using getWrapper
. For example:
Previously in Java
TemplateProperty property = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag"); String tagName = property.getStringValue();
Now in Java
TemplateProperty property = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag"); Long tagId = property.getIntegerValue(); Session session = getSessionManager().getActiveSession(); MediaTerm categoryTag = (MediaTerm) session.getWrapper(tagId.intValue(), MediaTerm.class); String tagName = categoryTag.getName();
Previously in JSP Code
<c:set var="mediaItem" value="${presentationcontext.mediaItem}" /> <c:set var="currentMV" value="${mediaItem.current}" /> <c:if test="${wmfn:instanceOf(currentMV, 'nl.gx.product.wmamodularcontent.api.ModularMediaItemArticleVersion')}"> <c:set var="mti" value="${current.modularTemplateInstance}" /> <c:set var="supportedContenttype" value="${mti.type.identifier eq 'examplecontenttype'}" /> </c:if> <c:choose> <c:when test="${supportedContenttype && not empty mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getStringValue()}"> <c:set var="tagName" value="${mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getStringValue()}" /> </c:when> .... </c:choose>
Now in JSP Code
<c:set var="mediaItem" value="${presentationcontext.mediaItem}" /> <c:set var="currentMV" value="${mediaItem.current}" /> <c:if test="${wmfn:instanceOf(currentMV, 'nl.gx.product.wmamodularcontent.api.ModularMediaItemArticleVersion')}"> <c:set var="mti" value="${current.modularTemplateInstance}" /> <c:set var="supportedContenttype" value="${mti.type.identifier eq 'examplecontenttype'}" /> </c:if> <c:choose> <c:when test="${supportedContenttype && not empty mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getIntegerValue()}"> <c:set var="tagId" value="${mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getIntegerValue()}" /> <wm:object var="tagObject" objectId="${tagId}" objectType="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaTerm" hideError="true" /> <c:set var="tagName" value="${tagObject.name}" /> </c:when> .... </c:choose>
Interactive Forms Deprecated Methods
In XperienCentral versions R33 and higher, the following form methods have been deprecated.
The following method has been deprecated:
void setUploadFragmentValue(String fragment, UploadedFile file);
use the following method instead:
void setUploadFragmentValues(String fragment, List<UploadedFile> files);
The following method has been deprecated:
public UploadedFile getUploadedFile(String key)
use the following method instead:
public List<UploadedFile> getUploadedFiles(String key)
All methods have been deprecated. Use the following method instead:
List<Object> files = scope.getValues(); if (files != null) { for (Object fileObj : files) { if (fileObj instanceof UploadedFile) { UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) fileObj; // Now read the attributes File file = file.getFile(); long size = file.getSize(); String contentType = file.getContentType(); ... } } }
XperienCentral R32
Release date: May 12, 2021
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R32
Upgrading to XperienCentral R32 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R32.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Rebuild the Content Index
Due to a change in the Search functionality, you must rebuild the content index. To do so, manually remove the <webmanager-root>/work/contentindex
directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated after restarting XperienCentral. Selecting contentindex_queue_empty_reindex
in the Setup Tool is not sufficient.
Check Google Sitemap Generator Schedule
In R32, XperienCentral generates and uploads a Google Sitemap by default once per day. If you do not want to generate a sitemap, clear the field google_sitemap_generator_schedule
in the application_settings
section on the General tab of the Setup Tool in each environment where you want to disable this functionality. You can also change the schedule to something else if desired.
Changes to the XperienCentral API
Removed Methods
The following deprecated methods have been removed in R32:
PageManagementService#addLeadText(PageVersion pageversion)
PageManagementService#addLeadText(PageModel pageModel)
Added Methods
The methods PageVersion#getLead()
and PageVersion#setLead
, which were deprecated in XperienCentral version 10.13.0, have been undeprecated in R32. In version R32, page versions and media item versions now have both a Lead Text (#getLead
) and a Meta Description (#getMetaDescription
) which can be used separately. The purpose of the Meta Description field is to fill the head field in the HTML used by search engines. For example
<meta name="description" content="value of the meta description field" />
The purpose of the Lead field is to provide a short summary of the content item's content and can be used, for example, as a summary in a search function or in a Content Overview. One important difference is that, as designed, the Meta Description field is not meant to be visible to end users while the Lead Text is.
The following methods have been moved from MediaItemVersion
to ContentItemVersion
in order to make lead text and lead images also available to pages in the API:
String getLead();
void setLead(String leadText);
Image getLeadImage();
Image getLeadImageThumbnail();
Image getAttachedLeadImage();
void setAttachedLeadImage(FileResource leadImage);
MediaItem getLeadImageMediaItem();
void setLeadImageMediaItem(final MediaItem mediaItem);
Furthermore, the following methods have been added to ContentItemVersion
boolean getHasLead();
void removeAttachedLeadImage();
void setAttachedLeadImageFocusPoint(int x, int y);
XperienCentral R31
Release date: March 4, 2021
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R31
Upgrading to XperienCentral R31 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R31.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Default Content Language
- A change has been made to how the default content language is determined. Beginning in XperienCentral R31, the default language is the language that has the rank of "1" in the list of supported languages in the Language Labels panel.
- In XperienCentral versions R31 and higher, the default content language is set to Dutch in a clean installation.
- After upgrading to XperienCentral R31, ensure that the default content language for your channel(s) in the edit environment is correct. See Setting the Default Content Language for XperienCentral.
- In some cases, the new default language setting can have an effect on the default language of the home page on the website frontend. After upgrading, check the language used by your home page on the frontend by default.
- Due to issue GXWM-37982, it might not be possible to set the default content language in the Language Labels panel in a multi-channel (multi-website) installation. If you run into this problem, the order can be changed using the JCR Browser. Follow these steps:
1. Look up the channel node using"//element(*)[@wm:id='26098']"
. Change "26098" to the ID of the channel for which you want to modify the default content language.
2. Click thewo_wmregistry
child node in the results.
3. Edit thewo:language
4. Reorder the UUIDs as desired and then click [Update].
New WYSIWYG Editor in Interactive Forms
In XperienCentral R31, a new WYSIWYG editor has been introduced in Interactive Forms. It generates HTML in a slightly different way than the old editor. The changes introduced by the new WYSIWYG editor are:
- Heading tags (
) and<p>
tags are no longer wrapped in a<div>
. <b>
tags are replaced by<strong>
tags are replaced by<em>
tags.- Indendation in lists is now rendered using nested lists instead of
After ugrading to XperienCentral R31, HTML already stored in existing form elements remains unchanged. All new HTML produced after the upgrade will be generated in the new way. If you edit an existing WYSIWYG form element, it will be upgraded after saving. In some cases, extra whitespace may be introduced between elements.
GX Software recommends that you check new or modified WYSIWYG form elements after upgrading to R31 in order to determine whether you need to tweak your CSS to accommodate the behavior of the new WYSIWYG editor.
Connector Definition for AJP/1.3 Connections
In Tomcat versions 8.5.51, 9.0.31 and later, the connector definition in the server.xml
file must contain the attribute secretRequired="false"
for AJP/1.3 connections. Please check your server.xml
file and ensure that the connector definition contains this attribute. For example:
<Connector port=
The getPersonalizationXMLData method in the PersonalizationXMLDataProvider API has been changed from
String getPersonalizationXMLData(HttpServletRequest request);
String getPersonalizationXMLData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
If you use this method, you must refactor your code to cope with the modification.
In version R31 of XperienCentral, the tag getMediaItemVersions
has been added and the tag getMediaItems
has been deprecated. getMediaItemVersions
was added to support media item language versions. If you currently use the getMediaItems
tag in your code, you need to refactor it to use getMediaItemVersions
. Proceed as follows:
Replace all instances of the getMediaItems
<wm:getmediaitems var="mediaItems"/> <c:forEach var="mediaItem" items="${mediaItems}"> <c:set var="mediaItemVersion" value="${mediaItem}"/> <c:if test="${not empty mediaItemVersion}"> //attributes </c:if> </c:forEach>
to getMediaItemVersions
. For example:
<wm:getmediaitemversions var="mediaItemVersions"/> <c:forEach var="mediaItemVersion" items="${mediaItemVersions}"> //attributes </c:forEach>
See getMediaItemVersions and the Javadoc for getMediaItemVersions
for more information.
Delete Cache Before to Logging in to an XperienCentral R31 Installation Running Locally
Due to a change to internal JavaScript files in this release, GX Software strongly recommends that you delete your browser cache if you run a local installation of XperienCentral R31 after upgrading but before logging in for the first time. This does not apply to XperienCentral running on an Apache web server.
GX WebManager JUnit Wrapper Bundle
Beginning in XperienCentral version R31, the JUnit wrapper bundle is no longer deployed to XperienCentral by default. It is possible that plugins (including any reusables) built against older versions of XperienCentral still have an indirect dependency on this plugin which results in those dependent plugins not starting when XperienCentral is started.
There are two ways to fix this issue:
- Rebuild custom plugin(s) against XperienCentral version R31
- For resuables for which no R31 version or later version is available, you can manually deploy the webmanager-junit-bundle which can be found in the SDK under
XperienCentral R30.1
Release date: December 10, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R30.1
Upgrading to XperienCentral R30.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R30.1.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
XSS Features
- In XperienCentral R29.3, extended protections against XSS vulnerabilities have been introduced. A number of input fields in XperienCentral are now more rigorously validated against known XSS attacks. If the value of an input field is forbidden, the old value of the input field will remain unchanged and the upgrade is ignored. You can of course still allow this sort of input by adding it to a trusted list, however GX Software strongly recommends against doing so.
- When input fields contain unsafe input before the upgrade, the content of these fields remains unchanged after the upgrade. If the content of one of these input fields is subsequently changed to other content considered unsafe, the updated content is ignored and the old (unsafe) content will remain.
External Application Support
- The External Applications module has been removed from XperienCentral in version R29.3. Because that also removes the
presentation, all references to this presentation should be manually removed from your project. For example, in the XperienCentral Community Edition plugin'sxslStyleSheet.jspf
file, the following line is removed:
<wm:render presentationName="xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude" />
Uploaded File Handling
- A new Apache rule should be added when upgrading to R30.1 in order to prevent uploaded files from being be opened inside the browser. Add the following rule to one of the configuration files included in the Apache
<Location ~ "(/upload|/upload_mm)">
Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"
See also Linux Server Installation.
The setting xss_allowlist_siteworks_expressions
was added in this version in the application_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. To avoid generating WARNING messages in the log, change the value of this setting to "wm_language_search.help" (without the quotes).
XperienCentral R29.3
Release date: December 2, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.3
Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.3 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.3.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
XSS Features
- In XperienCentral R29.3, extended protections against XSS vulnerabilities have been introduced. A number of input fields in XperienCentral are now more rigorously validated against known XSS attacks. If the value of an input field is forbidden, the old value of the input field will remain unchanged and the upgrade is ignored. You can of course still allow this sort of input by adding it to a trusted list, however GX Software strongly recommends against doing so.
- When input fields contain unsafe input before the upgrade, the content of these fields remains unchanged after the upgrade. If the content of one of these input fields is subsequently changed to other content considered unsafe, the updated content is ignored and the old (unsafe) content will remain.
External Application Support
- The External Applications module has been removed from XperienCentral in version R29.3. Because that also removes the
presentation, all references to this presentation should be manually removed from your project. For example, in the XperienCentral Community Edition plugin'sxslStyleSheet.jspf
file, the following line is removed:
<wm:render presentationName="xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude" />
Uploaded File Handling
- A new Apache rule should be added when upgrading to R29.3 in order to prevent uploaded files from being be opened inside the browser. Add the following rule to one of the configuration files included in the Apache
<Location ~ "(/upload|/upload_mm)">
Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"
See also Linux Server Installation.
The setting xss_allowlist_siteworks_expressions
was added in this version in the application_settings
section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. To avoid generating WARNING messages in the log, add these two values to this setting:
XperienCentral R30
Release date: October 28, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R30
Upgrading to XperienCentral R30 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R30.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
XperienCentral R29.2
Release date: October 8, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.2
Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.2 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.2.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
XperienCentral R29.1
Due to a known issue which has been solved, GX Software strongly recommends that you do not install or upgrade to XperienCentral version R29.1.
Release date: September 7, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.1
Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.1.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Changes to the Interactive Forms Date Validator
The date validator in Interactive Forms now only accepts the yyyy-mm-dd
date format instead of dd-mm-yyyy
. As a result, the formFragmentDateInput
presentation in wmpformpresentation now generates a yyyy-mm-dd
formatted date for the backend instead of dd-mm-yyyy
. If you have a custom implementation of formFragmentDateInput
that returns dates in the dd-mm-yyyy
format, you need to modify it to return yyyy-mm-dd
Additionally, you need to check any post-processing code that further handles dates submitted in an Interactive Form. For example, if the date submitted in the form is used in an email handler or stored in a database, you need to evaluate how this change affects any further processing you do on data received in forms.
XperienCentral R29
Due to a known issue which has been solved, GX Software strongly recommends that you do not install or upgrade to XperienCentral version R29.
Release date: July 21, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29
Upgrading to XperienCentral R29 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
New Method for Retrieving Media Items in Content Overviews
In this release, the Dynamic Content Overview now supports an explicit fallback language selection. For this implementation, the API of MediaCollectionElement
(inherited by MediaCollectionOverviewElement
) has been extended with the new method getMediaItemVersions()
which replaces the method getMediaItems()
returns the correct media item version depending on the fallback language selected in the Dynamic Content Overview tab. In order to render the correct media item versions in the mediaCollectionElement
on the frontend, the presentation JSP of the mediaCollectionElement
must now use the new API method getMediaItemVersions()
For example, in webmanager-wcbs/webmanager-cestyle-wcb/src/main/resources/presentationtype/jsp/element/mediaCollectionElement.jspf
, the code
<c:forEach var="mediaItem" items="${mediaCollectionElement.mediaItems}"> <c:set var="mediaItemVersion" value="${mediaItem.current}" />
must be replaced by:
<c:forEach var="mediaItemVersion" items="${mediaCollectionElement.mediaItemVersions}"> <c:set var="mediaItem" value="${mediaItemVersion.contentItem}" />
New Mechanism for Generating Download Links
Beginning in version R29, SEO URLs are now available for downloads. If download elements are linked to downloads in the Content Repository, a small change is required to use these new SEO URLs. The change must be applied to each presentation of a download element (any presentation with scope DownloadElement
For downloads whereby a file is uploaded directly in the Download content element, no change is required and you should continue to use your current implementation.
Beginning in R29, use the wm:link
tag for downloads just as you would for any other media item in the Content Repository. For example:
<%-- Generate the link using th wm:link tag --%> <wm:link var="downloadLink" reference="${mediaItemVersion.targetPage}" contentid="${mediaItem.id}" linkText="${mediaItemVersion.title}" /> <%-- HTML escape and render the link --%> <h2 class="normal"><a href="${wmfn:escapeToHTMLAttribute(downloadLink.url)}">${wmfn:escapeToHTML(downloadElement.title)}</a></h2>
New Security Protocol Setting for Frontend Servers
In XperienCentral R29, a new preview functionality was introduced. Among other things, this feature enables visitors who do not have permission to log in to the XperienCentral backend to nevertheless preview unpublished content. For this reason, the new setting frontend_use_https
has been introduced. This setting can be configured for each website individually. frontend_use_https
is disabled by default which means that preview links will be generated using the HTTP protocol if you do not enable it.
XperienCentral R28
Release date: May 13, 2020
Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R28
Upgrading to XperienCentral R28 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R28.
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Performance Dashboard is Removed
The Performance Dashboard has been removed from XperienCentral in R28. Use the Monitoring Dashboard to view statistics and metrics related to your XperienCentral deployment. See also Administrative Pages.
While the upgrade scripts for XperienCentral should in principle remove all components related to the Performance Dashboard, in some circumstances it may not, therefore you need to manually remove any remnants. Follow these steps:
- Navigate to Configuration > Plugins.
- Locate "GX WebManager - Performance Dashboard" in the list and select it.
- Click [Uninstall].
- Click [Yes] when you are prompted to remove all data related to this plugin (purge).
- Repeat the steps above for the "GX WebManager - SystemHealthIndicator tracker" plugin.
See also Plugins Management Console.
Code Changes
The nestedPath
attribute has been removed from fragmentValue.tag
in the wmpformelement plugin. It has been replaced by the attribute formFragment
. The value of this attribute contains an object with a nestedPath
property. Wherever you use the <forms:fragmentValue>
tag, you have to replace the nestedPath
property. For example:
<forms:fragmentValue nestedPath="${formFragment.nestedPath}" />
must be changed to:
<forms:fragmentValue formFragment="${formFragment}" />
JCR Index
Beginning in R28, XperienCentral uses an XperienCentral-optimized indexing solution to support queries on frontend nodes instead of the Apache Jackrabbit JCR. This solution generally improves performance and drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to bring a new frontend node online in cloud deployments when traffic demands increase. The new indexing solution will always be used in XperienCentral even if the old JCR index is not disabled. The old JCR index should be disabled on production environments if possible.
See also the new JCR Index Settings that have been added to the Setup Tool.
JCR Query Replacement
If you use custom JCR queries in your deployment, they should be replaced in order to use the new API. The following shows a typical query replacement:
Queries similar to this:
With the JCR index
should be changed to something like this:
Without the JCR index
Disabling the Built-in Apache Jackrabbit JCR Index
To disable the old Apache Jackrabbit JCR index, follow these steps:
- Remove both occurrences of:
. - Remove the directory
Content API User Credentials
In the Connector API, there are two locations in Configuration > Import/Export Configuration where user credentials define which user account executes import/export jobs: one on the Configuration tab and one on the Job tab. The Job tab previously contained the fields "Username", "Password" and "Use application key". The Cofiguration tab contained the same fields with an additional "Website" field. These fields have been replaced by a single "User" drop-down list. In R28 a new System user option has been introduced in the User Authorization panel. Only user accounts designated as system users can be authorized to execute automated export/import jobs.
Re-add Users as System Users
After upgrading to R28, the existing username(s) will still be used by the Connector API. As soon as you open either of the panels, however, the user(s) might not be selectable anymore and if you re-save the configuration, the jobs might stop running. This is the intended behavior. The solution is to navigate to the Authorization panel, designate new system users and then designate them as the user accounts that run jobs on the Configuration and Job tabs in Import/Export Configuration.
XperienCentral R27
Release date: March 26, 2020
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Language Version Support for Media Items
Beginning in XperienCentral 10.27.0, each version of a media item has a specific language defined for it. During the upgrade R27 or higher, each media item is assigned the default editing language of the home page. A consequence of this is that media items might not be shown any longer if its language differs from that of the page on which it should be shown. This is also the case for (lead) images stored in the Content Repository. This can be solved in many cases by defining a fallback language for the languages on your channel. If the fallback language for Dutch is set to English, for example, and there is no Dutch media item to be shown on a Dutch page, then the English version will be shown. This is the case for all kinds of media items, images as well as articles, for example.
Check the following to ensure that media items in your channel(s) are handled appropriately:
- The "Language" setting (default editing language) for the home page: Properties widget > General > Other > Language.
- Enable/disable fallback language(s) setting: Channel Configuration > General > Options > "Use another language if language is not available".
- The fallback language to use for a language: Language Labels.
Modify your Solr Configuration
In this version of XperienCentral, the Lucene version has been upgraded to version 6.6.6, therefore you must make the following changes to solrconfig.xml
Change the declaration
and add the following declaration to the <config></config>
<schemaFactory class="ManagedIndexSchemaFactory">
<bool name="mutable">false</bool>
Deprecated Method
The following method has been deprecated in the XperienCentral API in this release:
) — UsecreateMediaItemVersion
) instead.
Removed Methods/Interfaces
The following methods and interfaces have been removed from the XperienCentral API in this release:
— UseMediaRepositoryManagementService.createMediaItem(Website, String)
— UsegetPersonalizationItem()
— UsegetPersonalizationItem()
— UsegetPersonalizationItem()
— UsesetPersonalizationItem()
— UsesetPersonalizationItem()
— UsegetPersonalizationItems()
— UsecheckPersonalizationItems()
Update your Presentation JSPs
You need to update your presentation JSPs if they use the following methods:
Perform a global search in your presentation JSPs for the string ".personalization
" to ensure that you catch all instances.
XperienCentral R26.1
Release date: January 21, 2020
Check Configuration Files
See Check Configuration Files.
Solr Search
The search functionality has been upgraded to Solr 6 in this version of XperienCentral. After upgrading, perform the following steps in order to prepare your deployment for Solr 6:
- Stop Tomcat if it is running.
- Remove the directory
. - If you have a custom
, you need to modify it — open it in a text editor. - Remove the following declaration:
<requestHandler name="/admin/" class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers" />
- Save your custom
. - Start Tomcat.
- Log in to XperienCentral.
Realtime indexing
If you use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):
- Navigate to Configuration > Realtime Indexing.
- Select the "Indexing" tab.
- Select all the websites that you want to index in the top part of the panel.
- Click [Index selected items].
No realtime indexing
- Open the Setup Tool.
- Select the Search Tools tab.
- Click [Index] in the "INDEX URL" section.
XperienCentral R26
Release date: December 11, 2019
- The behavior of the setting
has changed. Beginning in XperienCentral R26, proxy system properties set outside of XperienCentral are no longer overwritten when this setting is clear (false). See the "application_settings" section of the General tab in the Setup Tool. - Support for Flash films has been removed from XperienCentral in R26. All Flash content elements in your content items will be removed when you upgrade to this version of XperienCentral. The Flash files themselves will still be present in the Content Repository but they cannot be accessed.
XperienCentral R24.2
Release date: November 19, 2019
Support for Flash films has been removed from XperienCentral in R24.2. All Flash content elements in your content items will be removed when you upgrade to this version of XperienCentral. The Flash files themselves will still be present in the Content Repository but they cannot be accessed.
Upgrading from R24.2 to R25.0 is not supported.
XperienCentral R25
Release date: October 9, 2019
Several changes/additions have been made to XperienCentral API interfaces. If you extend any of these interfaces and have developed your own implementations for them, you may experience failing project builds with XperienCentral R25. Some modifications may have to be implemented for newly added methods. If your custom code extends any of the interfaces listed below, you will have to add new methods to your implementations. See the XperienCentral Javadoc for complete information. The modified interfaces are:
Upgrading from R24.2 to R25.0 is not supported.
XperienCentral R24.1
Release date: July 2, 2019
Startup performance has been significantly improved. Bundles are now updated only if they have been modified. In XperienCentral R24.0 and earlier, all bundles were updated at startup, regardless of whether they had been modified. Beginning in XperienCentral R24.1, bundles are only updated if:
- The version is newer than the one installed.
- The last modified date of the bundle's
(if present) is more recent than the last modified date of the installed bundle. - The
is more recent than the last modified date of the installed bundle.
This means that if you update anything in the bundle but not these two properties, the bundle will not be updated. This applies to updating bundles in the WAR file, bundles copied to the work/deploy
directory and to bundles manually uploaded from the Plugins panel.
XperienCentral R24
Release date: June 5, 2019
Access to the Administrative Pages is no longer restricted to users who have the basic HTTP credentials for a page. When a user has the permission "Access debugging tools" in the category "System utilities" and the user is logged in, they no longer need to provide additional credentials in order to access the Administrative Pages. As a consequence however, the credentials dialog no longer appears automatically when access is requested. If the user is not logged in, they will need to first navigate to:<xperiencentral-server>/web/admin/login
where <xperiencentral-server>
is the name of the server on which XperienCentral is running,
Modular Content Plugin
- Uninstall the Plugin "Add-on - Modular Content" from the Plugins panel before installing the updated deploy. After installing the updated deploy, install the bundle "wmamodularcontent-1.1.0.jar" from the Plugins panel. This plugin can be found in the edition-bundles directory of the XperienCentral SDK.
Monitoring Framework Plugin
- After every change in a schedule of one or more indicator sets, the "Add-on - XC Monitoring Framework API" plugin has to be restarted via the Plugins panel to ensure the updated schedule is taken into account.
XperienCentral R23
Release date: March 8, 2019
- Beginning with this XperienCentral release, the version number is no longer prefixed with "10." XperienCentral releases are now designated using "R" together with the major/minor version number (R23, R24, R24.1, and so forth).
- In this release XperienCentral has been split into two modes: the original XperienCentral is named XperienCentral Traditional and a new mode named XperienCentral Headless. When upgrading to this release or newer, a new license is required. The new license has a new XperienceCentral version node to determine which version of XperienCentral has to be loaded and it makes some changes in the licensed components.
- The Community Edition plugin is licensed beginning in XperienCentral R23. Customers that depend on presentations from this bundle should do one of the following:
- Add the presentations from the CE plugin that are depended on to their own presentation plugin;
- Request that the CE style presentation plugin be added to their configuration license file (
XperienCentral 10.22.1
Release date: January 9, 2019
- In XperienCentral 10.22.1 the jQuery library has been upgraded to version 1.12.4. Where JQuery code is used in a widget, design templates or other custom code, the new version might cause compatibility problems. Please check for compatibility problems in your jQuery code when upgrading to XperienCentral 10.22.1 or higher.
- Support for Tomcat 8.5.35 has been added. To use this version, you require a different database driver when using MSSQL as your database, See the XperienCentral Installation Guides for more information. Changes to the
and the database drivers in the Tomcatlib
directory are required. - The bundles "GX Webmanager - DatasourceProvider (MS-SQL JDBC 1.1)" and "GX Webmanager - DatasourceProvider (jTDS 1.2.3)" are no longer supported and should be removed after upgrading.
- Support for Apache Maven 3.6.0 has been added.
XperienCentral 10.22.0
See also the XperienCentral 10.22 Changelog for information on the issues that have been fixed and other product improvements.
In XperienCentral 10.22.0, the DependencyManager implementation has been changed. This has an impact for plugins that use the DependencyManager object in their Activator class with package name org.apache.felix.dependencymanager
. In XperienCentral versions prior to 10.22.0, the library DependencyManager version 3.0.0 and DependencyManager Compat 3.0.0 were available. In XperienCentral 10.22 and higher, the Compat library has been removed.
If the Compat library class org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.DependencyManager
was present, it was used as a compatibility version for the DependencyManger 3.0.0 (non Compat). All DependencyManager object implementations in plugin Activators where the version of Compat is used will no longer work in XperienCentral versions 10.22.0 and later. In the locations where this variant is used, you must refactor to the DependencyManager 3.0.0/4.4.1 (org.apache.felix.dm.DependencyManager
) (non Compat) variant.
For project plugins the refactoring should be straightforward when upgrading to XperienCentral 10.22 or higher. For plugins that must be deployed on all XperienCentral versions (reusables), a fix is available and implemented in the reusable Utility Services (version 1.6.2).
You must refactor your plugins or reusables in the following cases:
Project Plugins
If your Activator uses the DependencyManager object with package name org.apache.felix.dependencymanager
, change this to org.apache.felix.dm
and replace the createService()
method with createComponent()
. The Service class is no longer available. If your Activator overrides the init()
method, refactor this to override the start method and retrieve the DependencyManager
object from the ComponentBundleActivatorBase
Reusable Plugins
The same situation applies as above, except you need to add an extra subclass in the Activator class in order to be compatible with XperienCentral versions 10.22.0 higher. If the reusable already uses the Utility Services dependency, you can use the com.gxwebmanager.solutions.wmsutilityservices.osgi.CompatibleActivatorBase
in your Activator class. If not, you can add the dependency or copy the class to your own plugin, however, this is not recommended. Also add the org.apache.felix.dm.*;version="[3.0,5.0)"
import package to your pom.xml
. This will ensure that the old 3.0.0 and new 4.4.1 DependencyManager version can be used by your reusable.
If your Activator class uses the createServiceDependency()
method to add a Service to the DependencyManager
(in REST cases for example), you must refactor this implementation to use the addServiceDependency()
method from the CompatibleActivatorBase
class in reusable Utility Services.
If your Activator class does not use a DependencyManager
object and the Activator class extends from the XperienCentral ComponentBundleActivatorBase
class, no refactoring is required. You may need to build your plugin against the XperienCentral 10.22 or newer version.
The required changes described above should be sufficient to make your plugins compatible with XperienCentral 10.22.0 and higher. In some cases, however, this may not be sufficient and further refactoring may be needed. Contact your GX consultant if you have any questions or are unable to get your plugins to work.
When refactoring is finished and XperienCentral has been upgraded to this version or higher, the DependencyManager Compat 3.0.0 bundle can be unstalled.
Custom Facets
Two facets for the keywords field have been added in this release. In order to be able to uniquely identify a facet, changes have been made that affect custom made facet components. The following changes must be made in your project code:
- In the interface
, the methodgetIdentifier()
has been added. Every class implementing this interface must therefore add this method. The identifier should be a unique string identifying the facet. - The constructor of the class
has been changed. It now includes a parameter for the unique identifier. The new signature is:SimpleSearchFacetComponentDefinition(String identifier, String widgetId, Class<?> valuesType, List<String> path, int priority, Map<Locale, String> titles, int position, Map<String, String> properties
All references to this constructor should be changed.
- For projects or reusables that use custom Dojo facet search code (those that extend
) there are some more API changes that you must be aware of:- FacetWidget now has an extra member for the facet identifier. This is accessible in widgets via the
method calledgetFacetIdentifier()
. Also, the constructor for it has been changed to:FacetWidget(fieldIdentifier, facetTitle, facetProperties, facetIdentifier)
- If you define a
in your custom facet widget, the constructor for this object is extended with a parameter for the facet identifier. The constructor is now:FacetQuery(fieldIdentifier, facetIdentifier, facetParameters, valueCountQueries, valuesFilter, valuesLimit)
- If you define
objects in your custom widget code, the constructor has been changed to:FacetDefinition(fieldIdentifier, name, properties, facetIdentifier, FacetWidget)
- FacetWidget now has an extra member for the facet identifier. This is accessible in widgets via the
It will depend on your specific use case how your code should be changed. It may be the case, for example, that your custom code uses a FacetQuery
just for showing a result set without having to do any filtering. In this case, an empty string can be used for the facet identifier field in your FacetQuery
constructor. In other cases where your FacetQuery
is indeed bound to a certain facet, you need to use the facet identifier for that facet.
Other Changes
- The
file in the wmpformpresentation plugin has been changed and needs to be updated when overruled in a custom presentation. - The Is Used In widget can now recognize custom media items. You do need to make some modifications to your code, however. See Custom Media Items and the Is Used In Widget.
XperienCentral 10.21.1
A problem has been fixed that caused deleted elements to not be completely removed which resulted in excessive space being taken up in the database. After upgrading and starting up XperienCentral for the first time, a task is executed that removes these deleted elements — in some environments, this could take some time to complete.
XperienCentral 10.18.0
- After upgrading to XperienCentral 10.18, a list can only have one personalization applied to it — individual items in a list cannot be separately personalized. If a list has more than one personalization applied to it before the upgrade, the first one encountered is applied to the whole list and the others are removed. In an upgrade situation, a list personalization is applied only after the first time the content item on which it appears is edited and saved. This applies to the frontend as well. This is done in order to make personalizations work consistently.
- Logging has been added for several authentication and other sensitive events (logging in, changing a user's persmissions, etc.). To store this logging in a separate logging file on the server, some additions must be added to the
file. Be sure to shut down the server before applying these changes.
The first line defines the so-called logging handlers that are used. This should be extended with a new handler. The new line must be:handlers=1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler,2localhost.org.apache.juli.FileHandler,3manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler,4host-manager.org.apache.juli.FileHandler, 5gxsecuritylogging.org.apache.juli.FileHandler,java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
is the new handler. Do not add the handler to the line ".handlers". Note that all sensitive events are logged at the INFO level.
Add the definition for the new handler at the bottom of the file as follows:5gxsecuritylogging.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level=INFO5gxsecuritylogging.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.directory=${catalina.base}/logs 5gxsecuritylogging.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix=audit.nl.gx.webmanager.services.securitylogging.level=INFO nl.gx.webmanager.services.securitylogging.handlers=5gxsecuritylogging.org.apache.juli.FileHandler
After these changes are applied, restart the server. A clean log file is initialized in the Tomcat "logs" directory, prefixed with "audit". For other application servers, please consult their documentation for information on how to configure a separate log file. - A problem has been fixed that caused added database references to be incorrectly stored in XperienCentral. The fix will only ensure that future references are correct, not existing ones. If you refer to database items within media items, you must manually remove the
directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated (selectingcontentindex_queue_empty_reindex
in the Setup Tool is not sufficient).
XperienCentral 10.17.0
Apache Tomcat version 8.5.14 has been integrated. For Apache Tomcat the
has changed:<Resource name="jdbc/WebManagerDb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="${webmanager.externaldb.dbuser}" password="${webmanager.externaldb.dbpassword}" driverClassName="${webmanager.externaldb.dbdriver}" url="${webmanager.externaldb.dburl}" maxTotal="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" testWhileIdle="true" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="900000" removeAbandonedOnBorrow="false" removeAbandonedOnMaintenance="false" removeAbandonedTimeout="30" logAbandoned="true" validationQuery="${webmanager.externaldb.validationquery}"/> <Resource name="jdbc/WebManagerDb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="${webmanager.externaldb.dbuser}" password="${webmanager.externaldb.dbpassword}" driverClassName="${webmanager.externaldb.dbdriver}" url="${webmanager.externaldb.dburl}" maxTotal="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" testWhileIdle="true" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="900000" removeAbandonedOnBorrow="false" removeAbandonedOnMaintenance="false" removeAbandonedTimeout="30" logAbandoned="true" validationQuery="${webmanager.externaldb.validationquery}"/>
The way abandoned connection management should be handled by Tomcat has changed.
- For Apache Tomcat the
has changed: CookieProcessor is set toorg.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor
. - Startup configuration for Apache Tomcat has changed: JVM configuration settings (described in
) formerly added tocatalina.bat/catalina.sh
are now located insetenv.bat/setenv.sh
. The settings themselves are split into two categories (instead of one):catalinaopts
. - The manner in which horizontal page text is aligned in the Inline Editor has changed. In XperienCentral versions older than 10.17.0, the align attribute was used inside
, and block-quote elements. Horizontal page text is now rendered using analigncenter
parameter in a CSS horizontal text-alignment class element. The CSS of the customer website must now include these class definitions. Seestylesheet.css
in the webmanager-cestyle-wcb for an example. - The Image Element presentation
has three new properties:enableResize
XperienCentral 10.16.1
Adjust presentations where the <img>
tag width
and height
attributes are set in order to support SVG-images without explicit dimensions. See for example imageElement.jspf
(line 36).
XperienCentral 10.16.0
- The way page labels and media terms are indexed has changed in order to improve the label facet in Advanced Search. Before these improvements fully take effect, all pages and media items need to be re-indexed. This only affects the backend search.
- Support for images has been added to the RSS feed presentation (
XperienCentral 10.15.1
The clientside SidebarContentItemWidget.contentItemChange
event is now automatically triggered on content changes using contentManagement.updateContentItemVersion
. Custom code using other triggers for updating the information being shown or throwing events to update other sidebar widgets should be adjusted or removed in order to avoid double updates.
XperienCentral 10.15.0
In order to make sure the wm-hostname
tag works on WebSphere, a change in the default xslStyleSheet.jspf
has been made. Also, a default hostname is included in the form.tag. If these files are overruled by a custom presentation, please update accordingly.
XperienCentral 10.14.0
- Please add the file
to the presentation of your project and include it by adding the following line toxslStyleSheet.jspf
, according to the example presentation:<wm:render presentationName="xslStyleSheetForm" />
- In order to render Interactive Forms in a cross-domain manner, a number of files have been changed. If the default
, form.tag,formStep.jspf
, orformvalidationbindings.js
are overruled in a custom presentation, please synchronize these files. Also, a CORSFilter for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing has been added to the web.xml. If you are using a modifiedweb.xml
file, please update accordingly.
XperienCentral 10.13.0
- Interactive Forms now supports RBAC authorization for all handlers, routers, validators, form fragments and custom extension tabs. For product components, authorization for permission groups has been set. Please review any roles not based on permission groups in order to assign the correct permissions. Custom components will be accessible to all users if no authorization is assigned. RBAC authorization can be added to custom form components in the Activator.
- The HTML structure of lists has changed in order to comply with the HTML5 specification. Each sub-list is now nested in a list item tag
instead of being a direct child of a list tag<ul>
. Any CSS rules that rely on the latter structure will have to be updated in order to produce the same visual result.
XperienCentral 10.12.1
- Users can now be granted rights to access XperienCentral in specific ways. Whereas a user could always use password-based login and/or container-based (if enabled), each login method now has to be enabled for each user. By default, all users will be allowed all relevant access methods. We advise you to review the list of ways that each user may log in after the upgrade and adjust them accordingly.
- String interpolation in Interactive Forms has changed slightly. In previous versions of XperienCentral, a JavaScript syntax error would cause the original string value to be returned. This error is now logged and other expressions (if any) will be evaluated. This may result in partially interpolated strings being returned instead of the input string.
- When upgrading to XperienCentral 10.12.1 or newer, the index directories
are removed automatically. However, in a clustered environment, this is only done on the read/write node. To upgrade successfully, the aforementioned index directories should be removed manually from all the read-only nodes. - JBoss/Wildfly application server users should deactivate the "as-default" profile and activate the Maven "as-jboss" profile by uncommenting the profiles in the profiles section in the
or by passing the profiles as Maven profile using the Maven command line-P <profiles>
XperienCentral 10.12.0
- SOLR has been upgraded to version 5.5.1, therefore it is necessary to fully rebuild the backend and frontend search indices. The former is built automatically after the upgrade. Please note that this may take some time to complete and could cause high server load. The frontend search index rebuild should be triggered manually via the Setup Tool.
- The files
have been updated. If you have made custom changes to one or both of these files, it is necessary to merge the new files with the custom ones. If no custom changes have been made, the new versions of the files can simply be used instead of the old ones. - The secure form signer used to protect forms against tampering has been changed. All dumped pages which contain interactive forms or advanced forms will need to be regenerated or flushed from the cache. Any old pre-upgrade forms submitted by browsers to the website after the upgrade will be rejected by the secure forms checking filter.
- Form sessions can now be completed if a different form version becomes active. If the default
showFormElementSsi.jspf, formFragmentOverview.jspf
are overruled in a custom presentation, please synchronize these files.
XperienCentral 10.11.0
- An extra input field has been added to the IAF csfw fields. If a custom form.tag is used in the presentation, please add the following hidden input:
<input type="hidden" name="csfw_requestedChannel" value="${wmfn:escapeToHtml(presentationcontext.channel)}"/>
- The E-Cards, Poll and Who-is-Who functionalities have been removed and all their persisted content will be automatically removed during the upgrade process.
- The system presentation JSP
with scopeElementAnchor
was changed and should be copied to/synchronized with the project specific presentation. - In Interactive Forms, an error on the form scope previously did not stop execution of any components in a conditional block. If your project depends on this behavior, you will have to change the relevant conditions in Interactive Forms.
- One line of text used by the Search element is garbled when shown on a Dutch page. To correct this by hand, log into XperienCentral, navigate to the Configuration menu at the top of the page, select Language Labels and ensure that "Dutch" is selected, Open the "wm_language_search" part of the dialog and update the "all_pages" entry to "Alle categorieën".
XperienCentral 10.10.1
Links are now filtered by scheme. Schemes that are not allowed result in removal of the illegal link. Allowed link schemes can be configured using the Setup Tool, property valid_link_schemes in the website settings. The following schemes are accepted by default: http
, https
, mailto
. In addition to these we accept relative URLs and anchors by default. We advise you to customize which schemes are accepted such that only the bare minimum is accepted.
XperienCentral 10.10.0
- Because of security reasons it is recommended to disable the following permissions for the Main Editor role when being used: "Maintain design templates", "Maintain application servers", "Maintain application proxy servers", "Maintain application proxy servers", "Maintain application replacements", "Maintain Layouts", "Maintain XSLT expressions", "Maintain language labels", "Maintain users", "Maintain roles" and "Import users".
- For security reasons, it is no longer permitted to use the Interactive Forms "Copy File Handler" to copy files to any arbitrary location. The only directories (and its subdirectories) to which the copy file handler is allowed to copy files are those specified in the configuration (the property "website_settings.file_upload_valid_directories" in the Setup Tool). By default, no directories are specified, which means that by default attempting to copy files will fail. When upgrading, please configure the allowed directories in the Setup Tool. It is recommended that you only use directories that are not part of GX Webmanager 10 XperienCentral itself. The new setting should also be used in custom code where files can be uploaded to a user-defined location.
- And also the following functionalities have been removed because of security considerations: Design Templates (panel), Design Template Folders (tab). Similar functionality is provided by the System Utilities - File Browser which should be used instead.
- The configuration of Maintainable Folders has been moved to the Setup Tool.
- Error messages from Spring Framework Validators are now escaped. This means HTML markup can not be used in these error message any more. Typically you need to remove styling like
<font color="red">
from your message files. CSS styling is possible using the "span.error" selector. - Labels for the
JSPtags will now be escaped to HTML by default. In case HTML is used in such labels, this needs to be replaced. - More robust HTML escaping JSP functions are introduced as a replacement for
. These arewmfn:escapeToHTML
for generic use in HTML andwmfn:escapeToHTMLAttribute
for escaping HTML attributes. Unlikefn:escapeXml
, these functions do not escapeL CODE
tags that are used for links and personalization tags. It is recommended that you replace all instances offn:escapeXml
in frontend presentations with these functions. In specific cases this is required forL CODE
tags and personalization to work correctly.
XperienCentral 10.9.0
- The GetText servlet has been deleted. If you are using a modified web.xml file then be sure to remove any references to the GetText servlet.
- From now on the 3.0 servlet API is supported only. To enable this the dependencies to the related artifacts need to be changed in custom poms that refer to these artifacts:
. The
deployment descriptor header should be changed to the 3.0 format:<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"version="3.0"> </web-app>
Maven 3.X does not support file URLs like "file:./maven-repository" in the settings.xml anymore, therefore the "localRepository" setting must be a real file path from now on and this should be updated in your custom Maven settings if needed. An absolute path is preferred for referring to the same repository (for example in subprojects) because the settings are relative to the current project directory (see https://maven.apache.org/plugin-developers/common-bugs.html#Resolving_Relative_Paths).
Maven 3.X discourages using expressions for the groupId, artifactId and version settings in POMs and other descriptors. These have been replaced by constant values and, as a result, the webmanager.project.groupId, webmanager.project.artifactId and webmanager.project.version settings from the settings.xml no longer serve a purpose and thus have been removed from the settings.xml. As a result of this it may be necessary to update the values of your project specific webmanager.staticbasedir, webmanager.backendbasedir and webmanager.cleansitelocation settings.
Because the Maven plugin for OSGI bundles has been replaced in Maven 3.X, the following adjustments are needed in the
of custom plugins.PACKAGING:
Maven 2:
<project ...>
Replacement in Maven 3:
<project ...>
MAVEN OSGI PLUGIN: Note especially that the <explicitImportPackage> tag is not needed any more.
Previously this tag was used to make exported local packages available within the plugin code.Maven 2:
Replacement in Maven 3:
<!-- REMOVED! explicitImportPackage -->
If a custom parent pom.xml is used in place of the one delivered in the XperienCentral SDK ZIP (
), then you need to make the following changes in the parentpom.xml
. Some of these tags can also be used directly in the pom.xml of a plugin. In that case, the same "translation" should be used there.Maven 2:
Replacement in Maven 3:
<Embed-Dependency>*;scope=compile</Embed-Dependency> <!-- NEW! -->
<Embed-Transitive>true</Embed-Transitive> <!-- NEW! -->
<Export-Package/> <!-- NEW! -->
<!-- REMOVED: bundleManifestVersion -->
The maven-bundle-plugin adds version information to the Manifest file for its dependencies. This information is checked at runtime in order to ensure that an accepted version of the referred plugin is installed on the system, otherwise the plugin will fail to start. The default runtime version requirements are sensible, but when dealing with 3rd party components you might need to overrule these default requirements. This can be done as follows to allow v1.x.x - v5.x.x:
XperienCentral 10.7.1
XperienCentral 10.7.1 provides an oEmbed service to embed XC content in external oEmbed consumers. The presentation of this content is provided by some XC presentation files. An example implementation can be found in the wmpcommunityeditionstyle
WCB (provided in the edition-bundles
directory of the release) that contains presentations with the following names: "WM page embed", "WM page embed ssi", "WM contentpart embedded" that are used to render the oEmbed presentation. "WM content" and "WM databasepage" are invoked but not modified.
XperienCentral 10.7.0
- The manner in which the active version of a form or form section is determined has been changed. It no longer makes use of a predefined set of states, but uses the XperienCentral Workflow functionality instead. As a result of this the getActiveVersion and setActiveVersion methods on the Form and FormSection class have been deprecated. The getActiveVersion method now invokes the newly introduced getCurrent method to determine which version is returned as the "active" version. The setActiveVersion no longer executes any logic at all.
- The behavior of the Session#getWrapper method has been altered when retrieving Content Items (instances of MediaItem). Previously this method would return an object even if none could be found for the requested identifier while now it will return null in this situation.
- 10.7.0 introduces support for Workflow in Interactive Forms. In order for this to work properly, WebManager sets up a new Workflow Repository Model called "Interactive Forms Workflow". You may want to review whether the permissions assigned to each activity suit your needs. You can find Workflow Repository Model configuration in the "Workflow" menu. The following permissions have been introduced in WebManager 10.7.0: Copy forms, create forms, create versions of forms, delete forms and edit forms.
XperienCentral 10.5.0
The model in order to store personalizations has been refactored. As a result, export files created using the content export functionality in the setup tool of older XperienCentral versions containing personalizations or references to personalizations cannot be imported on XperienCentral 10.5.0 and vice versa.
XperienCentral 10.4.1
- In 10.4.1 the logic which adds anchors and back to top links to elements has been moved from the
, which loops over and renders all elements, to two separate presentation JSPs, one with scope ElementAnchor, which prepends the anchors to an element if applicable and one with scope ElementBackToTop, which adds the back to top links to an element if applicable. - All element related logic should be removed from your project specific presentation JSPs which currently loop over and render the elements, like the
in the webmanager-cestyle-wcb and add two new presentation JSPs based on the elementAnchor.jspf andelementBackToTop.jspf
in the webmanager-cestyle-wcb.
XperienCentral 10.4.0
In 10.4.0 all default database connections are merged to one database connection named WebManagerDb which by default is accessed through JNDI lookups. Therefore it is necessary that before deploying the application the WebManagerDb datasource is configured to be available on the application server. For Apache Tomcat edit the server.xml and add this resource to the context of the backend webapp:
Resource name="jdbc/WebManagerDb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="${webmanager.externaldb.dbuser}" password="${webmanager.externaldb.dbpassword}" driverClassName="${webmanager.externaldb.dbdriver}" url="${webmanager.externaldb.dburl}" maxActive="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" testWhileIdle="true" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="900000" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="30" logAbandoned="true" validationQuery="${webmanager.externaldb.validationquery}"/>>
Note that you still have to fill in the correct values for the username, password, driverClassName, URL and validationQuery attributes. Examples of these can be found in the settings.xml.
For Jboss edit the standalone.xml and add this datasource to datasources subsystem:<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/jdbc/WebManagerDb" pool-name="WebManagerDb" enabled="true" use-java-context="true"> <connection-url>${webmanager.externaldb.dburl}</connection-url> <driver>${driverName}</driver> <security> <user-name>${webmanager.externaldb.dbuser}</user-name> <password>${webmanager.externaldb.dbpassword}</password> </security> </datasource>
Note that you still have to fill in the correct values for the connection-url, driver, user-name and password. Examples for the connection-url, driver and user-name can be found in the settings.xml. The driver value has to correspond with the name attribute of the driver you wish to use as defined in the drivers tag in the datasources subsystem. Furthermore, the driver for your database must be copied to the lib directory of your Tomcat or JBoss installation. Supported drivers can be found in the ext-directory in the root of the SDK distribution.
It is advised to generate a new repository.xml using the maven configure-jcr-repository profile to make sure the jcr also accesses the database using JNDI and uses the WebManagerDb database connection. When you place this newly generated repository.xml you need to completely rebuild the JCR-index and thus stop the application server, remove the current repository directory and then start the application server again. If your installation contains custom database connections, you have to manually configure those to make use of JNDI, which includes adding the datasource to the application server configuration and updating the database connection set in the [Database configuration] tab of the setup tool.
If you don't want to use JNDI, you have to fill in the old settings in the dbcbmanager sets in the dpcbmanager_defaults.xml which are generated in the WEB-INF folder of the webmanager-backend-webapp based on the settings.xml before executing the upgrade. You cannot generate non-JNDI dbcpmanager_defaults.xml using a maven command you always have to do this manually.The secure form signer used to protect forms against tampering has been changed. All dumped pages which contain interactive forms or advanced forms will need to be regenerated or flushed from the cache. Any old pre-upgrade forms submitted by browsers to the website after the upgrade will be rejected by the secure forms checking filter.
PageVersionEvent.getTargetPageVersion() is deprecated; use .getPageVersion() instead. This change is relevant only for event handlers that use the deprecated method on a COPY event.
PageVersionEvent.getEntity() no longer returns the original page version, it now returns the target page version. The same holds for .getPageVersion(). This change is relevant only for event handlers that use one of these methods on a COPY event.
ElementEvent.getElement() now returns the target element, instead of the old element. This change is relevant only for event handlers that use this method on a COPY event.
ElementEvent.getOriginalElement() now returns the original element. This change is relevant only for handlers that use this method on a COPY event.
Subscription to interface scopes is possible; this might cause issues if a handler is subscribed to both Foo.class and FooParent.class.
The PageManagementService no longer publishes UPDATE events, WCBs that rely on such an event being published after calling either .addLeadText(PageVersion), .addRedirect(PageVersion), or.reorderElements(PageVersion, Element[]) should now publish UPDATE events themselves.
HistoryEvent.TOUCH is deprecated (and no longer published), please replace this with EntityEvent.UPDATE (both PRE and POST).
Saving page metadata no longer publishes an MediaItemVersionEvent, but a PageVersionEvent instead.
Apache Commons FileUpload has been updated to v1.3.1 (from 1.2.2), any implementation of FileItem now should implement both setHeaders(FileUploadHeaders) and getHeaders(). See http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/changes-report.html for other changes.
XperienCentral 10.2.x or older to 10.3.0
- In 10.2.1 or higher the XML parser factories of JBoss are boot delegated. Therefore, bundles that use XML parsing must import involved packages from javax.xml.* of the system bundle. Bundles cannot include a jar that provides javax.xml interfaces, or a ClassCastException occurs in combination with JBoss. This situation differs from 9.20.x as javax.xml.* packages were boot delegated. This breaks modularity of these packages leading to the problem the other way around: bundles cannot provide an implementation of a javax.xml.* package.
- In 10.3.0 or higher the hidden fields with name formid and clientsideRouting for Interactive Forms no longer have the id attributes with respective values formid and clientsiteRouting. Custom javascript code which depends on these iID attributes has to be updated.
- In 10.3.0 or higher, the divs with id attributes starting with "info_" and "errors_" have been extended with an identifier for the form to which they belong. Custom javascript code which depends on these id attributes has to be updated.
- In 10.3.0 or higher add the "Create versions of content items" permission explicitly to the "Create object" activity of all workflow repository models being used, in order to be able to create content versions of content repository related types.
GX WebManager 9.18.x, 9.19.x and 9.20.x to XperienCentral 10.x.x
- The
artifact name has been changed tojavax.servlet:servlet-api
. This may require changes to dependencies in WCB pom.xml files. However, most (if not all) WCBs "inherit" this setting from XperienCentral and won't require changes. Note: From 10.9.0 the 3.0 servlet API is supported, so see below for 10.9.0 related changes to support this version of the servlet API. - Create pages as a display on page for page sections and the image, download, flash and multimedia and configure these special pages at "Website configuration" -> "Special pages".
- Choose a page part that will display page sections that do not yet have a page section label assigned and configure it as such by checking the "Show page sections without label" checkbox at "Design templates" -> "Page parts". Make sure this page part is visible on the page section display on page configured in the previous step. Also see Online Help in XperienCentral.
- Rebuild the search index
- Update customized wmasolrsearch configuration
- Presentation: Update xslStyleSheet.jspf in the "website" folder of your custom presentation WCB to check for "mode=incontext" instead of "mode=preview". This is needed for Read Access to work on the backend.
- Tweak presentations to work seamlessly with Inline Editing. For more on this, see section 3 "Preparing presentation WCBs for use with the Inline Editor" below.
- From GX WebManager 10.1 XperienCentral, Interactive Forms has become integral part of the platform. As a result, the Interactive Forms bundles are not upgraded automatically, and therefore, all Interactive Forms bundles with the version 2.x.y need to be stopped and uninstalled manually.
Optional Changes
- It is suggested that you disable adds in the incontext mode of XperienCentral.
- Remove or update maximum platform version in pom.xml. Note that as of GX WebManager 10 XperienCentral this property is no longer honored as the GX WebManager 10 XperienCentral API will remain backwards compatible with GX WebManager 9.
- If a WCB uses dependency manager API directly it should switch to the new dependency manager 3 API
- Updating icons for Custom Media Items may be preferred; existing icons may typically not fit that well in the new UI. Deleting them and falling back to the default may be a valid solution in many cases. New sizes are 20x20 and 180x180 with Sprite support. Icons for Elements will probably need to be updated as well.
- Make sure empty content items have a non-zero size (in mode=incontext) in order to be able to doubleclick on it in the Inline Editor. The same goes for elements.
- The menu has been reordered and target menu settings in WCB component definitions are now ignored. In order to place a menu item in a specific category, use
to set the category to one of the constants defined in PanelComponentDefinition.
GX WebManager Versions 9.18.0 and lower
When upgrading from a version older than GX WebManager 9.18.0, it is strongly advised to upgrade to GX WebManager 9.20.x before performing an upgrade to GX WebManager 10.x XperienCentral.
Removed method
,Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
- calltoString()
if you need a string.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getResizedImage(int sizeId)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getResizedImage(int width, int height)
.Replace with Image.getSizedImage(int,int).
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getWcbResourcePrefix(final WCB_RESOURCETYPE wcbResourceType, final String personalName)
.Replace with
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
getWcbDeployedName(final String src, final String personalName)
.Replace with
src.replace(WCBConstants.WCB_RESOURCE_INSERT_COMPONENT_FILE_ID, personalName)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed class WcbHelper.
First replace the methods above and then remove the unused import.
Used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Used in reusables.
Removed interface
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Remove all instances of this method.
Not used in resusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
enum constant SidebarWidget
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
enum constant Module
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
enum constant SimpleSearch
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
enum constant Panel
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
String constant TOUCH
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
createInstance(String name)
.Use WorkflowService.createWorkflowModelInstance(workflowModel).
Used in reusables.
Removed method
.Create HTML using a JSP.
Not used in reusables.
enum PageMetaDataPosition
.Page metadata position is no longer supported - remove all instances of this
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
setNrRows(int rowcount)
.Remove all calls to this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getNrRows(int rowcount)
.Remove all calls to this method.
Not used in reusables.
enum constant PAGEMODEL_UPDATE
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getAccessKey()
Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getPageVersionId()
Use getVersionId().
Not used in reusables.
Removed method getDepth()
Use getURLIdentifier().split(SEOUtil.getPathSeparator()).length.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
createRelatedExternalLink(ElementHolder elementHolder, String url)
.Use c
reateRelatedLink(ElementHolder, java.lang.Class<? extends RelatedLink>
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
updateRelatedExternalLink(ElementHolder elementHolder, String code, String url)
createRelatedLink(ElementHolder, java.lang.Class<? extends RelatedLink>)
and then update the Link object itself.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
renamePathPart(int depth, String replace)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
renameStartPath(int depth, String replace)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with getPageVersion().
Used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites)
.Replace with
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source,Website[] websites)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope)
.Replace with
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites)
.Replace with
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope)
.Replace with
MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
installBundle(Bundle bundle)
.Replace with
startComponent(Component component) or startComponentBundle(ComponentBundle componentBundle)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
updateBundle(Bundle bundle)
.Replace with
startComponent(Component component) or startComponentBundle(ComponentBundle componentBundle)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getTerms(final boolean excluding)
.Replace with
getTerms(TermsDeclaration.EXCLUDING_TERMS) or ArrayUtils.addAll(getTerms(TermsDeclaration.OPTIONAL_TERMS),getTerms(TermsDeclaration.MANDATORY_TERMS)).
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
getReference() == null
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
activateFriendlyURL(PageVersion pageVersion)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
activateFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getFriendlyURL(ResourceInstance resourceInstance)
.Replace with
getFriendlyURL(PageVersion, ResourceInstance)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, Website website)
.Replace with
getFriendlyURL(PageVersion, MediaItemVersion)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getPageFriendlyURL(int pageVersionId, String host)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getMediaItemFriendlyURL(int mediaItemVersionId, String host)
.Replace with
getFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion, Website)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getDBPageFriendlyURL(int dbId, int typeOfPageId, String host)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getMediaItemBaseEntityURLTitle(int mediaItemVersionId)
.Replace with
FriendlyURLEntity.getBaseURLTitleEntityIdentifier() which can be retrieved through getFriendlyURLEntity(MediaItemVersion)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
translateTitleToURLTitle(String title)
.Replace with
getFriendlyURL(PageVersion)} and FriendlyURLEntity.getURLTitle()
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
translateTitleToURLIdentifier(String title)
.Replace with
getFriendlyURL(PageVersion)} and FriendlyURLEntity.getURLTitle()
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
updateFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, String urlTitleOverrule)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed class
.Replace with the Index service.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getInstance(final String url)
.Just create an instance manually.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor method
TableRowImpl(final HtmlObject obj, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res)
.Replace with another constructor.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
initFormBackingObject(final Element element, final Element fbo)
.Replace with
BeanUtils.copyProperties(element, formBackingObject)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getInstance(final Forum forum, final int id, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res)
,Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed class
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
initFormBackingObject(final MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, final Element fbo)
,Replace with
BeanUtils.copyProperties(element, formBackingObject)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getFileLocation(final String url, final boolean deescape)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
convertToXhtml(final Website website, final String source)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed class
.Replace with
.Used in reusables.
Removed class
.Replace with
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
setJspPageContext (final HttpServletRequest request, final PageContext pageContext)
.Replace with
pushJspPageContext(request, pageContext)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
publishUpdateEvent(final Object entity, final Event.Type type)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getEditLanguageLabel(final String label)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
filterHTML(String html, final String whitelistName, final String[] tags)
.Replace with one of these methods :
,filterHTMLRelaxed(String),filterHTMLTags(String, String)
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
getImageSize(String filename)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed class
.Don't use this class.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setAccessKey(final char accessKey)
.Don't use this method - access keys on panel components are no longer supported.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
activate(final PageVersion pageVersion)
.Replace with
currentRollOver(final PageVersion version)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
activate(final MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion)
.Replace with
currentRollOver(final MediaItemVersion version)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getDeviceProperties(String userAgent)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setActiveVersion(final BasicFormSectionVersion activeVersion)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setComponentBundle(final ComponentBundleImpl componentBundle)
.Replace with
setComponentBundle(final ComponentBundle componentBundle)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setWCBKey(final String wcbKey)
.Do not use.
Used in reusables.
Removed method
setNameSpace(final String nameSpace)
.Do not use.
Removed method
setTargetMenu(final String targetMenu)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setTargetMenuLocationAfter (final String menuItem)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setTargetMenuLocationBefore (final String menuItem)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setSubMenu(final String subMenu)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setSubMenuLocationAfter(final String subMenuLocationAfter)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setSubMenuLocationBefore(final String subMenuLocationBefore)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setSubMenuTextMessageKey(final String subMenuTextMessageKey)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
Removed class
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canView(SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canCreate(SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canDelete(SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canEdit(SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canCreate(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canEdit(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canDelete(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
canView(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId)
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
,Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
firstUpper(final String string)
.Use Apache
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method s
etActiveVersion(final BasicFormVersion activeVersion)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
indexPages(String[] urls, String[] hostnames, int depth, boolean clearRest)
.Replace with
indexPages(List<String> urls, Set<String> hostnames, int depth, boolean clearRest)
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
getValue(int objectId, DotExpression dotExpression, SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Replace with
getAssignment(int objectId, String dotExpression, SiteWorksParserData parserData)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getUploadedFile(String key)
.Replace with
getUploadedFiles(String key)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed enum
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setState(State state)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setStateValue(String state)
.Do not use.
Not used in reusables.
The old workflow states active, inactive, development have been removed from XperienCentral. If you still need to migrate away from these old states, contact a GX consultant.
Removed method
getUrls(boolean includeAll)
.Replace with
getUrlList(boolean includeAll)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
execute(String query)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
select(String query)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
method gc()
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
execute(String query)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setUploadFragmentValue(String fragment, UploadedFile file)
.Replace with
setUploadFragmentValues(fragment, Collections.singletonList(file))
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setContentType(String contenType)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setCurrentFilename(String filename)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setOriginalFilename(String filename){}
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
setSize(long size)
.Do not use this method.
Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
userNameNotInUseByAnotherUser(Website website, String userName)
.Replace with
userNameExists(Website website, String userName)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
emailNotInUseByAnotherUser(Website website, String email)
.Replace with
emailExists(Website website, String userName)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getStringValue(String name, String defaultValue)
.Replace with
getStringValue(String name)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
getIntValue(String name, String defaultValue)
.Replace with
getIntValue(String name)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed method
.Replace with
.Used in reusables.
Removed method
week(SWDate date)
.Replace with
dateToString(date, string, string)
.Not used in reusables.
Modular Content
Removed method
getUsageInItem(String id)
.Replace with
getUsageInItem(ModularContentType modularContentType)
.Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
TemplatePropertyType(String identifier, String label, TemplatePropertySubtype... subtypes)
.Replace with another constructor.
Not used in reusables.
Removed constructor
TemplatePropertyType(String identifier, String label, List<TemplatePropertySubtype> subtypes)
.Replace with another constructor.
Not used in reusables.