

In Settings, you can configure the conditions under which the Monitoring Dashboard issues warning and error alerts as well as modify other settings. When you expand "Settings" in the menu, you can select the indicator set you want to modify. For example:

You can also navigate to the settings for an indicator set by clicking the menu icon in the upper right corner of an indicator set and selecting "Settings". For example:

Enabling/Disabling Indicator Sets

To enable/disable an indicator set, move the slider to the left to disable a set and move it to the right to enable it:

If an indicator is configurable, select "Overrule default" to modify it:

Cluster Information

Warning threshold difference in JCR revisionSpecifies how many version differences between the JCR on the server and the latest released version will trigger a warning (orange).2
Error threshold difference in JCR revisionSpecifies how many version differences between the JCR on the server and the latest released version will trigger an error (red).5
Warning threshold difference in number of items in SOLR indexSpecifies the threshold of the difference between the largest and smallest value of the "Number of pages" count in the SOLR index that will trigger a warning (orange). The "Number of pages" value can be found in the Search Tools tab of the Setup Tool under "Server Status". 10
Error threshold difference in number of items in SOLR indexSpecifies the threshold of the difference between the largest and smallest value of the "Number of pages" count in the SOLR index that will trigger an error (red). The "Number of pages" value can be found in the Search Tools tab of the Setup Tool under "Server Status". 50

Cluster Node Information

Warning Threshold for the amount of processors/coresSpecifies the threshold for the lowest number of processors that will trigger a warning (orange).2
Error threshold for the amount of processors/coresSpecifies the threshold for the lowest number of processors that will trigger an error (red).1
Warning threshold for the amount of heap memory assigned to the JVMSpecifies the threshold for the highest amount of heap memory, in MB, assigned to the JVM that will trigger a warning (orange).1280
Error threshold for the amount of heap memory assigned to the JVMSpecifies the threshold for the highest amount of heap memory, in MB, assigned to the JVM that will trigger an error (red).1792

Content Items

Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.


Warning threshold for the amount of active threadsSpecifies the number of active threads that will trigger a warning (orange).200
Error threshold for the amount of active threadsSpecifies the number of active threads that will trigger an error (red).300
Warning threshold for the total percentage of CPU usageSpecifies the percentage of total CPU usage that will trigger a warning (orange).90
Error threshold for the total percentage of CPU usageSpecifies the percentage of total CPU usage that will trigger an error (red).95
Warning threshold for the percentage of CPU usage of the current process (the JVM)Specifies the percentage of CPU usage by the JVM that will trigger a warning (orange).70
Error threshold for the percentage of CPU usage of the current process (the JVM)Specifies the percentage of CPU usage by the JVM that will trigger an error (red).85

Database Information

Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.


Warning threshold for the amount of free disk space (in MB)Specifies the threshold for the lowest amount of free disk space, in MB, that will trigger a warning (orange).1024
Error threshold for the amount of free disk space (in MB)Specifies the threshold for the lowest amount of free disk space, in MB, that will trigger an error (red).512


Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a
Amount of days for recently logged inSpecifies the number of days within which an editor has logged in to XperienCentral in order to be considered "recently logged in".30

Frontend Cache

Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.

Garbage Collection

Warning threshold memory cleared by minor garbage collectionSpecifies the threshold for the amount of memory, in MB, cleared by minor garbage collection that will trigger a warning (orange).51200
Error threshold memory cleared by minor garbage collectionSpecifies the threshold for the amount of memory, in MB, cleared by minor garbage collection that will trigger an error (red).10240
Warning threshold memory cleared by major garbage collectionSpecifies the threshold for the amount of memory, in MB, cleared by major garbage collection that will trigger a warning (orange).204800
Error threshold memory cleared by major garbage collectionSpecifies the threshold for the amount of memory, in MB, cleared by major garbage collection that will trigger an error (red).51200

See https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/gc01/index.html for information about garbage collection in Java.

Backend Requests

Warning threshold amount of active requestsSpecifies the threshold of the number of active backend requests that will trigger a warning (orange).75
Error threshold amount of active requestsSpecifies the threshold of the number of active baclend requests that will trigger an error (red).150
Warning threshold average response timeSpecifies the threshold, in milliseconds, of the average response time for backend requests that will trigger a warning (orange).1000
Error threshold average response timeSpecifies the threshold, in milliseconds, of the average response time for backend requests that will trigger an error (red).3000
Warning threshold amount of client errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 4xx (client) responses on the backend per minute that will trigger a warning (orange).1
Error threshold amount of client errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 4xx (client) responses on the backend per minute that will trigger an error (red).3
Warning threshold amount of server errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 5xx (server) responses on the backend per minute that will trigger a warning (orange).0.2
Error threshold amount of server errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 5xx (server) responses on the backend per minute that will trigger an error (red).0.5
Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a
Average measure interval (in seconds)Specifies the average number of seconds in which to perform indicator measurements.120
Editors measure interval (in seconds)Specifies the number of seconds to use when performing indicator measurements related to editors.300
Client and server errors interval (in minutes)Specifies the number of minutes to use when performing indicator measurements related to backend client/server errors.1440

Frontend Requests

Warning threshold amount of active requestsSpecifies the threshold of the number of active frontend requests that will trigger a warning (orange).75
Error threshold amount of active requestsSpecifies the threshold of the number of active frontend requests that will trigger an error (red).150
Warning threshold average response timeSpecifies the threshold, in milliseconds, of the average response time for frontend requests  that will trigger a warning (orange).1000
Error threshold average response timeSpecifies the threshold, in milliseconds, of the average response time for frontend requests that will trigger an error (red).3000
Warning threshold amount of client errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 4xx (client) responses on the frontend per minute that will trigger a warning (orange).1
Warning threshold amount of client errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 4xx (client) responses on the frontend per minute that will trigger an error (red).3
Warning threshold amount of server errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 5xx (server) responses on the frontend per minute that will trigger a warning (orange).0.2
Error threshold amount of server errors per minuteSpecifies the threshold of the number of 5xx (server) responses on the frontend per minute that will trigger an error (red).0.5
Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a
Average measure interval (in seconds)Specifies the average number of seconds in which to perform indicator measurements.120
Visitors measure interval (in seconds)Specifies the number of seconds to use when performing indicator measurements related to visitors.300
Client and server errors interval (in minutes)Specifies the number of minutes to use when performing indicator measurements related to frontend client/server errors.1440

Memory Information

Warning threshold for installed RAMSpecifies the threshold for the lowest amount of installed RAM, in MB, that will trigger a warning (orange).3072
Error threshold for installed RAMSpecifies the threshold for the lowest amount of installed RAM, in MB, that will trigger an error (red).1536
Warning threshold for heap memory allocated to the JVMSpecifies the threshold for the amount of heap memory allocated to the JVM that will trigger a warning (orange).1792
Error threshold for heap memory allocated to the JVMSpecifies the threshold for the amount of heap memory allocated to the JVM that will trigger an error (red).1280
Warning threshold for used heap space/committed heap space (in %)Specifies the threshold for the percentage of used heap space compared to amount of committed heap space that will trigger a warning (orange).90
Error threshold for used heap space/committed heap space (in %)Specifies the threshold for the percentage of used heap space compared to amount of committed heap space that will trigger an error (red).95
Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a


Minimum Java version alert thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of Java that will trigger an alert (1.8.0_190 for example).varies
Minimum Java version error thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of Java that will trigger an error (1.8.0_190 for example).varies
Error threshold for maximum Java versionSpecifies the maximum version of Java that will trigger an error (11.0.0 for example).varies
Minimum Tomcat version error thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of Tomcat that will trigger an error (7.0.0 for example).varies
Minimum Tomcat version alert thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of Tomcat that will trigger an alert (8.5.0 for example).varies
Error threshold for maximum Tomcat versionSpecifies the maximum version of Tomcat that will trigger an error (9.0.0 for example).varies
Minimum JBoss version error thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of JBoss that will trigger an error (7.5.0 for example).varies
Minimum JBoss version alert thresholdSpecifies the minimum version of JBoss that will trigger an alert (7.5.0 for example).varies
Maximum JBoss version error thresholdSpecifies the maximum version of JBoss that will trigger an error (7.6.0 for example).varies
Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a


Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.


Alert threshold response timeSpecifies the response time alert threshold, in milliseconds, for homepage requests.2000
Error threshold response timeSpecifies the response time error threshold, in milliseconds, for homepage requests.5000
Quartz schedule for the measurement taskSpecifies when the task that measures the indicators in this set will run. See Quartz documentation.n/a