Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This topic provides information about things you need to check and extra tasks you may need to perform when upgrading your XperienCentral installation to a specific version. The modifications per version are not cumulative which means that you need to apply the changes for all versions between your current version and the one you are upgrading to. For example, if you upgrade from XperienCentral R35 to R41, you need to apply the changes described in this topic for all versions from R36 up to and including R41. For general upgrade information, see Upgrading a Linux Installation or Upgrading a Windows Installation.


titleXperienCentral R45

XperienCentral R45

Release date: September 910, 2024


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R45

Upgrading to XperienCentral R45 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R45.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Audit Trail Database Modifications

In some cases, the Audit Trail panel can cause the XperienCentral environment to freeze up. This is caused by the out of control growth of some database tables related to the audit information that is collected and stored. To solve this problem, the application manager or a developer must execute two queries on the database used to store the Audit Trail history. These queries create two new indices. Creating the indices is optional but GX Software recommends that you do so. You can upgrade XperienCentral to version R45 without the new indices.


When the indices are created, the entire table is copied first. Because the table might be quite large, it is important to check whether there is enough available free disk space to create the copy before running the queries in order to avoid crashing the database server.

Execute the following two queries on the database containing the Audit Trail:

Code Block
CREATE INDEX parentContentIdIndex ON wmHistory (parentContentId);
CREATE INDEX webIdActionContenttypeIndex ON wmHistory (webId, action, contenttype);

Deprecated Components

In XperienCentral version R45, a number of deprecated components have been removed. If you have custom code that makes use of any of these components, you must modify it. The following components have been deprecated/removed:

  • All references to page models
  • Deprecated/unused filters in web.xml:
    • XslFoFilter
    • XSLFoTransformer
    • MobileESPFilter
    • DeviceAtlasFilter
    • DeviceRedirectFilter
  • The Mobile Toolkit module

titleComplete list of deprecated methods/classes

XperienCentral Core


Removed interface Personalization.
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PersonalizationItem.         


Removed method login(String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request).
Replace with LoginStatus.SUCCESS.equals(authorizationService.formLogin(username, password, request)).


Removed methods getToolbarElements(), getToolbarElementIcons() and setToolbarElemenIcons().
There is no migration path - these methods should not be used. 


Removed method getEditLanguage().
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.authorization.User.getEditingLanguage,

Removed method delete(),
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.authorization.AuthorizationService.deleteUser(user).


Removed method createInstance().
Replace with


Removed method getInstance(String termName).
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.implementation.MediaTerm.getInstance(null, termName).

Removed method setMouseOverText(String mouseOverText).
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.InternalLink.setLinkTitle(mouseOverText).

Removed method getMouseOverText(String mouseOverText).
Replace with getLinkTitle(mouseOverText)


Removed method getMediaItemVersion().
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.ContentItemVersion.getContentItemVersion().

Removed method setLeadImage(FileResource leadImage).
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.ContentItemVersion.setAttachedLeadImage(leadImage.getFileResouce()),

Removed method setLeadImage(Image leadImage).
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.ContentItemVersion.setAttachedLeadImage(leadImage).

Removed method setPublic(boolean isPublic).
Do not replace this method because public (published) should be determined by the workflow state and not set manually.  

Removed method setArticle(boolean isArticle).
Determining whether a media item is an article should be done by <mediaItemInstance> instanceof ElementHolder

Removed method isArticle().
Determining whether a media item is an article should be done by <mediaItemInstance> instanceof ElementHolder.

Removed method setContentType(String contentType).
Do not replace - you should not set the content type manually.

Removed method createRichTextElements().
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder() or cast to ElementHolder and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder

Removed method getLastElement().
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder() or cast to ElementHolder and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder

Removed method insertLastElementAtCursor().
Replace with MediaItemVersion.getElementHolder() or cast to ElementHolder and use this method on the resulting ElementHolder


Removed method getMostRelevantVersion(Language language)
Replace with getVersion(false, language, false, new Date(), true),

Removed method setDownloadFileResource(FileResource file).
Do not replace.


Removed method getBlockLabel(),
Replace with getBlockLabels().

Removed method getDefaultEditingLanguage().
Replace with website.getDefaultContentLanguage()

Removed method setDefaultEditingLanguage(Language language).
Don't replace this method - manually setting the editing language is not recommended. 


Removed method setModelElements(Element[] elements).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method getModelElements().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method isAdditionalElementsAllowed().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Remove method getModelElementsFBOMap().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.


Removed method setAdditionalElementsAllowed(boolean allowed).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.


Removed method setPageModel(PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method getPageModel().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createAndInsertElement(PageModel pageModel, Class<? extends Element> elementType).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createAndInsertElement(PageModel pageModel, Class<? extends Element> elementType, int position).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method copyElement(Element element, PageModel target).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createMediaItemVersion(MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItemVersion original).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method performWorkflowAction(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, WorkflowAction workflowAction).
Replace with performWorkflowAction(T workflowEnabled, WorkflowAction workflowAction).

Removed method performPostUpdateActions(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion).
Remove all calls to this method and do not replace.

Removed method createPageModelMediaItem(Website website, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method performWorkflowAction(PageVersion pageVersion, WorkflowAction workflowAction).
Replace with performWorkflowAction(T workflowEnabled, WorkflowAction workflowAction).

Removed method performPostUpdateActions(PageVersion pageVersion).
Remove all calls to this method and do not replace.

Removed method createAndInsertPageFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createAndInsertPageSectionFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createPageModel(Website website).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method createAndInsertPageFromPageModel(Page page, PageModel pageModel, int position).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method copyPageModel(PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method deletePageModel(PageModel pageModel).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method reorderElements(PageModel pageModel, Element[] elements).
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.


Removed method getWhoIsWhoSearchPage().
Do not replace this method - the  who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.

Removed method getWhoIsWhoClickableLists().
Do not replace this method - the  who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.

Removed method getWhoIsWhoUploadUrl().
Do not replace this method - the  who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.

Removed method getRootPageSection().
Use getRootBlock() . 

Removed method getPageModels().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.


Removed method getWhoIsWhoSearchPage().
Do not replace this method - the  who-is-who functionality is no longer supported.

Removed method getPageModel().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method getPageModelElements().
Do not replace this method - page models are no longer supported.

Removed method getPersonalizationItems().
Replace with getPersonalizationAttributes().getPersonalizationItems()


Removed class PageModelEvent.
Do not replace this class - page models are no longer supported.


Removed class PageModel.
Do not replace this class- page models are no longer supported.


Removed class PageModelElement.
Do not replace this class - page models are no longer supported.


Removed method setNavigationTitle(String value).
Replace with setShortTitle(String value).

Removed method getPage().
Replace with getContentItem()

Removed method getSeeEvent().
Do not replace this method

Removed method getBlocks().
Replace with getContentItem().getBlocks().

Removed method getBlocks(BlockLabel[] labels).
Replace with getContentItem().getBlocks(labels)

Removed method getLabels().
Replace with getPageLabels() and map the contents to a String array if needed.

Removed method copyLanguageVersion(String webid, String languageid, String l_id).
Replace with, Language).

Removed method getPreviewTopBody().
Do not replace this method. 


Removed method getPublicStates().
Replace with getAllPublicStates()

Removed method getUrl(String fileName, Website website, HttpServletRequest req).
Replace with getUrl(String, Website)

Removed method getObjectLibraryCentralMode().
Don't replace this method. 

Removed method getContentTypeId(String contentType).
Replace with getContentType(contentType).getId().

Removed method deleteMediaItem(MediaItemVersion mediaItem).
Replace with

Removed method getWorkflowModel(String contentType).
Replace with getWorkflowModel(getContentType(contentType)), or if there already is a contentType instance in memory, replace with getWorkflowModel(ContentType contentType).


Removed method getClassification().
Replace with getClassifications()[0].getName() - also check for an empty array.


Removed method getFormElement(),
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getFormElementHtml().
Don't replace this method.


Removed method getDate().
Replace with getFileModifiedDate() - call toString() if you need a string. 


Removed method getResizedImage(int sizeId).
Replace with Image.getSizedImage(int,int).

Removed method getResizedImage(int width, int height).
Replace with Image.getSizedImage(int,int).


Removed method getWcbResourcePrefix(final WCB_RESOURCETYPE wcbResourceType, final String personalName).
Replace with wcbResourceType.getTargetLocation(personalName){}.

Removed method getWcbDeployedName(final String src, final String personalName).
Replace with src.replace(WCBConstants.WCB_RESOURCE_INSERT_COMPONENT_FILE_ID, personalName).

Removed class WcbHelper.
First replace the methods above and then remove the unused import. 


Removed method getNameSpace().
Replace with getComponentBundleDefinition().getNameSpace().


Removed interface DatabasePageType.
Replace with DatabaseEntity.


Removed method getWCBKey().
Remove all instances of this method. 


Removed method getIncludingTerms().
Replace with getMandatoryTerms().


Removed method getBannerServiceUrl().
Don't replace this method. 


Removed method getTargetMenu().
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.wcb.paneltype.PanelComponentDefinition#getMenuCategory().

Removed method getTargetMenuLocationAfter().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getTargetMenuLocationBefore().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getSubMenu().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getSubMenuTextMessageKey().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getSubMenuLocationAfter().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getSubMenuLocationBefore().
Don't replace this method.


Removed enum constant SidebarWidget.
Replace with SIDEBAR_WIDGET.

Removed enum constant Module.
Replace with MODULE

Removed enum constant SimpleSearch.
Replace with SIMPLE_SEARCH

Removed enum constant Panel.
Replace with PANEL

Removed String constant TOUCH.
Use EntityEvent.UPDATE

Removed method getSpecification().
Don't replace this method.


Removed method createInstance(String name).
Use WorkflowService.createWorkflowModelInstance(workflowModel).


Removed method getHtmlTag().
Create HTML using a JSP. 


Removed enum PageMetaDataPosition.
Page metadata position is no longer supported - remove all instances of this enum.


Removed method setNrRows(int rowcount).
Remove all calls to this method.

Removed method getNrRows(int rowcount).
Remove all calls to this method.

Removed enum constant PAGEMODEL_UPDATE.
Do not replace.

Removed method getPassWord().
Do not replace.


Removed method getAccessKey()
Do not replace.

Removed method getPageVersionId()
Use getVersionId().

Removed method getDepth()
Use getURLIdentifier().split(SEOUtil.getPathSeparator()).length.

Removed method createRelatedExternalLink(ElementHolder elementHolder, String url).
Use createRelatedLink(ElementHolder, java.lang.Class<? extends RelatedLink>.

Removed method updateRelatedExternalLink(ElementHolder elementHolder, String code, String url).
Use createRelatedLink(ElementHolder, java.lang.Class<? extends RelatedLink>) and then update the Link object itself.


Removed method getSeeEvent().
Don't replace.

Removed method renamePathPart(int depth, String replace).
Replace with setURLPath(String).

Removed method renameStartPath(int depth, String replace).
Replace with setURLPath(String).


Removed method getAccessKey().
Do not replace. 


Removed method getTargetPageVersion().
Replace with getPageVersion(). 


Removed method getStateName().
Replace with getState().name


Removed constructor MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites).
Replace with MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source,Website[] websites)

Removed constructor MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope).
Replace with MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope)

Removed constructor MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites).
Replace with MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites)

Removed constructor MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, int discussionId, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope).
Replace with MediaItemEvent(Type eventType, MediaItem mediaItem, MediaItem originalMediaItem, String eventAction, Object source, Website[] websites, Class<? extends MediaItem> scope).

Removed method getDiscussionId().
Replace with getMediaItem().getPlanned().getForum().getId().


Removed method installBundle(Bundle bundle).
Replace with startComponent(Component component) or startComponentBundle(ComponentBundle componentBundle)

Removed method updateBundle(Bundle bundle).
Replace with startComponent(Component component) or startComponentBundle(ComponentBundle componentBundle)


Removed method getContentDependentOperator().
Replace with getContentRelatedOperator.getId()

Removed method getTerms(final boolean excluding).
Replace with getTerms(TermsDeclaration.EXCLUDING_TERMS) or ArrayUtils.addAll(getTerms(TermsDeclaration.OPTIONAL_TERMS),getTerms(TermsDeclaration.MANDATORY_TERMS)).

Removed method isCurrent().
Replace with getReference() == null

Removed method activateFriendlyURL(PageVersion pageVersion).
Replace with publishFriendlyURL(PageVersion)

Removed method activateFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion).
Replace with publishFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion)

Removed method getFriendlyURL(ResourceInstance resourceInstance).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(PageVersion, ResourceInstance).

Removed method getFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, Website website).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(PageVersion, MediaItemVersion)

Removed method getPageFriendlyURL(int pageVersionId, String host).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(PageVersion)

Removed method getMediaItemFriendlyURL(int mediaItemVersionId, String host).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion, Website)

Removed method getDBPageFriendlyURL(int dbId, int typeOfPageId, String host).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(ResourceInstance).

Removed method getMediaItemBaseEntityURLTitle(int mediaItemVersionId).
Replace with FriendlyURLEntity.getBaseURLTitleEntityIdentifier() which can be retrieved through getFriendlyURLEntity(MediaItemVersion).

Removed method translateTitleToURLTitle(String title).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(PageVersion)} and FriendlyURLEntity.getURLTitle().

Removed method translateTitleToURLIdentifier(String title).
Replace with getFriendlyURL(PageVersion)} and FriendlyURLEntity.getURLTitle().

Removed method updateFriendlyURL(MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, String urlTitleOverrule).
Do not replace.


Removed class MediaitemReferenceImpl.
Replace with the Index service.


Removed method getInstance(final String url).
Just create an instance manually. 


Removed method getMailing().
Don't replace.


Removed constructor method TableRowImpl(final HtmlObject obj, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res).
Replace with another constructor. 


Removed method initFormBackingObject(final Element element, final Element fbo).
Replace with BeanUtils.copyProperties(element, formBackingObject)

Removed method getInstance(final Forum forum, final int id, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res),
Don't replace this method.


Removed class Permissons.
Don't replace.


Removed method initFormBackingObject(final MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion, final Element fbo),
Replace with BeanUtils.copyProperties(element, formBackingObject)


Removed method getFileLocation(final String url, final boolean deescape).
Replace with getFile()


Removed method convertToXhtml(final Website website, final String source).
Replace with convertToXhtml(source)

Removed class DatabaseUtil.
Replace with


Removed class GetMediaItemsTag.
Replace with GetMediaItemVersionsTag


Removed method setJspPageContext (final HttpServletRequest request, final PageContext pageContext).
Replace with pushJspPageContext(request, pageContext)


Removed method publishUpdateEvent(final Object entity, final Event.Type type).
Replace with publishEvent(Event).


Removed method getEditLanguageLabel(final String label).
Don't replace this method.


Removed method filterHTML(String html, final String whitelistName, final String[] tags).
Replace with one of these methods : filterHTMLBasic(String), filterHTMLRelaxed(String),filterHTMLTags(String, String), filterHTMLTagsAndAttributes(String,String,String).

Removed method getImageSize(String filename).
Replace with getImageSize(File).


Removed class ToolbarElement.
Don't use this class. 


Removed method purgeContent().
Replace with onPurge()


Removed method setAccessKey(final char accessKey).
Don't use this method - access keys on panel components are no longer supported.

Removed method activate(final PageVersion pageVersion).
Replace with currentRollOver(final PageVersion version)

Removed method activate(final MediaItemVersion mediaItemVersion).
Replace with currentRollOver(final MediaItemVersion version).


Removed method getDeviceMap().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method getDeviceProperties(String userAgent).
Replace with getDeviceProperties(HttpServletRequest).


Removed method getActiveVersion().
Replace with getCurrent().  

Removed method setActiveVersion(final BasicFormSectionVersion activeVersion).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method setComponentBundle(final ComponentBundleImpl componentBundle).
Replace with setComponentBundle(final ComponentBundle componentBundle)

Removed method setWCBKey(final String wcbKey).
Don't replace.

Removed method setNameSpace(final String nameSpace).
Don't replace.

Removed method setTargetMenu(final String targetMenu).
Don't replace.

Removed method setTargetMenuLocationAfter (final String menuItem).
Don't replace.

Removed method setTargetMenuLocationBefore (final String menuItem).
Don't replace.

Removed method setSubMenu(final String subMenu).
Don't replace.

Removed method setSubMenuLocationAfter(final String subMenuLocationAfter).
Don't replace.

Removed method setSubMenuLocationBefore(final String subMenuLocationBefore).
Don't replace.

Removed method setSubMenuTextMessageKey(final String subMenuTextMessageKey).
Don't replace.


Removed method getStaticBackendDir().
Replace with getBackendResourcesDir


Removed class Config.
Replace with nl.gx.webmanager.handler.util.Util


Removed method canView(SiteWorksParserData parserData).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canCreate(SiteWorksParserData parserData).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canDelete(SiteWorksParserData parserData).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canEdit(SiteWorksParserData parserData).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canCreate(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canEdit(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canDelete(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)

Removed method canView(SiteWorksParserData parserData, int objectId).
Replace with isUserLoggedIn(parserData)


Removed method getDebugLevel(),
Don't replace.


Removed method firstUpper(final String string).
Use Apache StringUtils.capitalize(string)


Removed method getActiveVersion().
Replace with getCurrent()

Removed method setActiveVersion(final BasicFormVersion activeVersion).
Don't replace.


Removed method indexPages(String[] urls, String[] hostnames, int depth, boolean clearRest).
Replace with indexPages(List<String> urls, Set<String> hostnames, int depth, boolean clearRest)


Removed method getValue(int objectId, DotExpression dotExpression, SiteWorksParserData parserData).
Replace with getAssignment(int objectId, String dotExpression, SiteWorksParserData parserData)


Removed method getUploadedFile(String key).
Replace with getUploadedFiles(String key)


Removed enum State.
Don't replace.


Removed method getState().
Don't replace.

Removed method setState(State state).
Don't replace.

Removed method getStateValue().
Don't replace.

Removed method setStateValue(String state).
Don't replace.

Old workflow states active, inactive, development have been removed from XperienCentral. If you still need to migrate away from these old states, contact a GX consultant. 


Removed method getUrls(boolean includeAll).
Replace with getUrlList(boolean includeAll)


Removed method execute(String query).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method select(String query).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method gc().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method shutdown().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method reset().
Don't replace this method.

Removed method execute(String query).
Don't replace this method.


Removed method isCurrentlyActive().
Replace with isPublic().


Removed method setUploadFragmentValue(String fragment, UploadedFile file).
Replace with setUploadFragmentValues(fragment, Collections.singletonList(file))


Removed method getOriginalFilename().
Replace with getValues().get(0).getOriginalFilename()

Removed method getContentType().
Replace with getValues().get(0).getContentType()

Removed method getCurrentFilename().
Replace with getValues().get(0).getFile().getAbsolutePath()

Removed method getSize().
Replace with getValues().get(0).getSize()

Removed method setContentType(String contenType).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method setCurrentFilename(String filename).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method setOriginalFilename(String filename){}.
Don't replace this method.

Removed method setSize(long size).
Don't replace this method.

Removed method clearFile().
Replace with clearFiles()


Removed method userNameNotInUseByAnotherUser(Website website, String userName).
Replace with userNameExists(Website website, String userName).

Removed method emailNotInUseByAnotherUser(Website website, String email).
Replace with emailExists(Website website, String userName).


Removed method getOverridden().
Replace with getParameterMode().


Removed method getStringValue(String name, String defaultValue).
Replace with getStringValue(String name).

Removed method getIntValue(String name, String defaultValue).
Replace with getIntValue(String name).


Removed method createSession().
Replace with createSession(true).


Removed method week(SWDate date).
Replace with dateToString(date, string, string).

Modular Content


Removed method getUsageInItem(String id).
Replace with getUsageInItem(ModularContentType modularContentType)


Removed constructor TemplatePropertyType(String identifier, String label, TemplatePropertySubtype... subtypes).
Replace with another constructor.

Removed constructor TemplatePropertyType(String identifier, String label, List<TemplatePropertySubtype> subtypes).
Replace with another constructor.

Connector API

Removed method getWebsite().
Replace with getWebsites()

Removed method setWebsite(Website website).
Replace with setWebsites(Website[] websites)

Removed method run(SchedulerJob scheduledJob).
Replace with execute(SchedulerJob scheduledJob)

Removed method run(Job job).
Replace with execute(Job job).

Removed method runLocal(Job job).
Replace with executeLocal(Job job).

Removed method run(SchedulerJob scheduledJob, LogFactory logFactory).
Replace with execute(SchedulerJob scheduledJob, LogFactory logFactory).

Removed method run(Job job, LogFactory logFactory).
Replace with execute(Job job, LogFactory logFactory).

Removed method getWebsite().
Replace with getWebsiteId().

Removed method writeZipEntryToFile(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry, File target).
Replace with ZipUtils.writeZipEntryToFile(zipFile, zipEntry, target).

Removed method loadContentFromZipEntry(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry).
Replace with ZipUtils.loadContentFromZipEntry(zipFile, zipEntry).

Removed method createZipFile(String zipFileName, File[] sourceFiles).
Replace with ZipUtils.createZipFile(zipFileName, sourceFiles).

Removed method getFromToProgress().
Replace with getProgressIndex() and getProgressMaxCount().

Removed method setFromToProgress(int progress, int max).
Replace with setProgressIndex(progress) and setProgressMaxCount(max).


titleXperienCentral R36

XperienCentral R36

Release date: June 15, 2022


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R36

Upgrading to XperienCentral R36 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R36.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

SEO Updates

In R35 and earlier, the application_settings.friendly_url_extension setting was used to determine whether a URL is friendly. In R36 and higher, it's possible to leave the friendly URL extension empty which calculates friendly URLs without extensions. This means that the way that a URL is checked for being friendly has been changed. A new setting has been introduced in the startup_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool: seo_path. The value in this field is used to determine if a URL is friendly or not. For example, assume that Apache is not configured to remove /web/ from a URL. In that case a friendly URL in versions R35 or earlier would be /web/home.htm. In versions R36 and higher, it would be /web/seo/myweb.htm.

To make sure this works as intended check the following settings in the Setup tool:


In R35, the default value was /${startup_settings.context}. When Apache is not used to remove the /web/ prefix, this setting should be updated to


If Apache is used, this field is usually empty and can be left as is.


The value of this field should be set to seo by default. If this field is not present in the startup_settings.xml check with your hosting provider if a different startup_config.xml is used than the one shipped with the deploy of XperienCentral. In that case, the following line should be added:

<entry name="seo_path" value=$(webmanager seopath)" />

Please also make sure that all changes in settings.xml have been applied.


The setting application_settings.context_static has been removed in XperienCentral R36. You must modify any custom code that uses this setting to use application_settings.static_files_url instead.

Changes to Apache

A minor change needs to be done to the vhost configuration in Apache to make sure XperienCentral keeps working. Most installations should have something along these lines to redirect requests from Apache to XperienCentral:

Code Block
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/admin/
RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.htm$ /web/$1.htm [PT,L]

The last line should be updated to

Code Block
RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.htm$ /web/seo/$1.htm [PT,L]

This applies to both the back- and frontend vhost configurations.

In order to run XperienCentral without extensions at all, see Running XperienCentral without a Friendly URL Extension.

Friendly URL Extension Setting

The setting frontend_settings.friendly_url_extension was removed in R36.

URL Transformations

When transforming a URL from a URL without a context path to one with a context path in custom code, you should now also add the SEO path to the updated URL. This kind of logic is often used in custom implementations of the MetaDataProvider interface.

Update your Solr Configuration

In R36, the Solr version has been upgraded to version 8.11.1, therefore you must make the following changes:

In solrconfig.xml, change the declaration:




The eDismax query parser parameter lowercaseOperators now defaults to false if the luceneMatchVersion in solrconfig.xml is 7.0.0 or above, therefore you must set the lowercaseOperators parameter explicitly to true:

<bool name="lowercaseOperators">true</bool>

The following spatial-related fields have been removed:

  • LatLonType
  • GeoHashField
  • SpatialVectorFieldType
  • SpatialTermQueryPrefixTreeFieldType

Choose one of these field types instead:

  • LatLonPointSpatialField
  • SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeField
  • RptWithGeometrySpatialField

Extra Steps

  1. Stop Tomcat if it is running.
  2. Remove the directory <webmanager-root>/work/searchengine.
  3. If you have a custom solrconfig.xml, you need to modify it — open it in a text editor.
  4. Save your custom solrconfig.xml.
  5. Start Tomcat.
  6. Log in to XperienCentral.

Real-time indexing

If you use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Realtime Indexing.
  2. Select the "Indexing" tab.
  3. Select all the websites that you want to index in the top part of the panel.
  4. Click [Index selected items].

No real-time indexing

If you do not use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):

  1. Open the Setup Tool.
  2. Select the Search Tools tab.
  3. Click [Index] in the "INDEX URL" section.

Custom Solr Queries

Check the changes that have been made between Solr versions 6.6.6 and 8.11.1 in order to determine whether you need to modify your custom Solr queries. See

Deprecated Functionalities

Some query functionalities have been deprecated and/or removed, so it might be necessary to rewrite custom queries. See Solr upgrade (R36/Solr 8.11.1) for specific use cases that GX Software has encountered (login required).

Rebuild the Content Index

Due to a change in the Search functionality, you must rebuild the content index. To do so, manually remove the <webmanager-root>/work/contentindex directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated after restarting XperienCentral. Selecting contentindex_queue_empty_reindex in the General tab of the Setup Tool is not sufficient to trigger the regeneration of the content index.


titleXperienCentral R35

XperienCentral R35

Release date: February 7, 2022


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R35

Upgrading to XperienCentral R35 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R35.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.


New security measures were introduced in this version that prevent the manipulation of URLs that contain SSI object IDs and/or presentation IDs. In general the cache will still be filled with files that contain pre-upgrade SSI URLs after an upgrade, which will lead to SSIs not being loaded and to the following message being logged in the Catalina logs:

nl.gx.webmanager.servlet.ControllerServlet.checkSsiObjectIdUrlSignature Block ssiObjectId request XXXXXXX because it is not allowed in this context 

This can be prevented by either clearing the frontend cache during the upgrade or, if that is not an option, by disabling the check_url_signature option in the application_settings section of the General tab in the Setup Tool. Be sure to re-enable this option after the cache has been regenerated. This setting will be shown in Setup Tool as turned off by default. However, it's actually turned on. So in order to get the state right, toggle the option in the Setup Tool to make sure it reflects the proper state.

fragment.tag and fragmentLabel.tag

The files fragment.tag and fragmentLabel.tag have been extensively modified in this version of XperienCentral. If you have custom code that makes use of modified versions of these files, perform a diff on the XperienCentral version of these files with your own modified versions in order to see what the differences are in order to pick up the new modifications. As is the case with all upgrades, do not overwrite your versions of these files if they have been customized for your XperienCentral deployment.

Changes to fragment.tag

This file has been updated to always render the HTML for the fragment label in the IAF Panel. Additionally, an ID is added to the <div class="wm-field-helptext"> whenever it appears in the IAF Panel.

Changes to fragmentLabel.tag

If you select "Required field" for a form fragment, you see that change immediately in the Interactive Forms panel. In earlier versions, this was not the case. In order to make this possible, the HTML is now always rendered in the Interactive Forms panel.


titleXperienCentral R34

XperienCentral R34

Release date: November 18, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R34

Upgrading to XperienCentral R34 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R34.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Deprecated Media Repository Method Removed

The following method which was deprecated in 2009 has been removed from nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaRepository:

Code Block
int copyMediaItem(MediaItemVersion mediaItem);

JBoss upgrade

From R34 onwards, JBoss 7.2 EAP is the supported JBoss version. JBoss 7.2 EAP and higher incorporates JDK 11 support. In order to upgrade, download the JBoss 7.2.0 EAP application server from See for the supported configurations. In order to run XC on the JBoss application platform, use the standalone.xml and standalone.conf delivered with the XC SDK. For more information, see the updated JBoss information on the Linux Server Installation page.

MySQL Connector Upgrade

  • In R34, the version of the MySQL connector has been upgraded from version 5.1.23 to 8.0.26. In version 8.0.23, changes were made to the way that MySQL handles time zones and dates. The method getObject(columnindex) now returns a local date/time rather than a string for any date/time columns, therefore any custom code that implements this method should be checked and modified if necessary.
  • A second change in the connector is the way time zone conversions are handled. In order to keep these settings the same as they were before the changes in version 8.0.23, the following parameter should be added to the
    connection URL in the connectionTimeZone=<server> parameter in the Tomcat server.xml . For example:





    In the second example above, note that &amp: is used instead of &.


titleXperienCentral R27

XperienCentral R27

Release date: March 26, 2020

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Language Version Support for Media Items

Beginning in XperienCentral 10.27.0, each version of a media item has a specific language defined for it. During the upgrade R27 or higher, each media item is assigned the default editing language of the home page. A consequence of this is that media items might not be shown any longer if its language differs from that of the page on which it should be shown. This is also the case for (lead) images stored in the Content Repository. This can be solved in many cases by defining a fallback language for the languages on your channel. If the fallback language for Dutch is set to English, for example, and there is no Dutch media item to be shown on a Dutch page, then the English version will be shown. This is the case for all kinds of media items, images as well as articles, for example.

Check the following to ensure that media items in your channel(s) are handled appropriately:

  • The "Language" setting (default editing language) for the home page: Properties widget > General > Other > Language.
  • Enable/disable fallback language(s) setting: Channel Configuration > General > Options > "Use another language if language is not available".
  • The fallback language to use for a language: Language Labels.

Modify your Solr Configuration

In this version of XperienCentral, the Lucene version has been upgraded to version 6.6.6, therefore you must make the following changes to solrconfig.xml:

Change the declaration




and add the following declaration to the <config></config> section:

<schemaFactory class="ManagedIndexSchemaFactory">
   <bool name="mutable">false</bool>

Deprecated Method

The following method has been deprecated in the XperienCentral API in this release:

  • MediaRepositoryManagementService.createMediaItemVersion (MediaItem,MediaItemVersion) — Use createMediaItemVersion(MediaItemVersion) instead.

Removed Methods/Interfaces

The following methods and interfaces have been removed from the XperienCentral API in this release:

  • MediaRepository.createContent — Use MediaRepositoryManagementService.createMediaItem(Website, String) instead.
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • PageVersion.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Element.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Element.setPersonalization() — Use setPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.setPersonalization() — Use setPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Website.getPersonalizations() — Use getPersonalizationItems() instead.
  • Utilities.checkPersonalizations() — Use checkPersonalizationItems() instead.
  • DirectoryElement
  • FileNode
  • PollElement

  • PollItem

  • WhoIsWhoElement

Update your Presentation JSPs

You need to update your presentation JSPs if they use the following methods:

  • PageVersion.getPersonalization()
  • Element.getPersonalization()
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.getPersonalization()

Perform a global search in your presentation JSPs for the string ".personalization" to ensure that you catch all instances.
