Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents



New Version

In XperienCentral, content items can have multiple versions. While only one version can be active at a time, older versions are saved and you can quickly and easily revert from the current version to an older version, which then becomes the active version on the frontend of the website. To create a new version of a content item follow the steps below. You can also create new versions of pages using the Site Structure Widget.

  1. Navigate to the content item for which you want to create a new version.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title of the content item and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Select "New Version". A new version is created containing the content and having properties identical to the previous version. The new version becomes the active version on the website frontend.

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New Language Version

XperienCentral supports multiple language versions of a website. Each web page and page section can be displayed in multiple languages. Oftentimes, a page or page section is created in one language and then a new language version is created and then the text is translated. To create a new language version of a page or page section, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the page or page section for which you want to create a new language version.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title of the page or page section and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Click "New Language Version" and then select the language for the new version from the list of available languages.
  4. Choose whether to retain the content from the current language or to create a blank page or page section.
  5. Click [Apply]. The page or page section is created in the language you selected. The name of the page is "Copy of [page name]" and the workflow state is "Planned".

Once a new language version of a page or page section is created, the language of the page or page section becomes the active one in the Workspace. You can quickly switch between languages and also create new language versions of a page using the Language Widget.

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You can create duplicates of a content item quickly and easily. The content item will be duplicated in its entirety including all its content and properties. To duplicate a content item, follow the steps below. You can also duplicate pages using the Context menu in the Site Structure Widget.

  1. Navigate to the content item that you want to duplicate.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title of the content item and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Select "Duplicate". The item is duplicated including all its content and properties. The name of the duplicated content item is "Copy of <name>". For pages and page sections, the duplicate appears at the bottom of the current subtree.

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You can quickly move a page or page section to another part of the site structure using the "Actions" menu. To do so, follow the steps below. You can also move pages using the Site Structure Widget.

  1. Navigate to the page or page section that you want to move.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title of the page or page section and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Select "Move Page" or "Move Page Section".
  4. Select the new parent page for the page or page section. You can either enter a full or partial string in the "Search" field to locate the new parent page or click [Show All Pages] to show a list of all pages on the website.
  5. Select the new parent page and then click [Apply]. The page or page section is moved and is now a child page of the parent page or page section you selected.

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You can quickly delete a content item from the website using the "Actions" menu. When you delete a page, all of its versions will also be deleted, so use caution when executing this command. To delete a page and all its versions, follow the steps below. You can also delete pages using the Site Structure Widget.

  1. Navigate to the content item that you want to delete.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title of the content item and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Select "Delete <content item>".
  4. Confirm the operation by clicking [OK]. All versions of the content item are deleted.

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Change Status to

The workflow state of a content item can be quickly changed in the "Actions" menu. To change the workflow status of a content item, follow the steps below. You can also change the workflow status using the Properties Widget.

  1. Navigate to the content item for which you want to change the workflow status.
  2. Hover the mouse over the title and click the [Actions] button.
  3. Select "Change Status to". The available status(es) that you can switch to appear.
  4. Select the new status. The status of the content item is changed.


    If you change the status of the content item to an unpublished state, it will no longer be available on the website front-end.

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View All Versions

Content items can have multiple versions, one of which is the active version. You can view all versions of a content item and switch between them. For information on switching between languages for pages and page sections, see Language Widget. To view all versions of a content item, follow the steps below. You can also view all versions using the Properties Widget.


This option opens the properties for a content item. It does the same thing as clicking [Edit] in the Properties Widget (see Properties Widget for complete information on content item properties).


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More Actions

For pages, page sections, and articles, the "More Options" menu is available. The extra options are described below.

Start Watching

The XperienCentral watching functionality sends you an e-mail notification when certain events occur with regard to page, page section, or article. This allows you to know when an important change has occurred. See Status for complete information on the watching functionality. To start watching a page, page section, or article, follow the steps below. See also Notification Settings for information on receiving notifications about other changes in content items outside of the watching functionality.
