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The following applies to XperienCentral versions R29 and higher.

When editing a content item, you can undo actions using the Undo functionality. However, once you have saved a content item, undoing specific editing actions is no longer possible. In cases where you need to revert a content item to a state in the past, use the XperienCentral revisions functionality. In XperienCentral, a revision is a copy of the state of a content item at a particular date and time in the past. When you restore an earlier revision of a content item, the following properties are restored:

  • The full content (rich text, content elements, modular content, layouts)
  • The structure of the content item
  • The title of the content item

Two crucial properties of the content item, however, are not retained from the restored revision: the publication state and workflow status. These two properties of a restored revision are always inherited from the latest revision. The most important reason for this is to prevent an unpublished/inactive content item from becoming published/active and vice versa as a result of the restore action.

The following actions trigger the creation of a new revision of a content item in XperienCentral:

  • Saving a content item
  • Changing the workflow status of a content item
  • Restoring a content item to a previous revision

 Application managers:


  • The revision functionality in XperienCentral is not enabled by default. See XperienCentral Revision Settings for complete information on configuring the settings for the revision functionality.
  • When the revision functionality is enabled, saving content items takes longer than it does when the revision functionality is disabled.

  • When the revisions functionality is disabled, XperienCentral nevertheless tracks the number of revisions that would have been created for each content item  since its crreation. For example, if you create and revise a content item 6 times and then turn on the revisions functionality and save the content item 2 more times, the numbering begins at 7 and you will see in the Revisions tab revision numbers 7 and 8, which can be reverted to.

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Reverting a Content Item to a Previous Version

To revert a content item to a previous revision, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the content item you want to revert to a previous revision.
  2. Navigate to the Properties panel.
  3. Click the Revisions tab:

    The Revisions tab opens. It shows a list containing the last x number of revisions for the current content item. The revisions are ordered from top to bottom with the newest revision appearing at the top. The numbering is consecutive beginning at 1. As a result of cleanup actions in your deployment, the revision number appearing at the bottom will not always be 1. For example, you could see in the table revisions 26-51 which means that the first 25 revisions have been deleted and you can only choose to revert to a revision between 26 and 51.  The revisions table shows the following properties for each revision:

    RevisionThe content item revision number.
    TitleThe title the revision had when it was saved.

    The editor responsible for saving the revision.

    CreatedThe date and time that the revision was saved.
    Publication statusThe publication status the revision had when it was saved ("active" or "inactive").
    Workflow stateThe workflow state the revision had when it was saved.
    [Restore]Restores the content item to the revision you select.

    The following shows an example of a content item with 7 revisions:

  4. To preview a revision, click the revision number. For example:

    The revision you selected appears in the Workspace. The revision is not editable during the preview. When you preview a revision, you are seeing the exact state the content was in at the time the revision was saved.

  5. If this is the revision you want to revert to, navigate back to the Revisions tab in the Properties widget and click [Restore] in the far right column for that revision. When a revision is restored, the content item is essentially reset to a previous state excepting possibly its workflow status and publication state if they were different from the latest revision.

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XperienCentral Revision Settings

This section is intended for Application Managers.

You can configure the following settings in the General tab of the XperienCentral Setup Tool for the revision functionality.



Enables/disables the XperienCentral revision functionality. When you enable the revision functionality, the browser session must be refreshed in order to see revisions in the list.


Specifies the maximum age, in hours, that a revision will be kept. All revisions older than the specified age will be deleted according to the cleanup schedule (see the following setting).


The Crontab schedule that dictates when revisions older than that specified by max_age (above) will be deleted. The default is every morning at 00:00.

For complete information on scheduling jobs in XperienCentral, see Scheduling Jobs.

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