Using the :Language Labels" panel, you can manage the labels that appear in the XperienCentral front-end for all your channels. This includes labels that appear in content elements and all informational and error messages for all the languages supported by your website. You can also copy all labels from a language and then create support for a new language.
To access the Language Labels panel, navigate to Configuration > Language Labels:
Select the channel for which you want to maintain language labels from the "Select Channel" drop-down list at the top of the panel and then select the language containing the label(s) you want to modify from the "Select Language" drop-down list.
For each supported language, the following properties are shown:
Property | Description |
Order | In the far left column, a number is assigned to each language. This affects the order that they appear in the "Select Language" drop-down list. To change the order select a new number for the language(s) and then click [Apply]. |
Active | When this checkbox is selected, the language is active and available to be used in XperienCentral. |
Language Code | The internal ID of the language in XperienCentral. |
Name in XperienCentral | The string that appears in drop-down lists in XperienCentral when you select the language property for a page and in the Language Widget. |
Delete | A checkbox for deleting a language. You can only delete a language that you have added. Because English and Dutch are the two standard languages supported in XperienCentral, they cannot be deleted. |
Copy | A button for copying all the language labels for a language. You use this functionality to add new languages. |
In This Topic
Modifying a Language Label
To modify a language label, expand the section containing it by clicking the plus [+] sign next to it. The language labels appear. On the left side of the list is the internal identifier for the language label and in the text field next to it is the current label being used for it in the current language. To modify a label, click in the field and change the text.
In the example below, the string for the "Author" line in the Downloads content element is changed to "Publisher":
After clicking [Apply], the label is modified. In the Editor, the label in the Download content element now appears as "Publisher":
Perform these steps for all labels that you want to modify for the selected language. Click [Apply] to submit your modifications.
Deleting a Language Label
At this time, there is an issue within XperienCentral related to deleting language labels. Until this problem is resolved, GX Software strongly recommends that you do not delete any language labels whatsoever because this can lead to serious problems with your website(s).
Copying a Language
You can copy all of the labels for a language in one operation. This makes it possible to create support for a new language. You simply have to change the labels in the copied language to the new one you want to support. To copy a language, click [Copy] next to the language. For example:
XperienCentral will then prompt you to provide a code for the new language. For example:
Click [Apply]. The new language will appear in the list. Enter the translation of the language's name in Dutch and English. For example:
Modify the labels for the new language. Once copied, the new language is available in the Language Widget. For example:
The new language is now also available in the default language drop-down list for a page. For example:
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Deleting a Language
To delete a language, follow the steps below. You can only delete a language that you have added. Because Dutch and English are the default supported languages in XperienCentral, neither of them can be deleted. When you delete a language, any pages based on that language will also be deleted therefore you should exercise extreme caution when performing this operation.
To delete a language:
- Select the checkbox for the language in the "Delete" column in the list of languages.
- Click [OK] to confirm the operation:
The labels for the language are deleted.