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This topic is for the application manager and main editor(s) responsible for configuring how and where page sections are displayedthe coupling between page sections and the XperienCentral components required to display them. For information on creating the page sections themselves, see Page Section Widget.


Page sections are pieces of content that can be shown on multiple pages. Assigning page sections is done on the page level. Editing the content of a page section is done centrally in the Editor. A page section is just like a page: it has a title, a navigation title, a publication date, an expiration date, a state, and can have multiple language versions. You can place content elements on a page section just like you can place them on a page or article. A page section is only shown on a page if the page section has been assigned to that specific page. Page sections can be assigned in one step to a group of pages. The presentation of the page section is identical on every page on which it appears.


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Page Section Labels

Using page section labels, you couple page sections with page parts, thereby defining where a particular page section can be displayed on a page. The figure below shows how the configuration ties all the parts together.


  1. Navigate to the page on which you want to display the page section in the Site Structure Widget.
  2. Show the page properties by either clicking [Edit] in the Properties Widget or by hovering the mouse pointer over the page title, clicking the Actions menu Menu icon and then selecting "Edit Properties". The properties for the page display.
  3. Click the "Page Sections" tab.:

    Image Added

  4. Select the "Overrule the page section structure for this page" checkbox. If the setting "Current Settings" is applied to the page, then it inherits the page section settings from a sibling or its parent page.:

    Image Added

  5. Click [Apply].
  6. Select the title of the page section you want to show in the current page from the "Current settings" list and then click [Apply]. The page section is added to the list of page sections that will be shown on this page.
  7. Repeat the above step for each page section you want to add to the page. For example:

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  8. If there are multiple page sections assigned to a page, you can change the order that they appear by selecting a different number from the drop-down list that appears to the left of the "Name" column.
  9. Click [Apply] and then [Close].


When more than one language version of your website exists, you can quickly and easily switch between the versions using the Language drop-down in a sidebar header or use the Language Widget in XperienCentral versions R31 and lower. When multiple language versions of page sections exist parallel to each other, the page section structures are identical, but the title of the page sections can be different as well as the workflow status.

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Configuring the Page Section Edit Page


  1. Create a new page using the Site Structure Widget or Create Content Widget. Give it a meaningful name such "Page Section Edit". You do not have to publish it.
  2. In the Workspace, navigate to Configuration > Channel Configuration.
  3. Click the "Special Pages" tab to select it.:
  4. Click [Search] next to "Page Section Edit Page".:

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  5. Select the page from the results by clicking it and then click [Select]. If the page you want to use does not appear in the list, type a full or partial string in the "Search" field to search for it. When you have located the page, click it and then click [Select]. The page now appears next to " Page Section Edit Page".
  6. Click [Apply] and then close.


  1. Navigate to Configuration > Design Template and click the [Page Parts] tab.
  2. Select the page part where you want to show the page section from the drop-down list next to "Select".
  3. For the setting "Show page sections without label", select "Yes". For example:

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  4. Click [Apply].

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