Versions Compared


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On the Audit Trail tab you can purge data from the XperienCentral Audit Trail. This is useful if your deployment has accumulated a high volume of history that is no longer needed or relevant. For complete information on using viewing/interpreting the Audit Trail, see the XperienCentral online help topic Help > Workspace > Editor > Actions Menu > Properties > Audit Trail.


Viewing the Audit Trail for a Content Item.

  • For legal reasons, some entities are required to keep audit trail information for a specific amount of time or dating back to a specific time. Before purging audit trail information, be certain that no restrictions apply to the information in question.
  • When audit trail information is purged, this has a direct effect on what information is available. Because a purge of the audit trail begins with the inception of a content item, you will no longer be able to see who initially created the first version. Depending on how/when you purge the audit trail, you may also see the message ‘No entries found’ when attempting to view the audit trail for a content item.
  • The purge action cannot be undone.


To purge data from the Audit Trail, follow these steps:


  1. Select the web initiative channel from which to purge Audit Trail data from the drop-down list.
  2. In the date field/time fields, enter the date and time up to which you want to purge Audit Trail data or user use the date picker to select the date.


Search Tools tab you can manage the URLs for your website.



The actions that you can perform on the Search Tools tab can adversely affect the performance of a live website. Typically the actions that you can manually perform here are automatically executed daily, normally when your website traffic is at its lowest level. See the search settings on the General tab of the Setup Tool, especially the wmasolrsearch section for complete information on the search index generation, maintenance and scheduling.


In This Topic

Table of Contents


Here you can search for a URL or URL pattern. Enter the URL pattern which can include wildcards. Select whether to match a partial pattern or all indexed URLs. Select the ordering by clicking [relevance] or [date]. All matches are displayed in the "Results" section.


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Check URL Pattern

Here you can search for all stored URLs that match the specified URL pattern which can include wildcards. URLs that cannot be retrieved will be removed from the index. Enter the pattern in the "URL pattern" field and then click [Check urls]. The result of the URL check is displayed below.


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Remove URL Patterns

Here you can remove from the index all stored URLs that match the specified URL pattern which can include wildcards. Enter the pattern in the "Remove URL pattern" field and then click [Remove]. The result remove action is displayed below.


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Index URL

Here you can add URLs to the search index. To index a URL or multiple URLs, follow these steps:

  1. In the "URL" field, enter the URL from which to begin the index process.
  2. Enter the name of the URL of the XperienCentral backend host.
  3. Select the index depth from the "Depth" dropdown.
  4. Click [Index]. The index process is executed. Depending on the depth that you select, this process could take some time. The result ot the index process is shown below.


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Server Status

This section shows the status of the XperienCentral backend server indexer.


Number of pagesThe number of pages that are currently indexed.
Time on serverThe current local time on the XperienCentral backend server when this page was loaded.
Memory usageThe amount of memory, in KB, currently being used by the search indexer.
Free memoryThe amount of free memory, in KB, currently available to the search indexer.
CrawlersLists the name of the active search crawler(s), if any.


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  1. Click [Purge]. All data that matches the selected date/time criteria will be purged from the Audit Trail.