Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


/Puts the focus on the Quick Search field in the top middle part of the Editor.
Shift-/Shows a summary of all keyboard shortcuts.
[Toggles the right sidebar open and closed.
]Toggles the left sidebar open and closed.
Shift-aCreates a new article in the Content Repository.
cToggles the Configuration menu open and closed.
Shift-dCreates a new Download.
eOpens the current item for editing in the Editor.
EndMoves to the end of the current line.
hOpens the Online Help.
HomeMoves to the beginning of the current line.
Shift-iCreates a new image.
mToggles the My Settings open and closed.
nCreates new content. The Create Content widget must be present in one of the sidebars in order for this keyboard shortcut to work.
Shift-pCreates a new page in the Site Structure Widget.
sOpens the Advanced Search.
Alt-s and Ctrl-sSaves changes in Configuration menu panels.
vOpens the Properties panel for the current item to the Versions tab.
xOpens My Content Items.
