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For web pages and articles, the last part of a friendly URL, the title of the page/article itself, is used as the title in the title bar of the browser to identify the page/article. This title also appears in the Windows task bar when the browser is minimized. For pages/articles that are trying to claim an active friendly URL, the same title is used in the title bar, not the friendly URL that is assigned to it by XperienCentral. For example, if the friendly URL 'Contact.htm' is claimed by a page/article, in the title bar of the browser the title 'Contact' is used. However, if another page/article is assigned the friendly URL Contact-1.htm', the title of 'Contact-1.htm' in the browser will also be 'Contact'.
Explicitly Setting the HTML Title
By default, XperienCentral uses the title of pages/articles in the <title> HTML tag. If you want to override the default title, you can do so by adding a different HTML title that will be used for the page/article. To override the HTML title of a page/article, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page/article whose HTML title you want to override.
- Open the Actions > Properties > Meta keywords menu.
- In the "HTML title" box, enter the text that you want to display in the title bar of the browser for the page/article.
For web pages, you can specify an alternate URL path that is used in the active friendly URL. This allows you to reference the web page via a path that does not necessarily exist in your website's navigation structure. Just as the friendly URL for a page is constructed using the relative path (based on the navigation tree) plus the title of the page, the friendly URL of a page with an alternate URL path is constructed using the alternate URL path plus the title of the page. The alternate URL path begins after the '/web' part of the friendly URL.
Meta Keywords
A web page can contain metadata keywords related to the page. These keywords are invisible to website visitors but they can be recognized and processed by search engines. The metadata consists of a list of keywords related to the content of the page. There is disagreement about the usefulness of metadata keywords : Some in the industry believe that search engines tend to ignore the editor's keywords and look at the actual content of the page instead. Notwithstanding, you can add metadata keywords in XperienCentral that are applied at the website level as well as at the page level.
Managing Default Metadata Keywords
In XperienCentral, default metadata keywords can be assigned to all pages at the website level from a central location. To do so, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page in the Site Structure Widget.Click the Actions icon Configuration > Channel configuration. The Channel Configuration dialog box appears.
- Click the [SEOGeneral] tab.
- In the "Alternate URL Path" text box, enter the URL to use in the friendly URL for the page. The URL path must begin with a forward slash (/) and use a forward slash to separate each level.
- Click By default, there is one default metadata keyword: "XperienCentral". To add more, simply type them in from left to right, separated by a comma and a space in the "Default meta keywords" field.
- When finished, click
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A limited set of characters is allowed in a URL. When you create a new item, its friendly URL title is standardized, meaning that the text entered for the title is simplified if it contains illegal characters in order to ensure that the URL is valid. When standardizing a URL, XperienCentral applies the following rules:
- Converts all special characters containing diacriticals marks (for example, é and ë) to the version of the letter without diacritical marks.
- Deletes all other extended characters other than uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and periods.
This process ensures that the URL titles of items are valid and are able to be resolved by web browsers. As a result of standardizing, it is possible for items to have conflicting friendly URL titles even if the titles as they appear in XperienCentral are clearly different. In this case, the friendly URL conflict is resolved as described in How Friendly URLs are Constructed.
The following are examples of friendly URL conflicts as a result of URL standardizing.
For a complete list of character mapping conversions that result from URL standardization, see Special Character Conversion Table.
The friendly URL of pages and content items is based on its designated title (URL title, navigation title, or the title of the page or content item). When an item is first created, it is assigned a friendly URL, also known as the active friendly URL. If a page is moved or renamed, the active friendly URL also changes, however, the previously active friendly URL is still claimed by the item.
For example, on September 1, 2012, a page with the title "XperienCentral" is created under the home page. This page is available at the friendly URL "/GX-XperienCentral.htm". On September 8, 2012, the page title is changed to "Products", which makes the page also available at the URL "/Products.htm" (which is now the active URL). As a result, from September 8, 2012, the page can be accessed through two URLs: "GX-XperienCentral.htm" and "Products.htm". In this case, because the active URL for the page is now "Products.htm", any links to "GX-XperienCentral.htm" are automatically redirected to "Products.htm". The advantage of this system is that the old URL ("/GX-XperienCentral.htm") remains available so that references from links to the previous name of the page still work.
A URL that was at any time assigned to a page or content item remains tied to it and the item still has the claim on that friendly URL which means that other items cannot use it because it is still in use (as a redirect). In XperienCentral you can view and manage the URL history of pages and content items. This makes it possible to see which friendly URLs are being claimed by a page/content item and also to release claimed URLs that you want reuse elsewhere. To view the URL history of a page or content item, follow these steps:
Overriding the Default Meta Keywords at the Page Level
The default metadata keywords that are configured at the website level apply to every page. At the page level, you can assign metadata keywords that are used for only the current page. Metadata keywords assigned to a page override the website-wide metadata keywords. To assign metadata keywords at the page level, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page or content item.
- Click the Actions icon and select "Edit Properties".
- Click the [SEO] tab.
Deleting URLs from a Page or Media Item's URL History
If you want to use a URL that another page or content item has a claim to but is not actively using, you have to delete the URL from the 'also available at' list for the page or content item claiming the desired URL in order to release it. Note: The following operation can also be performed from the Configuration > SEO menu item. See Maintaining Items With More Than One Friendly URL for more information.
Follow these steps:
- Click the box next to "Delete" to select the URL(s) that you want to release,
- Click
. The friendly URL is deleted (released). - Click
. You can now use the friendly URL for another page or content item.
Releasing Claimed Friendly URLs
If you want to release the friendly URL from a page or content item that is currently claiming it in order to use it elsewhere, the approach depends on whether the page or content item is actively using the friendly URL or whether the URL is claimed by the page or content item in its URL history.
There are two ways to release the claimed friendly URL from a page or content item in order to use it elsewhere. You can either delete the page/content item completely, which immediately frees up the friendly URL, or you can rename the page or content item claiming the active URL and then remove the friendly URL from the URL history of the renamed page. Follow these steps:
Deleting the page or content item
- For a page, right-click it in the navigation tree and select "Delete".
- For a content item, select it in the list of items in the Content Repository and click
. The friendly URL of the deleted page or content item is now available (has been released).
Renaming the page or content item
- Navigate to the page in the navigation tree or to the content item in the Content Repository whose active friendly URL you want to release.
- Rename the title (URL, navigation or page) that is responsible for the claim on the friendly URL to something else.
- Navigate to File > Properties > URL titles.
- Follow the steps for deleting claimed friendly URLs as described in the section Deleting a URL From a Page or Media Item's URL History. The friendly URL is now released and can be used by another page or content item.
Releasing a page or content item's claim on a URL
Pages and content items can claim more than one friendly URL, however, only one of them is active at one time. The non-active URLs act as redirects to the active friendly URL. If you want to release the non-active URLs of a page or content item to use elsewhere, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to the page in the navigation tree or to the content item in the Content Repository whose active friendly URL you want to release.
- Click the Actions button Enter one or more metadata keywords in the "Meta Keywords" field (comma separated).
- Click
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Page Introduction Metadata
A web page can contain an introduction in the form of metadata that summarizes the page. This information is invisible to website visitors but can be recognized and processed by a search engine. In the search results, the search engine displays the first 25 or so words (depending on the search engine) of the page summary below the clickable title of the page. For this reason page summaries should be as direct and concise as possible.
Adding the Page Introduction
To add introduction metadata or a summary for a page in XperienCentral, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page in the Workspace.
- Click the Actions icon and select "Edit Properties".
- Click the [SEO] tab.
- Follow the steps for deleting claimed friendly URLs as described in Deleting a URL From a Page or Content Item's URL History. The friendly URL is now released and can be used by another page or content item.Add text for the introduction in the "Meta Description/Introduction" field.
- Click
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