Taglib Reference

Taglib Reference

In This Section

In addition to the information in this topic, see also the description of the class nl.gx.webmanager.taglib of the XperienCentral Javadoc.

The CMS Library

The CMS library is used for retrieving information from the XperienCentral content management system.

<%@taglib uri="http://www.gx.nl/taglib/wm" prefix="wm" %>

<wm:documentLink> -  Returns an HTML link to a document and checks for web user authorization. Example usage:

<wm:documentLink var="docLink" contentId="${productInfo.document}" dataSource="jdbc/internaldb" />



contentIdSets the content ID of the document to which a link should be returned.YesYes
dataSourceSets the data source name which can be queried to retrieve more information about the document.YesYes
classNameSpecifies the class name to be used in the class="..." attribute of the resulting HTML link.NoYes
linkTextThe text to be used in building the link. The default value is the title of the document that is referred to.NoYes
mimeTypeOnlySpecifies whether the MIME type of the document should be returned (set to true) or whether to return an HTML link to the document itself (set to false). The default value is false.NoNo
mouseOverTextSpecifies the text to be used in the title="..." attribute of the resulting HTML link. This text is usually shown as a tooltip if the mouse cursor is hovered over the link. The default is the value of the linkText attribute (see above).NoYes
showDocumentTypeIconSpecifies whether the documenttype icon should be shown to left of the link. The default value is false (no icon).NoNo
showTitleOnlySpecifies whether the linkText (see above) should be shown as an HTML link or as normal text. The default value is true (normal text).NoNo

Specifies the name of the HTML frame to be used in the target="..." attribute of the resulting link. If the link is clicked, the document is opened in this frame. If no frame with this name can be found, the link is opened in a new browser window. The default value for this attribute is empty which means the link will open in the same window.

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.NoNo
webUserGroupsSets the web user groups who are granted access to the document.NoYes

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:editable> -  Marks editable content areas on the page inside the editor. The inline edit mode in XperienCentral needs to know where editable content exists on the page. This is accomplished by wrapping the editable areas using the <wm:editable> tag, thereby indicating where the editable content is located. Example usage:

<wm:editable contentHolder="${contentholder}" class="maincontentarea" area="0" tag="div"></wm:editable>

This is the most basic and common usage. The class attribute is passed through to the outputted HTML. The following example shows how to wrap the title of a page version:

<wm:editable tag="div" contentHolder="${pageVersion}" area="title" class="main_title">

When wrapping content like a page title, no extra static HTML should appear inside the <wm:editable> tag except the page title itself. Any static HTML could be appended to the field being wrapped. Do not use your own element render loop to output the elements content in the tag itself or with a wm:pagepart tag.

The following are examples of incorrect usage of the <wm:editable> tag:

Incorrect usage of the <wm:editable> tag
<wm:editable contentHolder="${contentholder}" class="maincontentarea" area="0" tag="div">
   <wm:render presentationName="freestylepresentation content" object="${contentholder}" startSeparator="0" endSeparator="1"/>

Incorrect usage of the <wm:editable> tag
<wm:editable contentHolder="${contentholder}" class="maincontentarea" area="0" tag="div"><wm:render bject="${contentholder}"/></wm:editable>

Naming Convention Best Practice

It is best to give areas a meaningful name instead of assigning them a number. Doing so gives you the flexibility to change the order of areas at a later time if you decide to. For example:

<wm:editable contentHolder="${contentholder}" class="maincontentarea" area="maincontent" tag="div"></wm:editable>

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<wm:form> - Returns an HTML form tag and a (number of) hidden input tags enclosed in it. Additional inputs can be defined in the body of the <wm:form> tag.

The <wm:form> tag is mostly used to render various types of forms. All these forms are processed by the FormHandler which runs on the frontend and processes forms submitted by users. This FormHandler expects several inputs in the form. The <wm:form> tag automatically generates these. What exactly is generated, depends on the handle. Currently the following builtin handles are supported in the <wm:form> tag:

  • form - Indicates that the form should be processed using the FormHandler.
  • formback - Navigates back one page in the form flow.
  • search - Generates a search form.
  • poll - Generates a form for the poll functionality.
  • forum - Generates a form for the forum functionality.
  • verseonstatus - Generates a form to get to call the VerseonFormStatusHandler.
  • locationservicemappoint - Used by the Location services functionality in XperienCentral.

Except for the form handle, these are all related to specific XperienCentral features.

Example usage (1):

<wm:form handle="search" onSubmit="doSearch();">
   <input type="text" name="keyword" />

The example above displays a search form (handle="search"). A search form should specify a keyword, therefore an input is included to set the keyword (using the HTML input tag). Also, some JavaScript should be executed if the form is to be submitted. The onSubmit parameter takes care of that. The rendering of the form parts is delegated using the <wm:render> tag ***. This tag renders the form object of the form element.

Example usage (2):

<wm:form handle="form" onSubmit="return checkForm${formElementId}();">
   <input name="dummybutton" type="image" value="" alt="" src="${presentationcontext.website.emptyImage}" style="position: absolute; border-style: none; padding: 0; spacing: 0; text-indent: 0;" height="0" width="0"/>
   <wm:render object="${formElement.form}" />

Example usage (3):

<wm:form handle="formback" />

This displays the back button in a form.


Sets the name of the handle that should be used. Valid values: see the description of the available handles above.


Specifies a comma-separated list of extra parameters to be used in generating the URL in the form. This is the URL of the page to display when an action is performed in the form. By default the following values are already passed on: contentid,dbid,typeofpage,step,orgurl,cfe, and forum.


Specifies the name of the HTML frame to be used in the target="..." attribute of the resulting HTML form tag. The response to the form is displayed in the target frame. If the specified frame does not exist, the response is shown in a new window.


If a value (OUTP) for this attribute is specified, an HTML input tag is created as follows in the body of the form tag: <input type="hidden" name="frame" value="OUTP" />. This attribute may be used in conjunction with the attribute "target" to specify the frame to load in the response to the form.


Specifies the name of the JavaScript function to be used in the onSubmit="..." attribute of the resulting HTML form tag. This function can be used to, for example, do some error checking on the form data. The default value is empty (no function).


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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The following filterHTML tags were introduced in XperienCentral version 10.19.1. These methods rely on the JSoup clean method.


<wmfn:filterHTMLBasic> -  Filters the HTML using a basic filtering configuration. It allows the following range of text nodes: <a>, <b>, <blockquote>, <br>, <cite>, <code>, <dd>, <dl>, <dt>, <em>, <i>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <q>, <small>, <span>, <strike>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <u>, <ul> and <l>.


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<wmfn:filterHTMLRelaxed> -  Filters the HTML using a relaxed filtering configuration. It allows the following range of text and structural body HTML:  <a>, <b>, <blockquote>, <br>, <caption>, <cite>, <code>, <col>, <colgroup>, <dd>, <div>, <dl>, <dt>, <em>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <i>, <img>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <q>, <small>, <span>, <strike>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr>, <u>, <ul> and <l>. Example usage:


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<wmfn:filterHTMLTags> -  Filters the HTML. Passed tags are allowed — other tags are removed from the HTML. Example usage:

<c:set var="imagesFilter" value="figure,img,figcaption" />

<c:set var="allImages" value="${wmfn:filterHTMLTags(myContent, imagesFilter)}" />

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<wmfn:filterHTMLTagsAndAttributes> -  Filters the HTML. Passed tags and attributes are allowed — other tags and attributes are removed from the HTML. Example usage:

Create an overview of only the a links on an html page:
${wmfn:filterHTMLTagsAndAttributes(myHtmlToFilter, 'a', 'href')}

Extract all images from an html page:
${wmfn:filterHTMLTagsAndAttributes(myHtmlWithImages, 'figure,img,figcaption,a', 'src,width,height,href')}

Remove any styling from the forms in content:
${wmfn:filterHTMLTagsAndAttributes(myStyledForms, 'form,input,fieldset,textarea,label,select,option', 'action,method,type,value,name,for')}

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<wm:formPart> -  This tag retrieves a form part using its alias as the search criteria. Example usage:

var="userNameFormPart" alias="username" />

The fragment above will look up the form part with the alias "username".


Specifies the alias of the form part to search for. This is the alias that is used in the XSL of the form handlers to identify the form part.


Specifies the JSP variable in which to store the result.


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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The getMediaItems tag was deprecated in XperienCentral version R31. Use getMediaItemVersions instead. See below.

<wm:getMediaItems> - This tag retrieves media items from the Content Repository and sorts the results. Example usage:

<wm:getmediaitems var="mediaItems"/>

The example above retrieves all media items that match a specified term.


Specifies a comma separated list of terms the returned media item doesn't have. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies a comma separated list of terms the returned media item must have. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies the content type of the media item (article, image, etc.).


Specifies the date after which the returned media items must have been created.


Specifies the returned media item IDs that need to be excluded.


Specifies the term(s) that the returned media items must have at least one of. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies the beginning of the date range in which the returned media item was published.


Specifies the end of the date range in which the returned media item was published.


Specifies the database entity the returned media item is linked to.


Specifies the resource instance the returned media item is linked to.


Specifies the number of returned media items to display.


Specifies whether to sort the returned media items in ascending order.


Specifies how to sort the returned media items. The options are:

  • creationdate
  • mostviewed
  • mostreactions
  • publicationdate
  • modificationdate
  • voteaverage
  • webtitle
  • lastpost

Specifies the media item’s workflow state.


Specifies the ID of the website from which the media items are retrieved.


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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The getMediaItemVersions tag was introduced in XperienCentral version R31.

<wm:getMediaItemVersions> - This tag retrieves media items from the Content Repository and sorts the results. Example usage:

<wm:getmediaitemversions var="mediaItemVersions"/>

The example above retrieves all media items that match a specified term.


Specifies a comma separated list of terms the returned media item doesn't have. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies a comma separated list of terms the returned media item must have. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies the content type of the media item (article, image, etc.).


Specifies the date after which the returned media items must have been created.


Specifies the returned media item IDs that need to be excluded.


Specifies the fallback strategy to use when the media item is not available in the specified language. This attribute has the following options:

  • default — The default fallback strategy is used.
  • ignore — Do not use a fallback language. If no version is found in the target language, nothing will be returned.
  • specific — Use the specified language as the fallback language. The specified language is configured with the fallbacklanguageid attribute (see below).

If you do not specify a fallback strategy, default is used.

See Fallback Language for more information,

fallbacklanguageidSpecifies the ID of the language to use as fallback. This attribute works together with the fallbackstrategy="specific" attribute (see above).NoYes
languageidSpecifies the ID of the language that media items must match in order to be retrieved.NoYes

Specifies the term(s) that the returned media items must have at least one of. This includes terms present in other channels (XperienCentral R25 and higher).


Specifies the beginning of the date range in which the returned media item was published.


Specifies the end of the date range in which the returned media item was published.


Specifies the database entity the returned media item is linked to.


Specifies the resource instance the returned media item is linked to.


Specifies the number of returned media items to display.


Specifies whether to sort the returned media items in ascending order.


Specifies how to sort the returned media items. The options are:

  • creationdate
  • mostviewed
  • mostreactions
  • publicationdate
  • modificationdate
  • voteaverage
  • webtitle
  • lastpost

Specifies the media item’s workflow state.


Specifies the ID of the website from which the media items are retrieved.


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:image> -  Creates an Image object from its URL. Example usage:

<wm:image var="photo" url="http://www.gx.nl/images/picture.jpg" alternativeText="a picture" />


Specifies the alias of the form part to search for. This is the alias that is used in the XSL of the form handlers to identify the form part.


Specifies the JSP variable in which to store the result.


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:includeUrl> - This tag evaluates the URL to which the given parameter points to and writes the result to the JSP page. External URLs should start with http. Internal URLs should be relative to the context path (i.e. start with /). Use this instead of jsp:include to pass on the presentation context. Example usage:

<wm:includeUrl url="/WEB-INF/presentation/jsp/shared/include/top.jspf" />


Specifies the URL indicating the resource to retrieve the HTML from. To include references to other JSP files, use the relative path found on the “Presentation” tab in XperienCentral.


Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds for external URLs. The default value is 5000 (= 5 sec.).


Specifies whether a redirect should be followed if the URL returns a redirect to another location. The default value is true (= follow the redirect).


Sets the read timeout in milliseconds for external URLs. Input. The default value is 10000 (= 10 sec.).


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:isActive> -  This tag specifies whether the object that is specified comes from a component that is currently active. For example, it returns false when invoked on an element that is contained by a plugin that is in the RESOLVED state (currently not running). Example usage:

<wm:isActive var="componentLoaded" object="${componentObject}"/>
<c:if test="componentLoaded">


Specifies the Java object to check.


Specifies the JSP variable to store the result in.


*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:link> - Using this tag, link objects can be constructed that refer to pages, downloads, etc. This tag supports dynamic attributes (i.e. you can specify your own attributes) which are passed on to the link object that is created.

Example (1):

<wm:link var="aLinkObject" linkText="clickme" foo="bar" target="_top" />

In the example above, a new link object is created referencing the current page. It is assigned to aLinkObject. Using dynamic attributes a custom attribute (foo) is defined.  The link is opened in the _top section of the window.

 Example (2):

<wm:link var="homepage" reference="${presentationcontext.website.homePage}" linkText="to the homepage" />
Click here to go ${homepage.htmlTag}.


Specifies the JSP variable in which to store the result in.


Specifies the class name to be used in the class="..." attribute of the resulting HTML link.

linkTextSets the text to use when displaying the HTML link. The default value is the title of the page that is linked to.NoYes
mouseOverTextSpecifies the text to be used in the title="..." attribute of the resulting HTML link. This text is usually shown as a tooltip if the mouse cursor is hovered over the link.NoYes


Specifies a comma separated list of all URL parameters of the current request that need to be included in the link that is built.NoYes
passOnAllParametersSpecifies whether all URL parameters of the current request are included in the link that is built. The default value is false (don't include).NoYes
presentationNameSpecifies an XperienCentral presentation object. The link is rendered by this presentation.NoYes
referenceThe page to link to. If not set, the current page will be used.NoYes
targetSpecify the target to be used in the target="..." attribute of the resulting HTML link. Using this attribute, links can be opened in a new browser window. The default value is empty which means the link will open in the current window.NoYes

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:object> -  Retrieves an object from the content database which is filled with objects that have an ID and a type. For XperienCentral objects that are exposed through the Java API, wrapper classes are available that encapsulate the data that is stored in the content database. The public API of these wrapper classes is defined in interfaces. The <wm:object> tag can be used as a factory for creating wrapper objects based on the type and object ID. The type is the fully qualified class name of the wrapper interface. If no wrapper object can be created (either the ID or the type is wrong), the value null is used. Example usage:

<wm:object var="message" objectId="${param.message}" objectType="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.forum.ForumMessage"/>
<wm:render object="${message}" />

The example above assigns a ForumMessage object to the variable message. Some tags like <wm:render> have an attribute object. The variable may be used in such tags.


The hideError attribute was introduced in XperienCentral version R24.

When set to true, specifies that XperienCentral should not log an error if the specified objectId cannot be found.


Specifies the numerical ID of the object to retrieve.


Specifies the Java class of the object to retrieve. The objectType should be a fully qualified classname. Note there are some deprecated abbreviations for some classes which are still supported. You should always use the fully qualified classname. In future releases, support for the abbreviations may be dropped.

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.YesNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:pagePart> -  The label defines which JSPF is used to generate the content (looked up in the presentation mappings that XperienCentral creates by reading the presentation descriptor files). An XperienCentral page can contain content consisting of multiple elements, each with its own presentation JSPs. To show these elements, the page presentation JSP should contain a wm tag that renders these elements.

Example 1:

<div id="column1">
   <wm:pagePart label="Content column 1" />

This tells XperienCentral that a pagePart with the label “Content column 1” should be displayed here. The “Content column 1” label is defined in the presentation descriptor file of the content JSPF (i.e. content.xml). The <wm:pagePart> tag effectively tells XperienCentral to execute that JSPF and include the results.

Example 2:

<wm:pagePart label="WM content" var="result"/>

Create custom pageParts by defining a .JSPF and an XML descriptor file.


Specifies the label of the page part to render. This must be an exact match of the value of the <name> defined in the descriptor XML file and the <scope> in that file must be “pagepart”.


Specifies the object to render. The default value is ${presentationcontext.baseObject} (the object that is rendered by the jsp this tag is in).

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.NoNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:pageMetaData> -  Retrieves a pagemetadata object of the requested type for the current page version. Example usage:

<wm:pageMetaData var="keywords" type="keywords" />
<meta name="keywords" value="${keywords}" />


Specifies the type of metadata. The valid values are keywords and description.

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.YesNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:presentationProperty> - Looks up a presentation property defined in the presentation context and returns its value in a JSP variable. Several presentation property types in addition to String and Boolean are supported:

  • string
  • boolean
  • image
  • font
  • button
  • color
  • layout

The type for the presentation properties is defined in the presentation descriptor. The values for the properties can be defined in the descriptor files by creating presentation variants in XperienCentral or by relying on the style information that is defined in XperienCentral. Example usage:

<wm:presentationProperty var="bulletImage" label="bullet" />

In the example above, the presentation property named “bullet” is retrieved and its value is returned in the variable bulletImage.


Specifies the property label to retrieve.

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.YesNo

Specifies the page to used to retrieve a style property from. For example, this is used for page images in a navigation menu.

This attribute is only used for properties of type image, button, color and font. For other property types this attribute is ignored.

useTargetPageStyleSpecifies whether the style of the target page is used to retrieve a style property instead of the style of the current page. This attribute is only used for properties of type image, button, color and font. For other property types this attribute is ignored.

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:render> -  renders an object using a presentation.

Example (1):

<wm:render var="pollForm" presentationName="WM pollelement form"/>
<wm:render var="pollResult" presentationName="WM pollelement result" />

In the example above, a poll element object is rendered using two different presentations. In this case the default presentation of the poll element is not used because the optional presentationName attribute is provided in the <wm:render> tag. Additionally, no object is specified, which means that the object which is being rendered is the same as the object that is rendered by the JSP this code is in. The example renders both the form and the results into separate variables. Depending on whether the user has submitted the poll, either the form for doing so or the poll results can be displayed. You can also explicitly specify an object and no presentation.

Example (2):

<wm:render object="${element}" />

The <wm:render> tag renders the object ${element} using whatever presentation is associated with the object in XperienCentral.


Specifies the object to render. The default value is ${presentationcontext.baseObject} (the object that is rendered by the JSP this tag is in).

presentationNameSets the presentation that the object should be rendered with. The default value is empty, which means the object is rendered using the presentation assigned in XperienCentral.YesNo
varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in.NoNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:sizedImage> -  Resizes image objects. If the aspect ratio (height/width) of the resized image is different than the source image, the image will be cropped from the top and bottom or left and right to avoid the displaying of black bars. It returns the resized image object. Example usage:

<wm:image var="bullet" url="http://www.gxsoftware.com/images/bullet.jpg "/>
<wm:sizedImage var="bulletSmall" image="${bullet}" width="20" height="20" />

In the example above the image stored in the variable bullet is resized to 20x20 pixels and returned in the variable bulletSmall.


Sets the height of the resized image in pixels.

imageSpecifies the image object to resize.YesNo
varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in. YesNo
widthSets the width of the resized image in pixels.YesYes

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:specialPages> -   Returns the special pages for a specific label. In XperienCentral special pages can be defined for several types of labels. For example, a standard media repository page can be selected or RSS feed pages, etc. Example usage:

<wm:specialPages var="pages" label="footerPages" />
<c:forEach items="${pages}" var="page">
   <wm:link reference="${page}" />

In the example above all footer Pages (defined in the XperienCentral Configuration menu) are returned in the variable pages. A link to each of these pages is created.


Specifies the special page label as defined in XperienCentral

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in. YesNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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<wm:text> - This tag looks up the text value defined for a language label as configured in XperienCentral. The configuration can be found in the Configure > Language Labels menu in XperienCentral. If the var attribute is set, the result is bound to this variable, otherwise the result of the lookup is printed. Example usage:

<wm:text var="submitText" label="wm_language.form_submit"/>
<input type="submit" name="${submitText}" />

In the example above the text defined for the label "wm_language.form_submit" is retrieved for the current language. A button using this text is displayed.


Specifies the text label as defined in XperienCentral

varSpecifies the JSP variable to store the result in. NoNo

*The attribute supports EL (Expression Language) values.

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The Functions Library

The Functions library contains functions for manipulating data in XperienCentral. Example usage:

<%@taglib uri="http://www.gxsoftware.com/taglib/functions" prefix="wmfn"%>

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<script type="text/javascript">
alert('page title is ${wmfn:escapeToJavascript(pageVersion.title)}');



: string

Retrieves a line feed (usually line feeds in JSP pages are ignored).


(object, object[]) : boolean

Returns true if the array contains the instance.


(string) : string

Converts HTML code to JavaScript document.write statements.



(string) : string
Replaces \\ with \\\\ and ' with \\' in a string so that it can be used in a JavaScript statement.



(string) : string
Surrounds the text part with a <pre> tag so that while processing this part should be taken literally and so that line feeds should be preserved.



(string) : string

Prepends http:// before an external URL if it doesn't start with http://, https://, ftp://, file://, javascript:, mailto:, / or #.



(servletcontext) : string
If secure forms are enabled, this function retrieves the name of the secure form request parameter. This function returns the name of the form parameter which should be used for sending the form signature.



(object, object[]): int
Returns the index of the object in the array or -1 if the array doesn't contain the object.


(object, string): boolean
This is more flexible instanceOf implementation than the built-in Java instanceOf operator.


(string) : string

Replaces new lines with <br />.



(servletcontext, servletrequest, string) : string
Computes a signature for a set of names for the use of secure forms in SiteWorks.



(servletcontext, servletrequest, string) : string
Generates a secure forms signature for the given HTML fragment.



(object[][], int, boolean) : object[]
Sorts a two dimensional array (an array of arrays) by the objects in a column.



(sortedmap[], string, boolean) : sortedmap
Sorts an array of SortedMaps by the elements at a specified key.



(object[], int, int) : object[]
Returns a sub array of the original array.



(string) : string
The URL encodes a UTF-8 string.

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