Content Import

Content Import

On the Content Import tab you can import content, typically exported from a channel, into another XperienCentral deployment.

See also Importing and Exporting Content for complete information on content item import/export and Importing and Exporting Forms for Interactive Forms import/export.

To import content, follow these steps:

  1. Select the channel into which you want to import content from the drop-down list.
  2. Click [Next].
  3. Enter the path to the ZIP or JAR file containing the content you want to import or click [Browse] and select the file directly.

    Using the Browse function, the maximum possible file size is 10 MB. If the import file is larger than 10 MB, you must manually copy the import file to the XperienCentral backend server then point to its location by entering the absolute path of its location.

  4. An overview of the content you are importing is shown classed by content type.
  5. Click [Next].
  6. An analysis of the content is shown. You can print the analysis by clicking [Print Analysis].
  7. Click [Import content] and then click [OK] to confirm this action. The content is imported and a summary of what was imported is shown. To print the summary, click [Print Result].

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