Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

In XperienCentral you can use keyboard shortcuts to perform a wide variety of actions in order to save time and work more efficiently. Many of the common tasks that you regularly perform can be accomplished using a keyboard shortcut.


  • Some keyboard shortcuts may not be available due to the permissions assigned to your role.
  • Some keyboard shortcuts are dependent on a specific widget being present in a sidebar.

In This Topic

Global Keyboard Shortcuts

The following global keyboard shortcuts are active when the focus is in the Workspace. They are not available when another panel has focus or when you are editing a content item in the Editor.

/Puts the focus on the Quick Search field in the top middle part of the Editor.
Shift-/Shows a summary of all keyboard shortcuts.
[Toggles the right sidebar open and closed.
]Toggles the left sidebar open and closed.
Shift-aCreates a new article in the Content Repository.
cToggles the Configuration menu open and closed.
Shift-dCreates a new Download.
eOpens the current item for editing in the Editor.
EndMoves to the end of the current line.
HomeMoves to the beginning of the current line.
Shift-iCreates a new image in the Content Repository.
mToggles My Settings open and closed.
nCreates new content. The Create Content Widget must be present in one of the sidebars in order for this keyboard shortcut to work.
Shift-pCreates a new page in the Site Structure Widget.
sOpens Advanced Search.
Alt-s and Ctrl-sSaves changes in Configuration menu panels. If the Configuration menu is not open, Alt-s and Ctrl-s opens the Advanced Search panel.
vOpens the Properties panel for the current item to the Versions tab.
xOpens My Content Items.

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Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when you are working in the Editor.

Ctrl-aSelects all content.
Ctrl-bToggles bold font formatting on and off.
Ctrl-cCopies the current selection.
Ctrl-eAligns text center.
Ctrl-iToggles italic font formatting on and off.
Ctrl-kCreates a hyperlink.
Ctrl-lAligns text left.
Ctrl-Alt-lToggles numbered list on and off.
Ctrl-Shift-lToggles bulleted list on and off.
Ctrl-mInserts an image.
Ctrl-rAligns text right.
Alt-s and Ctrl-sSaves changes.
Ctrl-Shift-sToggles strikethrough font formatting on and off.
Ctrl-uToggles underline font formatting on and off.
Ctrl-vPastes content from the Clipboard.
Ctrl-xCuts the current selection.
Ctrl-yRedoes the last change.


Undoes the last change.
Ctrl-Shift-zRedoes the last change.
Ctrl-0Starts a new paragraph or changes selection into a paragraph.
Ctrl-1Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 1.
Ctrl-2Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 2.
Ctrl-3Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 3.
Ctrl-4Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 4.
Ctrl-5Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 5.
Ctrl-6Turns on or changes the current selection to Heading 6.
EscExits the Editor. If you have unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save or discard any modifications you have made.

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Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating around in various parts of XperienCentral,

Arrow up/Arrow downMoves the focus up or down in the list of results in Quick and Advanced Search. An item must first be selected before you can navigate through the list.
Enter/SpacePerforms the following tasks in the following situations:
  • Opens a link or presses a button when it has focus.
  • Opens a panel or a menu when it is selected.
  • Opens a search result when it is selected.
  • Presses a button when it has focus.
EscPerforms the following tasks in the following situations:
  • Deselects an element when it has the focus.
  • Closes a pop-up and discards any changes.
  • Exits the Editor. If you have unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you want to save or discard any modifications that you have made.
TabMoves the focus from left to right and up to down through a series of selectable fields.
Shift-TabMoves the focus from right to left and down to up through a series of selectable fields.

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