Property | Description | ||
English - Name | The name of the layout as it appears in the list of layouts in the English GUI. | ||
English - Description | The text that appears with the layout in the Insert menu in the English GUI. | ||
Nederlands - Name | The name of the layout as it appears in the list of layouts in the Dutch GUI. | ||
Nederlands - Name | The text that appears with the layout in the Insert menu in the Dutch GUI. | ||
State | The status of the layout. The possible statuses are "Active" and "Inactive". When you change the status of a layout from "Active" to "Inactive", it will no longer be available from the Insert menu. Any instance of the layout that has already been added to a content item will still appear on the website frontend. | ||
Authorization roles | Specifies which role(s) within XperienCentral have permission to insert the Layout into a content item. You can either make it available to all roles or to one or more specific roles. To limit permission to a Layout to one or more roles, follow these steps:
| ||
Template | Defines the structure, look and feel, and behavior of the layout. See https://github.com/MegafonWebLab/histone-documentation for complete information on using the Histone language to define a template engine. In the template, you can also use CSS for styling and rendering HTML as well as raw HTML to render the design (H1, H2, lists, and so forth). You can also include images in the template engine. If you do add images to your layout, be sure to point to the correct part of the file system where the image is located. In XperienCentral, layout fields and layout variant parameters are declared in a specific way. Fields are denoted using the notation
The parameter "backgroundColor" is delcared in the Histone template as follows: See Layout Variants for more information.
Anchor | ||||
- Click [Add Field]. A new field appears in the Layout Data Definition list.
- In the text box in the "Field" column, enter the name of the field. This is an internal tag that is used by the template engine to identify the field. The name you use for a field must be the same as the one you use in your template.
From the "Mode" drop-down list, select the input mode for the new field. The options are:
Mode Description Rich text An editor can enter rich text in this field. The rich text formatting options in the Editor will be available. Rich single line An editor can enter a single line of rich text in this field. Single line (flat) An editor can enter a single line of text in this field. The formatting of the text (font, font size, color, and so forth) and the color of the field is determined by the style(s) defined in the template. (Optional) Enter the default text that you want to appear in the field in the "Default value" text box. When the layout is added to a content item, the default text will appear in the field. The text is editable.
Note Layout fields cannot be rendered inside of an <a> tag.
A loop is a repeatable structure containing one or more fields. When the editor adds a layout to a content item, he or she can add more loop structures to the layout. For example, if a layout has a column that is defined as a loop, the editor can add more columns, up to the maximum number that you define. When an instance of a layout which contains a loop field is placed on the page, the user can use the information bar for the layout to add and remove repeated items from the loop field. This functionality is very useful for creating effects such a tabs or columns where extra tabs and columns can be added or removed.
From the template language point of view a loop field is just an array of objects which can be looped over. Each item in the for loop contains the fields defined inside the loop field in the layout panel. Access is done using typical JavaScript syntax.