Rich text is text that is directly typed onto a page, page section, or article. Rich text is not part of a content element. It can be added anywhere, also between content elements. The rich text that you enter in the Editor can be formatted using standard formatting such as bold, italic, and so forth, and you can also select HTML tags such as "Heading 1", "Heading 2" and so forth.
XperienCentral can also contain custom styling options that you can apply to rich text.To enter rich text in the Editor:
All text formatted with a heading tag (Heading 1 through Heading 6) is also marked as an anchor. You can use the Heading Overview content element to add a clickable list of headings present in a content item. If you want to look up the URL for a heading anchor in order to be able to link directly to it from another content item, follow these steps: