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It is possible to connect XperienCentral to one or more external databases . The word ‘external’ is used to indicate that it is different from which lie outside the internal database : The database that maintains XperienCentral’s internal content & administrationandadministration. It is possible that , however, to place the tables with external data are located in the same database as XperienCentral’s internal tables. Because XperienCentral can be connected to other databases, it is, for example, possible to request data from the backoffice and show these on the website.

In This Topic

Table of Contents


  • The overview level shows a list of records from the database.
  • The detail view level shows more details of a selected record.

In the screenshot above, the The upper part shows an overview and the lower part shows a detail view. You can also place the detail view on a different (special) page.


Queries are defined using SQL (Structured Query Language). The information returned from the database can then be shown on the website. The following is an example of an SQL query:


  1. Make sure a filled external database is available and that you know the connection-related attributes.
  2. Navigate to Configuration -> Database Maintenance.
  3. Select the Database connections tab.
  4. Select New database connection from the drop-down menu (top left). A blank dialogue pane with connection related attributes is shown.
  5. Enter the connection related attributes.
  6. Click Apply. If XperienCentral can make the connection, the product and driver information is shown as well as a table content list.


If you selected "Use search pop-up", a panel pops up when setting the locations on the query element.

Showing the Overview with Parameters

The result only shows records in which the location is Amsterdam or Nijmegen.

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Overview with Link to Detail View


  1. Select the desired overview query (Configuration > Queries Queries tab).
  2. Under "Column settings" add a column for the record ID field and check "NT" for "Do not show".
  3. In order for the field to be linked, select "New link" under "Column settings" or "Modify link" if a link already exists.
  4. From the "Field" drop-down list, select the ID field(in this example "personid").
  5. From the "To" drop-down list, select the desired detail view. Click [Save].
    Image Removed
  6. Click [Close]. The overview query looks like this:
    Image Removed


  1. Navigate to the desired page.
  2. Add a Query content element.
  3. Select an overview query that includes a link to a detail view from the upper drop-down list:
    Image Removed

Showing the Overview with Link to Detail View


  1. .


Using a Special Page for the Detail View




Copy button

Copies the current query. The name of the copy is "Copy of <name>".

Delete button

Deletes the current query.


The name of the query that should be displayed in the selection lists.


Title that should appear above the result when the query is submitted on a page.


Select "WM query" for the presentation to use for the results of the query.


The database the query is submitted to.

Maximum number of pages

‘Page size’ x ‘Maximum number of pages’ = maximum number of records retrieved from the database.

Page size

The number of records allowed to be shown on a page.

Show column heading

Indicates whether column headings should be shown above the query result.

Show row number

Indicates whether row numbers should be shown in front of records.


Type of query: ‘Normal’, ‘Who-is-Who’, ‘Target audience’, ‘Events’, ‘Subjects’, ‘Product overview’, ‘Themes’, ‘Questions’, or ‘Documents’. Depending on the functionality present, this list can include other types as well

Modify query manually

The query can be manually entered here. Do not use SELECT *, but name the individual column headings in the SELECT clause. Enter a variable by entering a word that begins and ends with @, such as @keyword@. These variables become the parameters of the query.

[Compose advanced query] link

If the Microsoft SQL Server is used, a table with columns can be assigned using a wizard. The SELECT statement will then be generated.

[Preview] link

If the Microsoft SQL Server is used, the result of the query can be viewed. If parameters are used in the query, a pop-up window appears where these parameters can be entered.

Column settings - Order

A number that determines the sequence of the columns.

Column settings - Width

Width of the column in pixels. If no width value is entered, the browser will determine the width.

Column settings – Query field

Database field where the column gets its information.

Column settings – Column name

Text that should be shown above the column on the page (if the ‘Show column heading’ is set to ‘Yes’). If this field is left blank, the content of the ‘Query field’ will be used.

Column settings - NT

Indicates whether this column should be shown. This can be handy to still have the primary key columns available when several tables are joined.

Column settings - Null

Indicates whether a 0 should be shown if a cell in this column is empty or if the value is 0.

Column settings – 2DB

If ‘Sort’ is checked, indicate here whether the data should be sorted in the database. Otherwise, the data will be sorted in XperienCentral.

Column settings - Delete

The column can be deleted here.

New link/

Modify link

To create a hyperlink to a database page. Example of a pop-up:Image Removed

Field: Select the property from the pulldown which contains the ID to the detailed view of the object. This property always has to be of the integer type.

To: A selection can be made from the database pages that are defined in Database Maintenance.

New column button + number

Add a number of columns.

All fields button

Add as many columns as there are fields in the SELECT clause of the query.





A number that determines the sequence of the parameters and the headings.

Parameters - Parameter

The name of the parameter, as it occurs in the query, but then without the enclosing ‘at’ symbols (@).

Parameters - Description

In the case of a parameter, the name of the parameter appears here. In the case of a headline, the text of the headline appears here.

Parameters - Type

The data type of the parameter (‘Date’, ‘Integer’, or ‘Text’.)

Parameters - List

Indicates whether it is allowed to enter more values for this parameter. If this option is checked, several values can be selected on the query content element:Image Removed.

Parameters - Optional

Indicates whether this parameter is optional or required.

If a parameter has no value, XperienCentral removes the row where this parameter is used from the query. Therefore, set this type of WHERE parts in separate rows.

Parameters – Edit in element

Indicates whether the value of the parameter may be entered on the content element or whether the parameter is filled, based on the value in the query string.

Parameters – Default value

The default value of the parameter if a value is not entered.

Parameters –Add headline

Enter a new headline here. Headlines are texts that can be set on the query element between groups of parameters. This is done to enhance usability.

Connect to table/

Edit connected table

This allows connecting a parameter to a column from a table to show a list of selections on the query element.


  • Next to ’Connected table’ is the name of the table from which the selection list has to be generated.
  • The ‘Connected table ID field’ is the column that contains the unique codes of this table. This should be an integer field.
  • The ‘Connected table name field’ is the column that contains the list elements.
  • Using ‘Additional restriction’ a query can be entered without the SELECT and FROM clauses. Usually, there will only be a WHERE clause here.
  • If a pop-up is chosen, for example, the following is displayed when setting the locations on the query element:

Parameters - [Delete] button

Only present if a headline exists. Deletes the headline.
