Download and install the following software:
- Download and install the latest version of Apache Maven
- Java — See the Hardware and Software Requirements for what the supported Java version(s) are for the version of XperienCentral you plan to use.
- 7zip (Optional - Windows Explorer is able to read and unpack ZIP files since Windows 10)
- Node.js (Only required when building/installing XperienCentral from the source code)
- NPM (Only required when building/installing XperienCentral R45 and higher)
Install one of the following databases:
- MSSQL database Express edition (latest version)
- MySQL 5.7 — See the Hardware and Software Requirements for what the supported database version(s) are for the version of XperienCentral you plan to use. Perform the configuration steps described in Preparing XperienCentral#CreatingtheDatabase(s)
- I noticed the following issue when trying to install MySQL 5.7.44 (included MySQL installer and didn't solve it (moved to mssql)
- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/340192/failure-to-initialise-mysql-server-5-7-due-to-mysqlx-port-0-0
- Oracle 12 — See the Hardware and Software Requirements for what the supported database version(s) are for the version of XperienCentral you plan to use. Perform the configuration steps described in Preparing XperienCentral#CreatingtheDatabase(s)
- Node.js
- NPM (XperienCentral versions R45 and higher)7zip
Check the System Settings