Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Rich text is text that is directly typed onto a page, page section, or article. Rich text is not part of a content element. It can be added anywhere, also between content elements. The rich text that you enter in the Editor can be formatted using standard formatting such as bold, italic, and so forth, and you can also select HTML tags such as "Heading 1", "Heading 2" and so forth. XperienCentral can also contain custom styling options that you can apply to rich text.

To enter rich text in the Editor:

  1. Double-click in the body of the content item in the Editor or hover the mouse over the title of the page in the Workspace until the Title Bar appears and then click [Edit]:

    The Editor is now active: The Editor formatting options and the Insert menu now appear along the top of the Editor.

  2. Click on the part of the content item where you want to add rich text. This can be anywhere on the content item — in existing rich text, on a blank spot, and between elements.
  3. Type the text you want to add or modify the text you want to change or delete. You can use the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strike-through formatting as well as the HTML formatting from the drop-down list in the upper left part of the Editor menu:
    Image Removed

    Image Added

    When you select HTML formatting from the drop-down list, it will be applied to the entire continuous text that is not separated by a hard return. For information on what the other toolbar buttons do, hover the mouse over it to see the tooltip.

    Custom Styling Options

    If your XperienCentral project contains custom styling options, they are available under the "Default" drop-down:
    Image Removed

    Image Added

    Custom styling will be applied to the entire continuous text that is not separated by a hard return.

  4. When you are finished adding or modifying the rich text, click [Save].


All text formatted with a heading tag (Heading 1 through Heading 6) is also marked as an anchor. You can use the Heading Overview content element to add a clickable list of headings present in a content item. If you want to look up the URL for a heading anchor in order to be able to link directly to it from another content item, follow these steps:
