This URI is not a website URL, but it specifies the tag library to be used. In XperienCentral’s web.xml
, the URI tag library is mapped to the real location of the TLD path. In a default installation this would be C:\GX\XperienCentral\Webmanager-webapps\Webmanager<xperiencentral-root>/webmanager-webapps/webmanager-backend-webapp\/target\Webmanager/webmanager-backend-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT\/WEB-INF\/wm\/tld
. The prefix (in this case "c") determines the tag name preceding the colon of a request. The JSTL core functions offer, among other things, the possibility for iteration. An example:
To gain access to Java methods, the presentationcontext
(all in lower caselowercase), is added to the request. This object can be requested in the JSP using Expression Language (EL). For example:
Because the JSP and XperienCentral API also connect to other XperienCentral modules, for example the caching mechanism, it is important to learn more about what you should and shouldn’t do while working with JSPs. If you neglect this the performance of your site may be significantly slower because the caching or personalization mechanisms cannot do not perform well with the JSPs.
The XML file has the same name as the JSP but with the extension .xml
. XperienCentral uses the scope (in the example above TextElement
) to categorize all the design templates. The scope names determine for which part in XperienCentral the design template is intended. All (known) scope names can be viewed in the scope design template pull-down list on the [Design templates]
tab from the Configuration > Design Template menu panel.
It is possible to define several design template descriptors for the same element. If more than one design template descriptor is defined, for an element, for example, a drop-down for selecting one of the design templates for the element appears automatically in XperienCentral. The names of the design templates, as defined in the descriptors (the display name), appears in the drop-down list. This gives editors of the website the possibility to choose from various design templates of every element (provided that there is more than one design template available). For example: