- Navigate to the page in the navigation tree or to the content item in the Content Repository whose active friendly URL you want to release.
- Rename the title (URL, navigation or page) that is responsible for the claim on the friendly URL to something else.
- Navigate to File > Properties > URL titles.
- Follow the steps for deleting claimed friendly URLs as described in the section " Deleting a URL From a Page or Media Item's URL History". The friendly URL is now released and can be used by another page or content item.
- Navigate to the page in the navigation tree or to the content item in the Content Repository whose active friendly URL you want to release.
- Click the Actions button and select "Edit Properties".
- Click the [SEO] tab.
- Follow the steps for deleting claimed friendly URLs as described in " Deleting a URL From a Page or Media Item's URL History". The friendly URL is now released and can be used by another page or content item.