- Select the form/form section from the "Forms" or "Form Sections" tree.
- Click the "Version x of y" link above the "Properties" pane.
Click the checkbox next to the version or versions of the form you want to delete.
Note You cannot select the currently active version of a form.
- Click [Delete]. The version is deleted.
- To select all versions (except the active one), click the checkbox next to "Name". This selects all versions except the currently active one.
- Click [Delete].
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Just as with pages and page sections, you can maintain forms/form sections in more than one language. This makes it possible to quickly and easily create a form/form section and then present it in multiple languages. When you create a form, you must select a language for the form. For each of the supported languages, the form also exists, however, when you first switch to a different language version of a form, the form elements have blank labels as does the form itself. Unlike pages and page sections, different language versions of a form always have the exact same form element structure and content. The only difference between language versions of a form are the language labels that appear above each form element. For example: