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Personalization VariantsPersonalizing content is achieved by adding personalization variants to content. A personalization variant determines the conditions for showing personalized content and what that content is. Personalization variants can be nested within each other as well as stacked. Nested PersonalizationsPersonalizations nested within each other can be visualized as follows:
When a personalization variant is nested within another, the content will not be shown unless the outer personalization variant is triggered. In the example above, personalization variant B cannot be triggered unless personalization variant A is triggered. Likewise, personalization variant C cannot be triggered unless both A and B are.
Stacked PersonalizationsStacked personalizations can be visualized as follows:
As you can see, the stacked personalization variants all occupy the same location on the content item. When you stack personalization variants, only one can be triggered depending on the conditions. You determine the order in which personalization variants are evaluated and triggered. This allows you to be able to show a variety of targeted content in the same location.
Definining Personalization Variants
To personalize content, follow these steps:
Color CodingXperienCentral uses color coding to indicate that content has one or more personalization assigned to it. Once a color has been assigned to a personalization, then that same color is used for that personalization everywhere it is used in the web initiative. For example, if you create a personalization named "Is Logged In" and XperienCentral assigns it to appear green, then from that point on, "Is Logged In" will always appear green wherever it is used and no other personalization can be assigned to green. Personalizations are managed by your application manager. Contact him or her for complete information on which personalizations are available for use.
Multiple PersonalizationsYou can assign more than one personalization to the same content. When you do so, you have the option of defining whether there is an "AND" or "OR" relationship between the personalizations. When "AND" (all) is defined, the content will only be displayed when all personalizations are matched. When "OR" (any) is defined, the visitor will see the content when they match any of the assigned personalizations. To assign multiple personalizations to content, follow these steps:
Editing Personalization AssignmentsTo modify the personalization(s) assigned to content, follow these steps:
Removing a PersonalizationTo remove a personalization from content, follow these steps: