- Navigate to Configuration > Authorization and click the [Users] tab.
- Click [Create new user]. A user called "New user" is added to the list.
- Enter the login name of the new user in the "Login" field. This is the name that will appear in the upper right corner of the Workspace for the user.
- Enter the password for the new user. For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you create a strong password. A strong password has all of the following characteristics:
- Is at least 8 characters long.
- Is significantly different than the previous passwords used by this user.
- Contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
- No string of letters spells out a word that appears in the dictionary of the language of the user.
- Contains one or more numbers, but the numbers do not represent anything associated with the user such as their birthdate, age, house address, and so forth.
- Contains one or more special characters. A special character is anything that is not a letter or a number or a space.
- Does not contain any string of letters that spell the user's first or last name, their company name, their job description, their nickname, or any other word that could be associated with them personally.
When you type the new password into the field, the "Password Strength" field indicates the strength of their password using different colors. The following colors are used to indicate the password's strength:- Red — The password is extremely weak.
- Yellow — The password is moderately weak.
- Blue — The password is good.
Green — The password is strong.
Note For security reasons, if you create/modify a user's password, the first time that they log in to XperienCentral after the modification, they must change their password. The only exception to this rule is when you change your own password.
- Enter the new user's first name in the "First Name" field.
- Enter the new user's last name in the "Last Name" field.
- Enter the new user's e-mail address in the "E-Mail Address" field,
- Select the method(s) that the user is allowed to use to log in to XperienCentral. The options are:
- Password-based access — The user may log in from the XperienCentral login screen.
- Application key-based access — The user may log in via the XperienCentral REST API. This is mainly used for external applications that want to access XperienCentral content. The application key is associated with a single user and it determines what permissions the external application has. When an application key is generated for the current user, this option wil be automatically added to the list of access options.
Container-based access — The user many log in from a backend container-based application.
Note This option is only available if the option
in the "website_settings" section of the General tab of the XperienCentral Setup Tool is selected.
- Select one or more roles for the user. For example:
- Click [Apply].