- Navigate to the page/article whose HTML title you want to override.
- Open the Actions > Properties > Meta keywords menu.
- In the "HTML title" box, enter the text that you want to display in the title bar of the browser for the page/article.
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For web pages, you can specify an alternate URL path that is used in the active friendly URL. This allows you to reference the web page via a path that does not necessarily exist in your website's navigation structure. Just as the friendly URL for a page is constructed using the relative path (based on the navigation tree) plus the title of the page, the friendly URL of a page with an alternate URL path is constructed using the alternate URL path plus the title of the page. The alternate URL path begins after the '/web' part of the friendly URL.
- Navigate to the page in the Site Structure Widget.
- Click the Actions icon.
- Click the [SEO] tab.
- In the "Alternate URL Path" text box, enter the URL to use in the friendly URL for the page. The URL path must begin with a forward slash (/) and use a forward slash to separate each level.
- Click
and then[Close]
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A limited set of characters is allowed in a URL. When you create a new item, its friendly URL title is standardized, meaning that the text entered for the title is simplified if it contains illegal characters in order to ensure that the URL is valid. When standardizing a URL, XperienCentral applies the following rules:
For a complete list of character mapping conversions that result from URL standardization, see Special Character Conversion Table.
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The friendly URL of pages and content items is based on its designated title (URL title, navigation title, or the title of the page or content item). When an item is first created, it is assigned a friendly URL, also known as the active friendly URL. If a page is moved or renamed, the active friendly URL also changes, however, the previously active friendly URL is still claimed by the item.