- Navigate to Configuration > External Applications.
- Click the "External Applications" tab.
- Select <New application> from the drop-down list next to "Application".
- Enter a name for the new application in the text field next to "Name". This is the name of the application as it appears in the drop-down list in the External Application content element. For example:
- Select a filter to add to the external application from the "Add filter" drop-down list.
- Define the fields for the filter(s) that you add. See Filters for an explanation of the properties that must be defined for the default XperienCentral filters.
- Click [Apply]. The filter is added. If you add more than one filter, they will be applied to the external application in the order in which they appear. To change the order of the filters, select a new value from the drop-down list to change the order. For example: