The XperienCentral Performance Dashboard provides detailed information about how the parts of XperienCentral's infrastructure are functioning. Because XperienCentral is a complex system, the interaction between many different sub-systems and configuration options has a direct impact on how it performs. Using the Performance Dashboard, system administrators, developers, and application managers can quickly identify problems and then make the necessary configuration changes to ensure that XperienCentral performs optimally. The Performance Dashboard measures the speed and response time of page requests and internal queries as well as other settings that affect how XperienCentral runs and rates the results according to the optimal expected results.
Indicator | Description |
Debugging options | Specifies the status of the XperienCentral debug options. If any debug option is enabled, the status is red. |
Log level | Specifies the level of logging that is currently set for XperienCentral. Logging can be enabled for the following system functionality:
- XperienCentral
- Jackrabbit
- Spring framework
- Quartz
What you log for each and how many of these functionalities you enable logging for can directly affect XperienCentral performance. |
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