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  1. Select the size of the "Search" box in pixels.
  2. Select whether to restrict the search to pages that are on the same level as the page on which the Search element has been added.
  3. Select whether to restrict the search to only the subpages of the page on which the Search element has been added.
  4. Select where to display the search results. If you select "Yes", the results will be shown on the page containing the Search element. If you select "No" and then click [Apply], you can then select the page on which to display the results.


    On most websites the Search element is not placed on one or more pages but rather on a central page section. This is a better solution because you only have to do it once and can centrally manage the Search element.


Search Results Page

The default search results are displayed with the following basic set of information:


  1. Navigate to the page.
  2. Click [Edit] in the Properties widget.
  3. Click [SEO].
  4. Enter the keyword in the "Meta Keywords" field. If you enter multiple keywords, separate them with a comma (no space).
  5. Click [Save].





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Search Tips

Any user can have a hard time searching for information by using a search engine. Even when the website is indexed correctly and everything is working, visitors sometimes have problems to find the right information. It can help to display a set of search tips on the page that contains the search element. Some search tips that help to narrow down the search results:

  • A search query that contains several search terms that have to be found as a combination can be included in double quotes (“”). This will return results that contain the exact string. For example “Technical University Eindhoven” will only return results that contain this string and not just pages about ‘Technical’, ‘University’ or ‘Eindhoven’.
  • Put ‘+’ in front of search terms that must be included. Especially in queries that contain multiple search terms it can occur that search results are returned that contain one of the search terms, and not all. Using the + symbol ensures that at least that search term is included.
  • Put ‘—’ in front of search terms that must be excluded.
  • Add the wildcard symbol ‘*’ to get search results for that search term plus all variations that start with the search term. For example when searching for ‘shop*’ there could be results that contain ‘shop’, ’shopping’, ’shops’, ’shop-a-holic’, but not ‘bishop’ or ’pawnshop’. The wildcard symbol can only be used after the search string and not before the search term. For example ‘shop*’ is allowed, ‘*shop’ is not allowed.









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