- YouTube - full URLs are supported but the "youtu.be" domain, also referred to as a "short link", is not.
- Vimeo
- Dailymotion
- Hulu
- Vine
- Flickr
- SlideShare
- Spotify
- SoundCloud
- Ted (talks)
- Scribd
You can link directly to an anchor from other content items. This is useful if you want a visitor to be able to link directly to a heading within another content item instead of landing at the top of the linked content item. See Headings as Anchors for complete information.
Each hyperlink created in a content item is automatically assigned an internal link code. The mapping between the target content item/URL and the link code assigned to it applies to the current content item only. The naming pattern of link codes is "C0x" where "x" begins at 1 and increases by 1 (C01, C02, C03, and so forth) for each new link added to the current content item. The naming pattern is the same for all content items which means that the first link created in Content Item A, for example, is assigned the link code "C01" and the first link created in Content Item B is also "C01". You are not tied to the default naming convention and can rename them in the Links tab of the Properties panel. The reason for a link code is that it can be assigned to the content elements Image, List and Table which makes the entire content element itself a link. In XperienCentral versions R37 and higher, link codes can also be used in the Content Overview and Dynamic Content Overview content elements. You can see the available link codes/target URLs on the Links tab of the Properties panel.
XperienCentral automatically assigns a link code to each link you add to a content item. However, it is also possible to manually add a link code and target URL manually. This is for cases when you want to assign a link code to a content element but the link does not exist anywhere else in the content item. To manually add a link code, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Links tab of the Properties panel.
- Click [Add Link].
- Select the link behavior from the "Link Behavior" drop-down.
- Select the target for the link: other content on this website ("Content") or an external URL ("Web").
- If the link is of type "Content", enter a full or partial string in the "Search" field and then select the target content. To select a page from the page tree, click the page tree icon.
- If the link is of type "Web", enter the full target URL in the "Suffix" field.
- Click [Save]. The new link code is added.
Using Link Codes in the Content Overview and Dynamic Content Overview Elements
See Content Overview and Dynamic Content Overview for complete information.
It is possible to make specific parts of some content elements into hyperlinks. See Content Element Actions Menu for complete information.