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On the Basic tab, standard metadata for a content item can be viewed/modified.

The title to use . For complete information on friendly URLs, see Friendly URLs
Title (moved to SEO tab in R38)The title of the content item. This is the string that appears in the title in the Editor. URL TitleTitle can be used in the friendly URL if your SEO settings are configured for it. Ask your Application Manager if your site is set up to use Title in the friendly URL.
Navigation TitleFor web pages, you can specify a navigation title that differs from the title of the page. The navigation title appears in the website navigation in both the frontend and in the Workspace. Navigation Title can be used in the friendly URL if your SEO settings are configured for it. Ask your Application Manager if your site is set up to use Navigation Title in the friendly URL.
Publication Date

The date and time the Publication Status of the content item was or will be Active or Planned, depending on the Workflow status. By default, the Publication Date and time is the moment that the content item was created. At the same time, the default Workflow Status is Planned which means that the default Publication Status of a newly created content item is "Inactive". This prevents a newly created content item from being immediately visible.

If you change the Publication Date for a content item to a future time while its Workflow Status is set to "Published", the Publication Status changes from "Inactive" to "Planned". When the current date and time reaches a content item's Publication Date, the Publication Status transitions from "Planned" to "Active".

Expiration DateThe date the content item expired or will expire. By default, a content item has no expiration date assigned to it. You must manually configure the expiration date for a content item.
Include in Search Engine (moved to SEO tab in R38)Specifies whether to include the content from this content item in the search engine index.
TagsThe tag(s) that are assigned to the item. The "Tags" field is only available for a page when it is saved in the Content Repository. Before you can add a tag to a content item, it must exist. See Tags for information on creating tags.
LanguageThe language version of the item.
Display OnThe page on which the item is displayed.
Database linkItems in the Content Repository can be linked to a database. For example, an article over a product can be linked to a "Products" database. Click [Add reference] and search for the database that you want to reference.
External Source IDThe identifier of the external source that contains the content or item.
CopyrightIf the content item is protected by copyright, enter the copyright statement here.
Alternative TextEnter a description of the image for visitors who are unable to view it.
AuthorFor Downloads, you can add information about the author of the content contained therein.
DateFor Downloads, you can specify the date that the content contained therein was published.
VersionFor Downloads, you can specify a version number.
PersonalizationThe personalization(s) assigned to this item.
FileDrag a file to this field to add it to a Download element.
Size ModelThe size model used by this image.
ImageDrag an image file to this field to add it to an Image element/content item.
DurationFor Multimedia items, this is how long the film or clip lasts.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


titleXperienCentral versions R38 and higher

URL Options
Alternative Path

For web pages, you can specify an alternate URL path that is used in the active friendly URL. This allows you to reference the web page via a path that does not necessarily exist in your website's navigation structure. Just as the friendly URL for a page is constructed using the relative path (based on the navigation tree) plus the title of the page, the friendly URL of a page with an alternate URL path is constructed using the alternate URL path plus the title of the page. The alternate URL path begins after the '/web' part of the friendly URL. To add an alternate path, enter a string in the "Alternative Path" text field.

URL Title

The title to use in the friendly URL. For complete information on friendly URLs, see Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly URLs. The URL Title will only be used in the friendly URL if your SEO settings are configured for it. Ask your Application Manager if your site is set up to use a URL Title.

Search Engine
Include in Search Engine

Specifies whether to allow search engines to include content from this content item in search results.

Meta Keywords

A website can contain metadata keywords related to its content. These keywords are invisible to website visitors but they can be recognized and processed by search engines. The metadata consists of a list of keywords related to the content of the website. There is disagreement about the usefulness of metadata keywords: Some in the industry believe that search engines tend to ignore the keywords and look at the actual content of the website instead. Nevertheless, you can add metadata keywords in XperienCentral that are applied at the website level as well as at the page level.

To add keywords that will only be used on the current page, select "Use own keywords for this article" and type the keywords, separated by commas, in the text field. When finished, click [Apply].

Meta Title

By default, XperienCentral shows the title of the content item that appears in the <title> HTML tag. If you want to override the default title, you can do so by adding a different title that will be used for the content item. To override the title of a content item, enter a string in the "Meta Title" text field. For optimal results in search engines, GX recommends a maximum of 60 characters for a Meta Title.

Meta Description

A content item can have a meta description that summarizes the content item. This information does not appear on the content item itself but can be recognized and processed by a search engine. In the search results, the search engine displays the first 25 or so words (depending on the search engine) of the description below the clickable link to the content item. For best results, the summary should be as direct and concise as possible. To add a Meta Description, enter the text in the Meta Description text field and then click [Apply]. For optimal results in search engines, GX recommends a maximum of 160 characters for a Meta Description.


When upgrading to XperienCentral versions 10.13.0 and higher, the text in the "Lead" field (Lead & Interaction), if any, is duplicated in the Meta Description field.

Google Sitemap
Update Frequency

Specifies how often Google Sitemap updates the index for the content item. Select the update frequency from the drop-down list.


Defines the page's Google Sitemap priority. Select the priority from the drop-down list.

URL Options
Alternative URL


The Alternative URL setting was introduced in XperienCentral version R29.

For web pages, you can create an alternative URL that directly links to that page. A web page can have multiple alternative URLs. The advantage of an alternative URL is that you can make it whatever you want as long as it's unique and the link will lead directly to that page. Note that when a visitor follows the alternative link to the page, they will see the main friendly URL in the Address field of their browser and not the alternative friendly URL.

To add an alternative friendly URL, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a string in the "Add Alternative URL" text field.
  2. (XperienCentral versions R38 and higher) Select "Canonical" if you want the Alternative URL to be canonical. Only one URL can be designated as the canonical URL. If another URL is already claiming the canonical designation, you must first delete it before you can define another URL as canonical.

    titleRetrieving the canonical url from a JSP: code implementation

    For pages:

    Code Block
    <wm:callService var="canonicalURL" serviceName="" methodName="getCanonicalURL">
        <wm:argument type="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PageVersion" value="${presentationcontext.pageVersion}" />

    For mediaItems:

    Code Block
    <wm:callService var="canonicalURL" serviceName="" methodName="getCanonicalURL">
        <wm:argument type="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PageVersion" value="${presentationcontext.mediaitem.current}" />

    Or both:

    Code Block
    <c:set var="canonicaURL" value=""/>
        <c:when test="${not empty presentationContext.mediaItem}">
            <wm:callService var="canonicalURL" serviceName="" methodName="getCanonicalURL"> <wm:argument type="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PageVersion" value="${presentationcontext.mediaitem.current}" /> </wm:callService> 
            <wm:callService var="canonicalURL" serviceName="" methodName="getCanonicalURL"> <wm:argument type="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.core.PageVersion" value="${presentationcontext.pageVersion}" /> </wm:callService> 

  3. Click [Save]. The Alternative URL will be added and it will appear next to "This page is also available at URLs". Note that alternative friendly URLs will be standardized just as all other friendly URLs are and that is what you will see in the Alternative URLs list.

To delete an alternative friendly URL, select the "Delete" checkbox to the right of it and then click [Save].

URLs used by active versions

Lists the friendly URLs that the active versions of this page uses.

URLs from inactive versions

Lists the friendly URLs that the inactive versions of this page uses.

This page is also available at URLsLists all the URLs where this page is also available.

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