To save a web page in the Content Repository (create a " media page"), follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page.
- Hover the mouse over the title of the page and click the [Actions] button.
- Point the mouse to "More Actions". The extra actions appear.
- Select "Save to in Content Repository" from the list. A " media page " for the web page is created in the Content Repository.
When a web page has been saved in the Content Repository, this option is available for editing the properties of the " media page". To edit the " media page " for a web page saved in the Content Repository, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the page that you want to edit in the Content Repository.
- Hover the mouse over the title of the page and click the [Actions] button.
- Point the mouse to "More Actions". The extra actions appear.
- Select "Edit in Content Repository".
- Hover the mouse over the title of the media page and click the [Actions] button.
- Select "Edit Properties". The properties for the " media page " appear.
- Modify the properties for the " media page". Click [Save] and then [Close].