Property | Description |
Title | The title of the content item. This is the string that appears in the title in the Editor. |
URL Title | The title to use in the friendly URL. For complete information on friendly URLs, see Search Engine Optimization (SEO). |
Navigation Title | For web pages, you can specify a navigation title that differs from the title of the page. The navigation title appears in the website navigation in both the frontend and in the Workspace. |
Publication Date | The date the content item was or will be published. |
Expiration Date | The date the content item expired or will expire. |
Include in Search Engine | Specifies whether to include the content from this content item in the search engine index. |
Tags | The tag(s) that are assigned to the item. The "Tags" field is only available for a page when it is saved in the Content Repository. Before you can add a tag to a content item, it must exist. See Tags for information on creating tags. |
Language | The language version of the item. |
Display On | The page on which the item is displayed. |
Database link | |
External Source ID | |
Copyright | |
Alternative Text | |
Author | |
Date | |
Version | |
Personalization | |
File | |
Size Model |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)