- Unique -
wmamodularcontent0[template identifier]0[property identifier]
- Combined -
wmamodularcontent0[property identifier]
Modular Content Template Configuration
The name of the modular content template is "Products". It has one property "Brand" and the "Search index" type is set to "Unique with facet".
Modular Content Type Product Definition
Create 2 Product Content Types
A modular content type named "Products" is created that uses the modular content template "Products".
Create two "Product" Content Items
Select "Products" from the Create Content Widget.
Properties for Minolta Product
One "Products" content item named "Minolta 10x40 Binoculars" is created and it has "Minolta" as its value for the "Brand" property (search facet).
Properties for Pentax Product
The other "Products" content item named "Pentax Classic Wide Field" is created and it has "Pentax" as its value for the "Brand" property (search facet).
Result in Advanced Search