Versions Compared


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  1. Make sure one of the supported databases is installed. It is most easy to use MySQL or MSSQL.
  2. Create a folder for the XperienCentral installation, for example C:\GX\XperienCentral\. This folder will be used as an example in all the instructions underneath.
  3. Unzip the XperienCentral release zip file in this folder.
  4. Open the settings.xml and modify it according to your local settings:
    1. At ActiveProfiles, change the externaldb profile and the jcr-standalone .  When you use MSSQL the defaults can be used. For MYSQL change this to externaldb-mysql and jcr-standalone-mysql. Do the same for Oracle.

    2. Change the webmanager.project.basedir to (C:\GX\XperienCentral, in this example).


      You must use either forward slashes in the pathname or double backslashes (C:/GX/XperienCentral-mywebsite or C:\\XperienCentral/XperienCentral-mywebsite).

    3. Check the properties beneath the header <!-- webapp settings -->. By default don't change them.
    4. Check the database settings and adjust the following properties for externaldb and jcr-standalone.:
      1. dbport
      2. dbuser  
      3. dbpassword
      4. Optional: dbname  
    5. Change localRepository from a relative path to an absolute path.

  5. Create a file named cleaninstall.bat in the root of XperienCentral release folder C:\GX\XperienCentral and add the following commands:
    1. The command to create-mssql-db , should be replaced when using MySqL or Oracle.

      rmdir apache-tomcat-8.5.14 31 /s /q
      7z x ext\
      rmdir /Q /S C:\GX\XperienCentral\work\
      call mvn -s settings.xml -P build-project
      call mvn -s settings.xml -P create-mssql-db
      call mvn -s settings.xml -P configure-jcr-repository
      call mvn -s settings.xml -P configure-tomcat

  6. Reboot your PC to make sure the environment variables are set and the database is started. 
  7. Double-click C:\GX\XperienCentral\cleaninstall.bat (XperienCentral is now built) and follow the progress, you can adjust the Command Prompt properties to have more Screen size and buffer.
  8. You should see four "Build Success" messages in the Command prompt. Wait for the message Press a key… to appear -  XperienCentral is now successfully installed.


You run XperienCentral by executing the following file:  C:\GX\XperienCentral\apache-tomcat-8.5.1431\bin\startup.bat. Wait until you see the message INFO: XperienCentral started successfully in X ms in the Tomcat log window; XperienCentral is now fully operational. The backend of XperienCentral is available at:


You stop XperienCentral by executing the following file:  C:\GX\XperienCentral\apache-tomcat-8.5.1431\bin\shutdown.bat

See Logging in to XperienCentral for complete information on logging in.


  1. Stop Tomcat, .\apache-tomcat-8.5.1431\bin\shutdown.bat 
  2. Double-click C:\GX\XperienCentral\cleaninstall.bat.
